Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 7 Mar 1973, p. 19

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b 1 EJ 'HIRE « BUY * SELL. Work Wanted SNOWPLOWING 985-3579 3--Feh.28 - DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly ® NOTICE eo Rug & Upholstery Cleaning The new dry foam way. Phone 985-7704 8---Mar.21 SNOW PLOWING Phone 985-7369 * 2--Jan.24 For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C -66 Ontario, this 9th day February, 1973. KELLY, JERMYN. .. DONALD & THOMAS Barristers and Solicitors Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3--Feb.28 Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of Clarence Milton Heard, Deceased Dead or Crippled Farm Stock FURNITURE STRIPPING & refinishing Chair 'caneing. WANTED - anything antique, old or collectable. Phone 985-7057 after 5 p.m. T.F. BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY Re-Upholstery and Repairs to _... all types of Furniture. Upholstery fabrics & supplies AUSTIN BARTLEY 'Phone 986.4731 Picked Up Promptly. Telephone Collect HAMPTON 416-263-2721 (24 hr. service) (now under new management)' MARGWILL FUR FARM R.R.5 Bowmanville Licence No. 364-C-72 All persons having claims against the Estate of Clarence Milton Heard, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Gentleman, who died on or about the 28th day of Janu- ary, 1973, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of March, 1973, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- Notice to Creditors gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate MISTER T.V. TOWERS$ 378 King St. W., Oshawa 723.9525 T.V. Towers, Sales, Service and Installation Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black & white also Repairs Open 9 - 9 of Arthur Leith Byers, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of ARTHUR LEITH BYERS. late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Retired Gentleman, who died on or about the 2nd day of February, 1973, McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING & FABRIC SALES Wide choice of fine quality fabrics, at re- duced prices. All workmanship guaranteed Call 985-3513 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 14th day of March, 1973, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry. Real Estate Ontario, this 12th day of February, 1973. 'KELLY, JERMYN, Che Mouse of Homa OHN RIEGER Waterfront Cottage Carnegie's Beach - 3 year old 3 bedroom furnished cottage, broadloomed. beam- ed ceiling, complete bath- room, many extras. Very clean. 'A-pleasure to show. Full price $23,000. Waterfront Cottage McLaren's Beach - 3 bed- room cottage, some furni- ture. Needs some repairs. On a large treed lot. Full price $17,000 with terms. Port Perry $5,000 or $6000 down -- new 3 bedroom brick bunga- low with sliding glass doors from dining room to balcony, full basement, has many ex- tras, ample cupboard space and closets. e this pro- perty today. Full price $31.500. "Vacant Land DONALD & THOMAS Barristers and Solicitors Box 131, Port Perry. Ont. Solicitors for the above §--Feb.28 DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 13th day of February, 1973. KELLY, JERMYN. DONALD & THOMAS Barristers and Solicitors Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3--Feb.28 Estate oo of "hitch), Auction Sales REG. and LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS (20 yrs. Experience) LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE SALES Ph. Sunderland (705) 357-3270 Estate WALKER - LIPTAY LTD. ® AUCTIONEERS eo LIVESTOCK - ESTATES BLOOD HORSES For Bookings or Information Contact Steve Liptay, Hampton 263-2117 Bill Walker, Markham 294-4970 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of Francis Alvin Bruce, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of FRAN- CIS ALVIN BRUCE,, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Re- tired Gentleman, who died on or about the 8th day of January, 1973, are hereby notified to send to the under- THURSDAY, MARCH 1st COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL Twilight Auction Sale of VILLE SALES BARN, includ- ing fresh and springing cows, heifers, open heifers, bulls, purebred and grade. Consign early. Frank Bennett 887- 5570 or Norm Faulkner 630- dairy type cattle at STOUFF-|" signed on or before the 14th day of March, 1973, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 9th day of February, 1973. KELLY, JERMYN, DONALD & THOMAS Barristers and Solicitors Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3--Feb.28 Estate 12 miles north of Port Perry, 94 acres, 15 acres cleared. Frontage on both roads, 1500' water frontage. Roads open year round. Full price $35,000 with terms. Vacant Land Starting at various sizes. Anywhere from 1 acre - 1% acres - cottage building lots - lots for permanent homes. Call for further information. Uxbridge Area 40 acres vacant land, all workable, pond site. Excel lent for that country retreat home. Pult-price $40,000 with terms. : Call Anytime agin HOPKINS 5 or 668-8848 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of William Clifford Sonley, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of WIL- LIAM CLIFFORD SONLEY. late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, who died on or about the 31st day of January, 1973. are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 14th day of March, 1973, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said de- ceased will 'be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlv to claims of which they shall, then have notice. 3813. Sale time 7:30 p.m. 2--Feb.28 SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd at 11:00 a.m. QUALITY ANTIQUE Auction being held at "HERONGATE COUNTRY ACTIONS" - lo- cated 4 miles north of Rouge Hill on Altona Road (off #2 Highway) or 1 mile south of Whitevale. Featuring in part: Cranberry pitcher, Cranberry sugar, Galle Glass, 'Nailsea rolling pin, Bohemian vases, Rosenthal and Austrian Tea- sets, biscuit barrels, blue china dinner set, toilet sets and other collectable glass and china; 5 pc. silver teaset (elegant), copper pots and bedwarmer, cylinder record player, cylinder records, ships' compasses, shotguns, swords, bayonet (dated); cof- fee mills, whiskey barrels, blue flowered crock, hanging lamp, ship's lamp, etc. Ja- ques & Hayes bedroom set (refinished), Victorian chairs, pine furniture including chests of drawers, blanket box, dough box, washstands, etc.; Spinning wheel, cow yoke, cupboards, marble top- ped washstand, kitchen chairs rocker, wall clock and many other interesting and unusual items, Auctioneers Note: This is another fine offering of Antique and collectable items, with nearly 300 lots. Preview Friday 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Terms Cash. No Re- serve. : HENRY KAHN AUCTION SERVICES Ph. (416) 668-61 DATED at Port Perry, or 294-0426. BUY «SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * =I 1 JC GIASSIAED ADS GET RESU RENT EAA Le dil LL = = [Wh = TH I Work Wanted THURSDAY, MARCH 1st at 12:30 p.m. Holstein, Machinery, Furniture Sudden Sale due to illness. Complete farm auction in- cluding 46 holstein cattle, 24 registered, 22 grade, 23 cow", 23 bred and open heifers and calves. All from popular unit sires. Grades identified for at least 2 generations. Machinery: M-F 135 tractor, diesel tractor complete multi- power with multi-quick load er, (this tractor is in excel lent condition, only 500 hrs.}, M-F Baler #10. M-F 3 fur- row plough, M-F cultivator, M-F mower 7 ft. Lely rake (wheel) Vicon vari spreader (new), J.D. tractor blade (above implements all 3 pt. M-F #18 manure spreader, Int. seed drill, Mar tin 8 ton wagon and rack (new), chain harrows, Patz silo unloader, milking equip- ment, 5 h.p. garden tiller (new). : Feed: 25 ft. corn silage, 2700 bales hay, 500 bales straw, quantity of mixed grain. Furniture and Antiques: 1933 Chev. coach car, Moore trea- surer cook stove, old wall telephone, baby's wicker cra- dle, butter bowl, complete coal oil lamps, 7 pe. dining "room suite, 2 Quebec heaters. Many other articles. Property of JAMES MULOCK, Lot 23, Con. 14, Brock Twp. on Brock - Thorah townline, 4 miles east of hwy. #12 at lights or 7 miles north of Manilla. Note: The sale is called on short notice due to back trouble, please plan to attend. Sale at 12:30, furni- ture and wagon load selling first. L. Wilson, W. D. Atkinson, Sales Manager and Auctioneer RENT +» SWAP «HIRE | me RITINMIRECY PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1973 -- 11 SATURDAY, MARCH 10th Farm Sold - Auction Sale Standard Bred Horses, Race Equip., Machinery, Furni- ture, Appliances, the Pro- perty of CYRIL & HOWARD SMITH, Anderson St. North, 1 mile south of Brooklin and mile north of Taunton Road. Standard Bred Horses Equipment - Race Bikes 1 Single Horse Cutter 1 #1501 International Hyraulic Loader 1 #45 International Shank Cultivator 1 #36 Three Furrow Moule Board Plow 1 #B-250 International Diesel Tractor 1 S Model Case Tractor 1 Rubber Tired Farm Wagon 1 Two Furrow Plow 2 Lawn Mowers 1 Heavy Duty Skill Saw 1 1971 Boa-Ski (20 H.P.) 1 Rotatiller Furniture - Stove - Refrig- erator - Electric Motors - Pumps - Gas Motors - Water Tank (250 Gal.). Many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale time 1.00 p.m. Lunch Available. BEN PETERS, Auctioneer 2--Mar.7 -- Vibra -- WED., MARCH 14th Clearing farm auction for STEWART TWEEDIE, farm located off Hwy. #7 (being 1% miles west of Brougham or 6 miles east of Markham). Tractors, Implements, Hol- steins (9 Fresh or due sale time), pigs, hay, straw. grain ensilage, Butcher equipment, furniture, Antiques, etc. Pile rails. Farm sold. Refresh- ments. Sale 1 p.m. ATKINSON & WILSON, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2--Mar.7 SATURDAY, MARCH 10h Complete Herd Disper. al, 60 head of Holsteins, including 20 mature milking cows (mostly dry, with most due to freshen within next few months), 4 bred heifers, 17 yearling steers, & 20 calves (various ages); also selling: Riding horse (3% years), Pony (Thoroughbred), Farm Machinery, consisting of M. F. #10 Baler (good order), M-H Seed Drill 15 disc. (all attach.); Allied elevator, Me- Cormick rake, wagon, trail er, etc. Quantity of Hay, straw, manure, lumber, hy- dro poles, some furniture, Moffat dryer and 4 burner stove, picnic tables, radio, cabinet and 1963 Chev. (for parts). and other mice. items. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a good young herd of Hol- steins, showing great "dairy qualities, for vour future re- placements. The property of JOE JANSEN, at the farm, 1 mile north of the Whitby- Pickering townline (off #7 Highway) between Brooklin and Kinsale. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. Sale at 1 p.m. HENRY KAHAN AUCTION SERVICES, Whitby 668-6189 2--Mar.7 SATURDAY, MARCH 17th Clearing farm auction for HOOVER BROS., farm locat- ed on Hwy. #48 (being 3 miles north of Markham). Extra good line of tractor implements, 65 can milk cooler. Auto Wash(2 yrs. old) (more detail later). NOTE: This is an exfra good sale, many antiques, farm in the same family since 1812. Re- freshments. Farm Sold. 2 auction rings. Sale 1 p.m. ATKINSON & WILSON. Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2--Mar.7 Calflac. A new, lower-priced nilk replac from Shur-Gain. "To meet the rising costs of milk powders, we have partially replaced them with alternative sources of protein, in order to give you high quality nutrition at a more economical price. Economical because a 50 Ib bag does exactly the same job as 500 lbs of whole milk which could be sold for between $20-$30. That's some saving. And remember, this is a top quality product containing 25% protein and 9% fat. It's medicated with 100 gms of Aureomycin and 100 gms of Terramycin per ton, which together assist in the prevention of calf scours. So don't waste any time. Go to your local Shur-Gain dealer and ask him about Calflac. You'll know it by the blue and white bag! . Wallace Marlow Co. Limited BLACKSTOCK, ONT. -- PHONE 986-4201 SHUR GAIN (IVISION canna @ rani

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