| i | | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Appointed ** Opposes Regional Government treasurer Its the ax of bigness that causes more pollution more congestion and more taxes, regional government its bigness and no matter what your M.P.P. or your municipal council tells you, vou will eventually pay more and more. "Little words are the sweetest to hear, little 'charities fly furthest and stay longest on the wing, little lakes are the stillest, little hearts are the fullest, and little farms are the best tilled, little books are read the most, and little songs the dearest loved." You will find little com- munities the most friendly. Now that the airport is coming to Pickering, our leaders seem to think with the huge assessment result- ing from large development in the area the rates will be lower and our taxes less. How much lower are they in the Malton district? Reach township has no bonded debt that I know of except through its obligation to Ontario County, and of the other municipalities who would be linked with us in regional government several are heavily in debt. There is no doubt that we will share in their obligations as well as their assets and we could very well do without either. I am not disputing the ability of our elected repre- sentatives, whom 1 believe Concerned mother asks, "Save Obstetrical Wing" The Editor, Port Perry Star, Port Perry, Ontario. Dear Sir: The Port Perry Star has always seen fit in the past to publish letters from the people of Port Perry con- cerning current problems: It has been brought to my attention that the WOMEN OF PORT PERRY do have a problem and a serious one at that. This problem centers around the rumour that the Obstetrical Wing of our Community Hospital might possibly be closed and that the expectant mothers from our area will be forced to go outside the Community to deliver their children. It would appear to this writer that Administrative people from Queens park or where- ever, have taken it upon themselves to dictate to THIS communities young women where their children MUST be born. My question President - F. DeNure; Sec.- Treasurer, Jos. Allen. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, January 23, 1958 A Service Club meeting was held at the United Church, during which Mrs. Elmer Lee presented Mrs. Bruce Beare with a life membership. Mrs. Bill Tay- lor Jr. addressed the group; then the new president, Mrs. Frank Honey, took the chair. Mr. Ray Cook, employed at the J. J. Gibson Poultry Plant was involved in an accident working on a dis- carded refrigerator unit. Ammonia gas in one of the valves exploded in his face. Maybelle Rebekah Lodge was host to members and friends at Port Perry Public School. Noble Grand Sister Grace Love presided. Sister Joan Aldred and - Sister Florence Fralick, accom- panied at the.piano by Mrs. Braham, sang a lovely duet. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, January 24, 1963 Members of the Port Perry Curling Club took part in the Muskoka International Mixed Bonspiel. Those par- ticipating included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bruton. More than 1000 fans turned out for Minor Hockey night at the Arena to see Maurice (Rocket) Richard a officiate at the games. to the people of Port Perry and area is just this. By what RIGHT do these people have to tell us where to have our children? The feeling that I get is that possibly in time These Same Administrative People, to save money or what-ever excuse they might use, will be telling all women that in order to have a child, all Women will present themselves at a designated spot in perhaps Toronto or some other large center to a BABY DELIVERY HOS- PITAL, - and all children will be born in this, if you will excuse the expression "Baby Factory'. I urge all the concerned public minded citizens to get out and write, Queens Park, MP Norm Cafik or MPP Mat Dymond, or anyone else that they feel will stop this great injustice. The people of Port Perry and area helped build our community Hospital and have always taken pride in it, and I'm sure that I speak for many when I say. SAVE PORT PERRY COMMUN- ITY HOSPITALS OBSTET- RICAL WING. Speak out let Your Voice Be Heard. Thank you in advance for printing this letter and helping to put an end to this nonsense of WHERE OUR CHILDREN WILL BE BORN. Doreen Kendall Mother and concerned for future Mothers. Twin-Counties elect Warden The new warden of the United Counties of North- umberland-Durham is J. Weston Banister, the dep- uty reeve of Hope Township. He was elected last week by a wide majority, 50 to 17, over Luther Olan, the reeve of Cavan Township. There are 45 representa- tives on the council for the United Counties and several of the reeves have two votes. Reeve Howard Quantrill of Hope Township, the first candidate to declare his intention to run for warden, withdrew for health reason. Where there is a patient with a long-term illness at home, every effort, should be made to keep the atmosphere of the home normal. St. John ibis mn suggests that the home should not be gloomy, nor should there be an air of artificial cheerfulness. are among the best in. the province, The horse and buggy days are gone forever, our little country churches are being closed very rapidly, the little red school houses practical a thing of the past. Please remember the fur- ther the control of your tax money gets away from the person who pays those taxes the more it is going to cost. | believe we are over- governed. We have too many folks telling us what to do and how it's done. In Manitoba there is no government at the county ievel and they seem to get along quite nicely without any. From the side lines Premier William Davis last week announced the appointment of the Hon- ourable John White, MPP for London South, as treasurer of Ontario and minister: of economics and intergover- mental affairs. Mr. White, who has been minister of industry and tourism since February, 1972 is succeeded by Minister without Portfolio Claude Bennett, MPP for Ottawa South. Both appointments are effective immediately. Lieu- tenant Governor W. Ross Macdonald performed the swearing-in ceremony this morning in his suite at Queen's Park. for your dollar a PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 24th, 1973 -- 5 Local Holsteins are superior producers High Point Triune Del, a purebred Holstein cow in the herd of the Smith Bros., Port Perry, Ont., has recently been awarded a Superior Production certificate by the Holstein-Friesian = associa- tion of Canada. As a seven- year old in 305 days on twice-a-day milking, Del produced 21,731 lbs. milk containing 926 lbs. fat, average lest 4.26 percent butterfat. This record has a Breed Class Average of 183 percent for milk and 211 percent for fat. Continued on test for 365 days she pro- duced 23,928 lbs. milk con- taining 1034 lbs. fat, average test 4.32 percent butterfat, HONEST VALUE tor which sne received the Superior Production certifi- cate. She is a daughter of the Excellent sire, Seiling Tri une Achilles. Morbridge Masie Ajax Leader, a purebred Holstein cow in the herd of Clifford Redman & Sons, Port Perry, Ont. has recently completed a fine Record" of Perfor- mance pr Suction test. As an eight-year-old in 305 days on twice-a-day milking, she produced 23380 lbs. milk containing 990 lbs. fat, average test 4.2 percent butterfat. This record has a Breed Class Average of 196 percent for milk and 227 percent for fat. 4," x 4" CERAMIC TILES NTK Series Sale price C sq. ft. UNDER LIGHT Reg. $9.95 speci Florescent COUNTER Bl FLINTKOTE [ll FLOOR TILE $ A 9% |... Sa Price read NET Soltain or law or or dame concrete Keep a bag handy in trunk or ' 6' starter KITCHEN CABINETS Reg. $240.00 COMING SOON: A new line of Kitchen Cabinets winter Contains no salt - will not corrode or damage concrete or lawns! "E> mma 10 1b. $1.49 en 20 0. $2.99 cme 40 Ib. $4.99 clearing at ...... section THREE STAR Washer SOLVENT | 985-73N - el~stick Latte tile '199 Windshield 2 2 each . 03 i '& LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER 235 WAITER ST. - PORT PERRY ET hein Mae Ee) Ca Og vs