a: AE Saw ly ay SRR lod 2% --- a 7 rr d 0.0 AON no 10 aa TEN Ed Noa FARE LE SPAN EI DME Ts SR CY BOB KENNY Reeve, Village of Port Perry "I am happy to see Port Perry has been included in a regional "umbrella" which also embraces the industrial area to our south. More revenue will be made available from the assessment of such industries." "I feel that municipal officials in the past have been called upon to make too many decisions. This will no longer be the case. There is one point I am not happy with; the. area municipality will possess a 5 man council. This is too small a council for such a large area. (Our area is the largest, square-mile wise, of the nine.) It is quite possible one of the four "members" (Port Perry, Reach, Scugog, Cartwright) will not be represented on the area council as things stand now." ""To remedy this situation, I suggest a 7 man council for our area. To guarantee a representative for each "member, perhaps we could set up wards. We might make two wards in Reach, two in Cartwright, two in Port Perry, and one in Scugog. One area council representative would be selected from each ward; seven members in all." ART CATTON Reeve, Reac + Township : "Our proposed area council (representing Port Perry, Reach, Scugog, and Cartwright) will have five members. This is not enough. Our area, in square miles, is just too large. Uxbridge, a township with a population of roughly 7,000, also has five members. So our combined population of over 9,000 should have more than five members for adequate representation. It is important that our four municipalities get together quickly in the new year and decide on priorities. The provincial government has allotted us. "bargaining time". It is absolutely necessary that we decide how many council members we want so we can discuss it when the time comes." "The recent regional government announcement was made because the municipalities have been able in the past to get their heads together on certain vital questions of common interest. The present stalemated "water" talks between Reach and Port Perry is a perfect example. Before the announcement was made the municipalities had ample opportunity for cooperation. But someone always has to be in charge. Someone always has to take over. Talks often break down. I guess its human nature asserting itself." I suggest that we opt for a nine-man council. Reach township should have 3 council members since it contains one-third of the area's population. The remainder of the council could be constructed as follows; 2 members from Port Perry, 2 members from Cartwright and Scugog townships combined, one mayor, and one regional councillor." "I am not entirely in favor of the setup as defined recently by the Minister. This "area" is too big. We're going to run into a lot of problems people never anticipated. As it now stands, Oshawa and area is very strong with eleven members. They need only 6 more for a majority." "There will be a number of problems under the new system. Take, for instance, the use of road maintenance equipment in Ontario County. Rama, Mara, Scott, Brock, and Reach townships have all allocated certain funds for this equipment. What happens now under the new regional setup? Has Brock township spent good money purchasing this equipment only to see it used exclusively to keep up roads in Reach township? Many problems along these lines will have to be hashed out if the new program is to work." Ey NN ..;®e GERRY J ACKMAN: 1972 Councillor, Village of Port Perry '1 am happy to see the final advent of regional government. Its been a long time coming and Port Perry stands to profit from it. Why? Any municipality's revenue is largely derived from the tax assessment of its industry. We are now included in the same region as Oshawa and other heavily industrialized areas to the south. Hence, we will share in the revenue they have always derived from taxing their industries. This money can be used in a number of ways; installation and maintenance of sewers, updating and improving water works equipment, and other services which will maintain our quality of life in Port Perry." "A number of people have suggested that 5 members of the local (area) municipality is not enough. Some suggest 7 members for the new council, some 9. I don't go along with this. Five members is enough." "People say we need more members because ours is the largest of the nine municipalities; 215 square miles. But what has square miles got to do with it? Its people who cause the problems. Take Scugog Township; you seldom hear Scugog citizens complain, unless they're bemoaning the state of their roads. What justification could be given for more elected representatives? The Township of Whitby will have a 5-member local council, the same as us. But Whitby has a population of almost 24,000. How is it possible to justify our asking for more councillors? The new Ajax-Pickering municipality has a population of over 35,000. They have a five member local council. So what business do we have petitioning for more members on the local council?" : "Consider the regional council. Two of our five local representatives will be members; the mayor and one regional representative. The present populatien of "South, Scugog" (suggested name for the new town) is 9,318. This means our population per representative (on the regional coun~il) is 4,659. Now area 1 (Ajax-Pickering) has a population per rep. of 8,893. Is it fair to surmise we will be given more representatives when such a discrepancy already exists?" "The power in the new setup is going to reside in the regional, not local, council. -The published proposal delivered by Mr. MacNaughton clearly states this. On page 53, we read; "Thus, it is vital that all major local powers be in the hands of the region. In terms of problem solving, a one-tier structure might be best. Pains must be taken, however, to prevent undue remoteness . . .."' The "'one-tier structure" statement is interesting. They are, in effect, toying with the idea of abolishing the local councils before they have even got off the ground. But too many people would be upset if local councils were not installed on January 1, 1974. Nevertheless the "'one-tier structure' is an explicit reference to an ultimate takeover by the regional council. The first-term installation of local councils *'to prevent undue remoteness" was a very thoughtful gesture." It is quite likely that South Scugog will acquire a ward system. This is one item which I believe will be discussed with government officials before Feb. 28, 1973, the cut-off date for bargaining. Why establish wards? The consensus is that, without wards, one of the four 'member municipalities" could possibly go without an elected representative. It is feared people living in such an 'area' (which really wouldn't exist any more) would not have anyone representing their interests, promoting their welfare." I don't go along with all this. Let's face it; we're supposed to be rational creatures. In past' years, local councils have spent a good deal of their time scrapping with each other. People were so worried about defending their rights that nothing was ever accomplished. The Reach-Port Perry "water talks', presently suspended, is one example. By dividing up the new town into wards, we will be right back where, we started. We want to work together, as a region, and de-emphasize the partisan politics which has . prevailed." "If "South Scugog" is left with 5 local councillors, then the ward system should not be used. All councillors should be elected at large. Otherwise, it is entirely likely men will be elected who are not suited for the job. If a man in what is now Scugog Township wants to vote for a candidate outside "Scugog ward" who he feels is more competent, his hands will be tied. All five council members should each represent all the people in the new town. This is the whole advantage of the regional setup. If anyone has a problem, he can contact one of the councillors. it is of no consequence whether the ¢ ouncillor lives in the same immediate area or not." "Suppose we are granted more than five councillors. In this case, the ward system would be acceptable for, say, the first term. It would-act as a stabilizing influence; the extra councillors would allow for full representation right across the municipality. But I would recommend the ward system be abolished after the first taste of regional government." N.P. ALDRED: "I have always felt that a new regional setup such as was recently proposed will be good for this area. I am very much in favor of it. My years of involvement with the Planning Board has convinced me regional government will be beneficial. These things have to come." "The present municipal setup is like a rusty old piece of machinery. We must move ahead with the times and accept regional government. If we do, we are bound to progress. Port Perry's position has improved since the sewers have been installed. We should keep improving. Regional government will provide more industry. Ideally, the village "should be sixty per cent residential and forty per cent industrial.' TED GRIFFEN: Hydro Commissioner "I think the new scheme will be a big help to planners. Planners in different areas will be able to coordinate their efforts for the mutual benefit of the communities involved." .I hope regional government will not be too impersonal. I wouldn't like to see the local people out of touch with their government." . "The new municipality created by the union of Reach, Port Perry, Scugog, and Cartwright is one of the best in the whole region. Two hundred and fifteen square miles with a lake smack in the middle of it. Its only natural that these municipalities should . be brought together. We're constantly rubbing "shoulders with people in the next municipality, so why not make it official?" "I am concerned that only five councillors have been proposed for the new area municiaplity. There should be more councillors assigned to such a large area; five men won't be able to manage. There should be nine members on the new council. Maybe we could designate wards. Without enough councillors, people in some areas could lack representation." Jay Dee Handicrafts 110 MAIN ST. N. UXBRIGDE 10% Discount Sale ON KNITTING YARNS, KITS, ETC. CONTINUES UNTIL JANUARY 3ist HOURS: Sunday -- 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday -- Closed Friday -- 10 am. - 7:30 p.m. . Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Sat. -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. PHONE 852-7310 3