ANA a - " PRES r 7, Foal re IE AA i BGI A THR TLAA CR Rl Se 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1972 The Senior Citizens held a short meeting to make the final arrangements for their Christmas dinner Lions Club annual Wine and Cheese party. Still wondering . what to buy your children for Christ- mas? For entertainment all year why not get them a Library card. The Lions Club Christmas Party was held at the South Sea Terrace on Monday evening. Thirty-five couples attended and enjoyed dinner, games and dancing. The annual Choral Christmas Festival held at the United Church on Sun- day, once again presented a most enjoyable programme for both young and old. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T, R.M.T. was guest organist, with Gloria Forder assisting. Marilyn Gibson, pianist, added much to the pro- gramme. The Senior and Youth Choirs under the leadership of Mr. Glenn Taylor sang many of the favourite Christmas Carols. Greenbank News In spite of the icy weather a good number attended the annual Sunday School Christmas concert. Con- gratulations to the Superin- tendent and teachers on an excellant program. On Sunday the Sunday School and Church combined for our White Gift service. It was so nice to see the chair back and a thanks to Betty Stone for the organizing of this. Clark Blakely made a rush trip to Port Perry Hospital for surgery last week, hope he is feeling better and able to be home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Ashenhurst of Uxbridge were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker of Markham visited recently with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Len Jarvis. The Lindsay Post has been doing a historical review on some of its surrounding communities, and on December 8th, Greenbapk's history was featured. Visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leask was Mrs. Linda Hayes, son Chris and friend of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howsam and family were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith of Colum- bus on Sunday. Don't forget Christmas Services next Sunday. Dec- ember, 24 at 11:30 and Sunday School at 10:15. Everyone welcome. As there will be no news now until after the New Year, the Women's Instittue, who are the writers of this column each week, would like to wish the Staff of Port Perry Star, and the Ux- bridge Times and all the readers of our column a very Safe and Happy Holiday Season. 'ROUND THE TOWN" ,, also the On December 31 there will be a Watch night service at Port Perry Baptist Church, beginning at 8 p.m. Such highlights as a Baptismal, a message for the closing year, 16 MM Films, lunch, Faggot Service and Prayer time will close the year out. The Hospital Auxiliary met on December 11th at 2 p.m. The president, Mrs. Eleanor Davidson was pre- siding. The meeting opened with the president reading a writing on the meaning of Christmas that made us all think twice about what we were preparing for. All visitors were welcome in- cluding Mr. Van Camp, who really is no longer a visitor but quickly bceoming a good friend and advisor with his voured to explain what the loss of the maternity ward would mean to Port Perry Hospital, what was done to try "and avoid this and assured it that although the decision was definite at Provincial level, they were trying to see if other arrangements could not be made. The minutes of the Nov. meeting was read and adop- ted as was the Treasurer's report. The Treas. reported Hospital administrator speaks to Auxiliary "It was reported there will be special Christmas tray covers and serviettes for Christmas week, plus a special treat for trays on Christinas day. Many thanks to Seagrave U.S.W., who have provided a complete Layette in the event of a babe being born, but not provided for." These ladies are certainly to be commended for this gift. It was most unexpected and most appreciated. The Auxiliary members will fill in at the Tuck Shop for Christmas week inas- much as it is such a busy time. Also so many away and it is really appreciated those that do come and help out. With monies made partially from this venture another automatic stretcher will be purchased at the cost of $914.00. This also applies for New Years week, and we would remind you that the Tuck shop will close on Everyone welcome to regular attendance and ex- donations in the amount of 'Each member brought a Christmas Day and New attend. planation. $110.00, and ticket sales of gift to the Tuck Shop to this Years Day. At this meeting he endea- $159.55. meeting. 4 te ee te ty te yy ete te ee ee ee VO VV VOVOVVOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TOTO VO VOVT VOOR ? ? b ? : ¢ p : ¢ ' p { Canada Grade 'A Eviscerated Young Tom - Over 20 Lb. Avg. } 4 $ ¢ SKAG ¢ 1 i Ib BEST BUY! 50-Ft. Roll : , aks 49: SARAN Wrap 39 CANADA PACKERS OR BURNS -- FULLY COOKED -- FEATURE! == SARYENDEYS hd | SMOKED "HAM 19 DINNER H 1.29 COCKTAIL =~. 79. | TENDER JUICY -- WELL i OLIVES "Fes 69. PRIME RIB rossi} .09 RIB STEAKS '115. Toa: 1 F FHBLESS BACON » 89. CRANBERRY 2192 | b. 1 -- 18" 25-Ft. Roll 4 ¢ 1) SONED bs he 9 i 59 ALCAN FOIL 69 en: JELL-0 4149. | ! FEATURE! -- ROASTED BEST BUY! -- BABY DILLS OR SWEET MIXED © 24 Fl. Oz. Jar N ABOB COFFEE '89. ¢ | BICKS PICKLES 49: sven nur ao NAUOD cone. | F BEST BUY! -- ALLEN'S PURE 48 FI. Ox. Tins PINE ADPLI SOFT DRINKS 6:59 ¢ ¢ FEATURE! -- Club House Red Maraschi ¢ 'N APPLE JUICE 29 CRUSHED - SLICED - TID BITS CHERRIES 2A. Oz. 69. ¢ ¢ FEATURE! -- LIBBY'S FANCY 14 FI. Oz. Tins 1s 7) OF dks CHEDDEES 33 'Sth-oz. § FRUIT Cockiail 3 : | SUPREME BRAND -- Ny 1b. Bag : $ | FEATURE! ED. SMITH'S 28 71. Ox. Bones MIXED NUTS 7 5. 4 ARDEN k ¥ GOLDEN HOUR ASSORTED 14-02. Bo: | G Cocktail 3:1 \ CHOCOLATES G5. ¢ oom sn] BEST BUY! -- OCEAN SPRAY 24 Fl. Ox. Size GOLDEN HOUR | Town m0 was 55 | CRANBERRY Cocktail 39-7 POPPING Corns: STRAINED FOODS 5=79c | gest BUY! - OLD -- WHITE OR COLOURED 12.0z. Wedge MIXED NUTS 9¢ 99. RITZ CRACKERS &-: sts. 3 3c SPARKLING ALKA - SELTZER SCOPE Mouthwash CREST REGULAR SIZE HEAD & SHOULDERS HEALTH & BEA FEATURES! btl. of 25 67¢ 12 fl. ox. btl. Super Size Tube 99; | FEATURE! -- $1.29 CRACKER BARREL 89: FEATURE! -- FANCY QUALITY HEINZ TOMATO JUICE 47-¢ TANG ORANGE Favour Crystals 79 99¢ | FEATURE! -- CANNED MIDGET EO iB. = DEVIL'S FOOD - BANANA 14-0z. SARA LEE Cake 69¢ Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Salisbury BANQUET Dinners 55¢ BIRDS EYE 20: Tob COOL WHIP 69¢ Open Boxing Day 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wed. & Sat. December 27 & 30 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thurs., & Fri. Dec. 28 & 29 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. OPEN EVERY THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 FEATURE! -- MAPLE LEAF HAMS $1.99 3 NESCAFE into COFFEE 51.99 Oz. Phys. FEATURE! -- RIVIERA IMPORTED FEATURE! -- BONNIE SMALL WHoLe CARROTS 29. A DOG or CAT FOOD 1099. 1 WESTONS Brown 'N Serve ROLLS and 'BREAD 3/$1.00 48 Fl. Oz. Tins 4 to Poly Bag 1%2-Lb. Tin 10-0z. Jar CALIFORNIA 19 Fl. Oz. Tin 15 Fl. Oz. Tin nor. Cap IDEAL 2% JUG MILK 75c¢ plus dep. ¢ KLEENEX DINNER NAPKINS «x 39 FEATURE! -- DIXIE 9" WHITE Plates 99 HOLIDAY PRODUCE! SWEET MIXICAN S$ TANGERINES J GRAPES SUNKIST NAVEL Ie Navel Oranges «:89c¢ LARGE STALKS CELERY Stalks Brussel Sprouts 100 to Pkg. ,, doz. 39¢ wn 39¢ eed « 35¢ 45c¢ TCV CCN 26 oz. PURE SPRING GINGER ALE or COLA 6/ 99¢ plus dep. Jerr rT TTT Tree ee eee incident ee Rp