. | Scugog News ad 1 4 1 4 We are sorry to have you holding your papers so long but now you can dispose of them by putting them out this Saturday morning, October 7. Cubs and their leaders will be glad to pick them up. Thanks for your cooperation. It will also be registration night for the Cubs the week after Thanksgiving' (Mon- day, October 16). Everything turned out well at the "'Head" turkey supper $385. was the amount taken in and we should realize a reasonable profit. We wish to express our appreciation to Nelson Reader who has «4 offered to donate the price of l 4 the turkeys. We also wish to thank all the other people who donated food, time and energy to the project, If you didn't get in on the "Head" supper, you will have a chance at "Grace" Church on Wednesday, Oct- ober 18. Please call Mrs. Maurice Fralick or John Beckett. On Friday morning, Mrs. Amy Smith, Mrs. Reta + Wilson left for Florida. We do: hope they have a happy vacation. : To-day Mr. Dave Moore will be in the Toronto Hospital 5 weeks. His wife Lil, is home periodically and reports that he takes some nourishment, still has some difficulty in breathing with- out assistance, can talk a little, can turn his head; seems to have some feeling in hisarms and his mind is quite clear. He will be in hospital for an indefinite time. It would be a kind gesture for any one totake Mrs. Moore to Toronto if it would be convenient, To-morrow is blood dona- tion day in Port Perry. Help make it a success. It Takes Big Guns to Fight Mastitis. Shur-Gain...Mastitis I! Mastitis 11! Mastitis 111!!! Mastitis is the cause of crushing losses . . . in milk production, culling replacement costs, lowered milk quality and veterinary expense. To minimize losses, a practical, effective, economical prevention and treatment pro- gram must be mounted and maintained. SHUR «GAIN offers such a program in . . . SHUR .GAIN MASTITIS |--for acute and chronic cases SHUR + GAIN MASTITIS ll--for dry cow therapy SHUR «GAIN MASTITIS lll--for acute and chronic cases Each is designed to treat the specific condition you may face . . . and each uses that most efficient base-- ALUMINUM MONOSTEARATE GEL. The first line of defense against Mastitis is sanitation. See to that, then call on the big guns . . . SHUR GAIN MASTITIS I, II and lll. Wallace Marlow Co. Lid. Blackstock, Ontario ~ --] This Wednesday evening the "Head" U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs. Irene Carter and then go out in two's to visit various homes in the "Head" Community. The calls will necessarily be short but we hope neigh- bourly and with a Com- munity Spirit. The members will then return to the Carter home for Devotions, business and a social period. Three outstanding church services will be held on the Island on the next two Sundays. On Thanksgiving, Sunday morning, Rev. Pogue will have a special message. Also the same evening, October 8 at 7:30 p.m., there will be an Old Fashioned Thanksgiving Service at the "Head" Church. Rev. Reeves will be the special speaker and the Historical Society Choir will supply special music. This service is being sponsored by the "Head" U.C.W. and they will provide a pie social after- wards. Bring your holiday visitors along. They are sure to spend a worth while evening. Sunday, October 15 is Anniversary Sunday for the Island Church at "Grace". Rev. Saywell of St. Stephen's Church in Oshawa will be the guest speaker. The Jr. Choir is practising for their wel- come numbers. Time 11 a.m. Refer to your letters for further information. Man- chester church will worship with us. The ChemStor System: saves and makes you money. Feed production costs comedown... feed efficiency goes up. Two ways a winner! "Registered trademark ICO Sunday, October 1, the fall term of "Grace" Sunday school began with a fine attendance' of children and parents. This is certainly encouraging to the staff who try to plan a meaningful term. Rev. Pogue told the children how Sunday Schools first began with Robert Raikes in the 18th century to keep the children off the streets of London and to PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1972 -- 17 teach them meaning of life. To the adults, Mr. Pogue revived our memories and knowledge of the physical walls that people have built thro the ages to protect themselves, We recall the wall of Troy, Hadrian's wall, Wall of China, Walls of Jericho, Jerusalem Wall and Berlin Wall. In time all these walls can be broken down. There are also problem walls, between races, groups and individuals that hurt and keep people apart. Jesus built tables as a symbol of fellowship. This is the basis for world wide Communion which was celebrated in Christian Churches, October Ist. ~ Conway Gardens -- Tavern ~ will serve a | Special Menu SUNDAY & MONDAY * THANKSGIVING MENU NO RESERVATIONS TAKEN Cut Feed Corn Costs with CHEMSTOR® Grain Preservative Save on Harvesting Straight line operation from the field . . . through the applicator and into storage. No trucking to drier... extra labour or harvesting delays. Save on Storage Drying or air-sealed silos not required. You can use existing low-cost storage such as bins, empty buildings, silos, barn floors, etc. No large capital investment. Gain Extra Feed Value ChemStor preserved corn gives you nutritious high-moisture feed. No loss of dry matter . . . energy fully preserved. Many farmers and researchers report faster growth, . . increased feed better gains . efficiency. CELANESE United Co-operatives of Ontario 4 VICTORIA STREET UXBRIDGE 852-3321