eA ae IA SS x 3 i r- | 9 >) 3 a5 ve. 0 i ARR, SO SE SN RRA SES SB IOW 8 JE RAR BOOST Nnd Sa Tr Fath LW UH 8 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1972 Obituary Norman W. Heayn After a short illness Nor- man W. Heayn died at Community Memorial Hosp- ital, September 16, 1972. He was in his 71st year. Born April 25th, 1902 in Brooklin, Ontario, he was the son of the late Robt. and Delila Heayn. He lived most of his life in Port Perry. He was employed as book keeper with Williams Motor Sales for many years until his retirement in July of this year: A member of Fidelity Lodge, he was initiated in "1929 and became master in 1958. In 1963, he was ap- pointed Grand Stewart of the Grand Lodge of Canada, he also had the 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite, He was the driving force behind the building of the Masonic Temple in Port Perry in 1959. A chairman of the Board of Edcation in 1952, the year the R.H. Cornish Public School was built and later became Secretary-treasurer until the Ontario County Board took over in 1969.He was a member of the Planning board for seventeen years being chairman in 1956 and was also chairman of the Committee of adjustment in 1965. He was a mamber of the United Church of Canada. Mr. Heayn is survived by his wife the former Madeleine Gamble, five daughters, ERA EATER . Joan (Mrs. M. Christie) R.R. 4, Port Perry, Dawne (Mrs. B. Howey) Port Perry, Sandra (Mrs. R. MacDonald) Port Perry, Donna (Mrs, R. Hawe) Oshawa, Lynda at home, one son Paul, Brace- bridge, seven grandchildren and one brother Cecil of Port Perry. Funeral service was held at the Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, September 19th, 1972 with Rev. E.S. Linstead and Rev. W.M, Reeves officiating. Pall bearers wre Mr. John Ballard, Mr, Wm. Carnegie, Mr. Fred Christie, Mr. Roy, Cornish, Mr. Alvin Heayn and Mr, Murray Williams. Interment was at Pine Grove Cemetary, Prince Albert. ( Wnnersof the Sqpt. 15% $5,000 1.30 - Neil Cosford, Wallaceburg Kin Lottery lickels may be purchased from any member of participaling Kinsmen Clubs or authorized sales oullels. minikin For information on becoming a Kin Lottery ticket seller, write: Kin Lottery, Box KIN, Cornwall, Ontario. BLOOD--COMES ONLY FROM PEOPLE Kin Blood Blitz Port Perry United Church Thursday, October 5th, 1972 4.30 hE TROPHY FOR THE CLUB OR ORGANIZATION CONTRIBUTING THE MOST BLOOD Mr. & Mrs. H. W. Green, Toronto $1 00 - Wallace G. Reid, Kitchener: Ernest St. Denis, Mississauga: A. J. Nisker. Toronto: Maryse Boucher. Montreal: Larry Sekersky, Windsor: Stan Welka, Fort Erie: Mrs. D. Carriere. Cornwall: Lloyd C. Nutkins, London: Duane D. Fisher, Base Petawawa: B. A. Wallace, Wallaceburg; Marianne Polowyk, Toronto: Dr. Adrian Anglin. Port Credit; J. G. Menard. Windsor: Mrs. Nicole Pecore. Cornwall: Marg Murphy, London; H. Shragle, Toronto: Vivian Lee, Hamilton: J. W. Ledrew, Richmond Hill: Diane & Murray Geldziler, Irvington, N.J.: Nick Zelik, Hamilton: Mrs. D. Grisold, Ottawa: B. Swann, Hamilton: L. Wincheruk. Atikokan: Leo & Magzie Chong, Willowdale; Alphonse Guindon, Maxville: Jan Melesh, Niagara Falls: Gerard Dupuis, Ottawa: Elaine Avery, Mississauga: John Hill, Collingwood: Roger Chausse, Cornwall: E. Mc- Donald, Etobicoke: F. Haug, Windsor: Sylvester Panchment, Toronto: Peggy Wood. Stratford: Mrs. E. Bauckham, Toronto: S. Kushir, Don Mills; Peg Hodgson, Hamilton: Lorraine La- pointe, Toronto: S. Sheard, Toronto: Ernie W. Ruttan, Richmond Hill. KIN lottery Kinsmen - serving the community's 6.30 - $1,000 greatest need. 8.30 Three new residents were admitted to the home during the week. They are Mr. Wentworth Watson of Port Perry transferred from Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Walter Chedley of Little Britain and Mr. John Preston from the Port Perry Hospi- tal. Mr. Ernest Bradbury went to" Beaverton Manor on - Thursday. On Tuesday evening -a religious service was con- ducted by Rev. Wm, Black of the Presbyterian Church. He brought the organist and choir from the church and they rendered many favour- ite hymns for the enjoyment of the residents. The lesson was read by Rev. Black's brother. Following the service the Ladies Auxiliary served tea and sandwiches. On Wednesday, September 27, twenty six residents and 2 staff members along with several of the Senior Citizens Club were treated to a bus tour to view the coloured leaves. The Kinette Club of Port Perry were our host under the capable. direction of Kinette Barb Bradbury. The bus arrived at the home at 10 a.m. and we boarded and were off destin- ation '"Minden". Upon arri- val at Minden's new Senior Citizens Home, we were made welcome by the resi- dents of the home and shown into their spacious auditor- ium where Kinettes Jerry Langille, Mary Lea Dowson and Sandy Ruveen had a lovely lunch prepred. After lunch Kinette Doreen Ken- dall and Val Sweetman entertained with a "Railroad Skit" and draw prizes fol- Featuring: NURSING HOME NEWS lowed by a good old fashioned sing-song. The Minden folks. joined and I'm sure many of us had a good visit and renewed some old acquaint- ances. Twoo'clock back on to the bus and we were off around the lake, some of the colour was very pretty. We arrived back in Port Perry around 5:30. Everyone enjoyed the trip and are certainly grateful to the Kinettes for arranging this wonderful outing. Many of the residents were visited during the week by friends and relatives. They toured the neighbourhood and had lunch or dinner when out, These included Jim Bell, Grant Christie, Went, Wat- son, Mrs. Beecroft, Mrs. Horton, Mrs, Letcher, Mrs. Pearcey, Mrs. Howard and Mrs, Edwards. Mr. Edgar Butt visited the home of his son and family and helped celebrate the birthday of a grandson and grandaughter, ! | YAMAHA'S ARE HERE 11 MODELS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS AND YOUR BUDGET, ALL BUILT WITH CARE AND PRIDF ® QUALITY SOME 1972 MODELS ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO © CO-OP - DEMONSTRATION DAY « Seed Gorn = Chemstor = On Farm United Co-operatives introduces their new Farm King line of "On The Farm Mixing and Grinding Equipment" Tractor supplied by Norm James Sales & Service -- Uxbridge LOCATION: HILLTOP PIGGERY (Peter Vankessel) 3 miles north of Manchester on Hwy. 12 Thursday, October 12 UXBRIDGE 4 VICTORIA STREET: Mixing 852.3321