Ard SH LEIA 2(0)-PORT PERRY STAR-Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1972 Utica Service will be held in Utica United Church on Sunday, September 24 at 11:30 a.m. with the Assistant Minister, Mr. Bob Thompso in-charge. 4 . Sunday School meets 10:15 a.m. You will be most welcome at these services. Mrs. Heley and grand- children, Sharon and Paul of Scarborough were weekend guests of Rev. and Mrs. I.L.Saunders. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mitchell were Mrs. Bill Harper, Mrs. Ivan Gray, Wendy and Wayne Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mason, Mrs, Milt Park- in and Mrs. Howard Stell of Kinsale and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard of Bancroft. Mrs. Cecil Harper was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gall of Uxbridge on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey called on Mrs. Howard Forsythe on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur and boys were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Beare on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the late Mrs. Lola Leadlay in their recent bereavement. Mrs. Leadlay was a former resident in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn MacCan- nell. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Cannell visited Mrs. Lead- lay's relatives at Aurora on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Philip attended the Kajima-Ignash wedding in Toronto on Sept. 9. Mr. and Mrs. M. Vander Hall of Utrecht, Holland are at News spending a few weeks with his sister Mrs. Bert Mitchell and family." The Bert Mitchell family were Sunday visitors with their parents. The Epsom-Utica U.C.W. plan to cater for the Barry sale in October. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Fielding of Keswick were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Fielding. 'Champion to fiddle at Fair Direct from 'The Don Messer Show' on T.V. and 4 times undefeated North American Fiddle Champion, well known Graham Town- send popular recording art- ist and star of radio, stage and T.V., will be back again as guest of the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair this year. For the 3rd straight year Graham will be the guest artist at the 3rd annual "Kawartha Lakes - Ontario Open" Fiddle Contest' being held in the Community Centre on Friday, Sept- ember 29th at 7.30 p.m. His latest L.P. album "By the Fireside" with Graham Townsend and 'His Back "Woodsmen" has just been released and we're hoping that he'll bring some copies with him for his many fans. Check The Label On Your Paper Federation urges end to inheritance: taxes The Ontario Federation of Agriculture strongly urges an immediate end to inherit- ance taxes, "Inheritance taxes critic- ally disrupt the transfer of the family farm from father 'to son, Often the tax load will force a young farmer to forfeit his inherited farm, in order to pay his father's death taxes," protests Gor- don Hill, President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Capital gains tax and succession duties will fall on the same person at the same time. "This double tax load is especially harsh to young farmers because their assets are land, machinery, and livestock. Selling is often the only way to get enough cash, But, what is left may not be an economic farm." This week, the Federation 'submitted a brief to the Advisory Committee on Suc- cession Duties, calling for immediate repeal of the Succession Duties Act. The committee will be making policy recommen- dations to the government. "Succession duties on farm land are not taxes on productivity, but on inflat- ion, the farmer has no .control over these pressures, They cost him money but give him no return." The ability-to-pay princi- ple in taxation"has strong Federation support. This is why succession duties and gift tax are so aggressively 'opposed. "The money raised by inheritance taxes on agricul- ture can never justify the damage to our farming community. The Ontario government has pledged to abolish succession duties in the future. Now is the time," says Hill. - When Choosing Livestock Minerals Let Your Forage Be Your Guide... because the roughage portion of the ration dictates the combination of essential minerals needed. All SHUR-GAIN MINERALS are now formulated accordingly. It's nutritionally right, it's easy, it's economical, to select the best SHUR. GAIN min- eral mixture for your livestock . . . : j SHUR: GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #1--FOR NON-LEGUME FEEDING . .. feed where roughage is grass, hay or corn silage. SHUR: GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #2--FOR LEGUME FEEDING . . . feed with high legume forage, to balance the high calcium, low phosphorus. SHUR GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #3--SALT FREE . . . feed where salt is avail- able in the water or other source. ; SHUR: GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #4--HIGH PHOSPHORUS . . . for dry cows just prior to freshening. SHUR:GAIN RANGE MINERALS . . . for Western feeding conditions, where stock is on a high hay or pasture ration with salt provided separately. Wallace Marlow Co. Limited BLACKSTOCK, ONT. -- PHONE 986-4201 F & G CONSTRUCTION R.R. 4, Port Perry BUILDING & REMODELLING Cottage Raising Foundation Work, Etc. For any of your con- struction needs call us. 985-2979 REPAIRS to Barns & Houses Roof Repairs Eavestroughing Block Work - Chimney Repairs - Painting Call 985-3417 | BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL | DIRECTORY Malcolm Phillips ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 157 Main Street W. Stouffville, Ont. Phone 6404031 For Income Tax & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX SHEPHERD 28 Water. St. Phone 985-7031 Specializing in Business and Farm Operations McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING & FABRIC SALES Wide choice of fine quality fabrics, at re- duced prices. All SR Co guaranteed Call 985-3513 Murray DUFF Burnfield Electronics PLUMBING & HEATING ADMIRAL 19 Water St. - Port Perry PHONE 985.7980 Meh hin a irre 985.7993 New Work Repairs PORT PERRY LEONARD B. NIXON HEATING & BURNER CONTRACTOR HOME COMFORT AUTHORIZED HOME COMFORT SERVICE DEALER ~~ 985-7120 al Port Perry -- 985.2226 o Ron Rankin AND SONS . General Contracting Plumbing - Carpentry - Electric - Phone 985-7679 Jack Weyrich Cartage & Waste Removal 985-3312 CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATING -- DRAG WORK PORT PERRY 985-3142 Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC Tel. 668-2670 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys Bearings Chain and Sprockets EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985-7306 4 GRIEVE'S GULF SERVICE Joe Buckley [ : ; Swamp Garage WM. A. COLLINS Septic Tanks Auto Body " LICENCED AUCTIONEER a Cous Roblisors Godawa, Tomlin & Co. FARM SALES, HOUSEHOLD, REAL ESTATE, etc. Bruce McCreight CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ; Wer hue Tats and Free Estimates 178 Simcoe St. N. -- Oshawa, Ontario Call Collect Port Perry 985-3071 pa Installed 985-3291 | Telephone 728-3891 eg. Armstrong | [GOR WiveRs BOB'S CARPENTRY ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates -- FREE -- BOB BERO -- Seagrave, Ont. -- 985.7027 General Repairs PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-3182 FARM SALES - FURNITURE and ANTIQUES * MYLES KING ° Auctioneer and Valuator OSHAWA = 725-5751 or 723-0501 L need shoes? "FULL LINE OF TOP QUALITY MEN'S and TEENAGE BOY'S Shoes & Boots ® WE FIX OLD SHOES ® WE SELL NEW SHOES ® SKATES SHARPENED erry Shoe Repair & Sales 233 QUEEN STREET ~~ PORT PERRY LJ