Ss TS IT >, AREA A Xp rr 8% Av vi Calls for arbitration of Ontario Hydro strike ir o Norm Cafik, the hard working M.P, from Ontario Riding, stated Wednesday night that he had sent a letter to the Hon. Fern Guindon cafling on him as Minister of Labour for Ontario to do something positive to affect settlement of the 13-weék strike and lockout 'of Hydro employees. Mr. Cafik stated, "In my general discussions with a number of Hydro employees, I am under the impression that both sides would wel- come an order back to work, pending binding arbitra- tion." If the union and Ontario Hydro management will not agree to binding arbitration, then the Legislature should be called back into an emergency, session to impose binding arbitration on both sides, said Calik. in his speech at the Holiday Inn at Oshawa, Later, Mr. Cafik stated that over 600 Hydro employ- ees in his riding were affected by the strike and many of them were exper- iencing extreme hardship and would have to go on welfare within the munici- palities where they live if the dispute continued much longer. Cafik admitted that he was no expert in this field, but said that after talking for some time with a number of Hydro employees that he was convinced that severe power shortages and inter- \ruptions of service could occur this winter if much needed maintenance of equipment was not done in the near future. Cafik said that he realized that he was stepping outside his jurisdiction by entering this provincial controversy, but felt that he must act on BLOOD--COMES ONLY FROM PEOPLE Kin Blood Blitz Port Perry United Church Thursday, October 5th, 1972 1.30 - 4.30 --- 6.30 - 8.30 TROPHY FOR THE CLUB OR ORGANIZATION CONTRIBUTING THE MOST BLOOD CONTAC-C COLD CAPS Man. Sugg. Retail $1.59 10's 1.09 F. D.S. DEODORANT scented and unscented and spray powder M.S.R. $2.79 2.39 all 60z. Man. Sugg. 49c LAWRENCE PHARMACY PIEMBER SALE. behalf of his constituents whenever he is called on for help as they pay his salary. Winners in Kin Lottery Mr. Neil Cosford, of 646 Wall Street, Wallaceburg, 'was the winner of $5,000.00 in the Kin' Lottery Minikin Draw held in Cornwall on September 15, 1972. Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Green, 188 Al- bertus Avenue, Toronto, won second prize of $1,000.00. Forty Ontarians won $100.00 each. A second Minikin Draw will take place October 15. The Kin Lottery D jackpot draw will be held on Novem- ber 15, 1972 for total prizes of $80,000.00. including a $50,000.00 first prize. Tickets for Kin Lottery D are on sale across Ontario until October 31, 1972. .. Over 140 Ontario Kinsmen Clubs are participating in the Kin Lottery project to 'assist Kinsmen in living up - to their "Serving the Community's - familiar motto research, as well as to help each participating Kinsmen Club in supporting chari- table causes in their own communities. Returning officers appointed Names of federal return- ing officers for all Ontario ridings have been released by the office of the chief electoral officer. Local officers are: Ontario Riding--Roger G. Conant, 96 Kingston Rd., Pickering; Oshawa-Whitby Riding -- Ralph Wallace, 112 Simcoe Street, N., Oshawa; Northumberland - Durham Riding -- Caroll Nichols, R.R. 3, Port Hope. MALTLEVOL - 12 TONIC 12 oz. Man. Sugg. Retail $3.60 2.60 TYPEWRITER] A PADS | 27 Retail Deep-Cut Specials ANTIPHLOGISTINE RUB A - 535 4's oz. tube Man. Sugg. Retail $2.69 51.99 DHESIVE TAPE CURAD 2" x 10 yds. Man. Sugg. Retail 79¢ 4: Port Perry Man. Sugg. OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 9 am. to 6 p.m. Limited Quantity on all specials COUGH SYRUP VICK'S 44 3 oz. 79 AGAROL Man. Sugg. Retail $1.69 Retail $1.29 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1972-15 Prince Albert News Mr. Greg Carriere spent a night with Steven McIntyre. The boys attended the first "practice" for hockey. That's right -- already! This one was out on the football field and consisted of getting in shape with a real exercise work out. Get those papers ready. The Cubs and Scouts will be around September 30th for a Paper Drive, The 1st Scugog Cub and Scout Group Committee met Monday evening at Man- chester. Once again, a real shortage of leaders, any men interested enough to assist or help on the committee would be appreciated. Mrs. Merle Murphy and Mrs. Rena Smith attended a shower in honour of Miss Janice MacMillan at the home of her matron of honour, Miss Judy Olaisen, Toronto. Several Prince 'Albert la- dies attended the shower last Wednesday evening in hon- our of Mrs. Janice Jeffrey, held at the Community Centre. It was real surprise to Janice. About 45 friends and relatives attended and Janice and Ron received many lovely gifts. Hostesses for the evening were Elva Brain, Eleanor Goulding, Marion Luke and Laura Luke. Sympathy of the com- munity is extended to mr. and Mrs. Jack Findlay on the passing of his sister Mrs. W. MacTaggart. Mrs. Rena Smith has returned from a week with Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Chamber- lain, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Post of the London area visited over the weekend with the R. Mclntyres. Mrs. Merle Murphy, Mr. Allen Murphy and Mrs. Rena Smith were in Toronto Sat- urday attending the Ledeque - MacMillan wedding. Mrs. Wm. Dickinson, Tor- onto entertained recently in honour of Mrs. Merle Mur- phy's birthday. Belated birthday wishes, Merle. The church board of ses- sion met at the manse Monday evening to discuss future business matters." They enjoyed a delicious lunch served by Mrs. Reeves. Many enjoyed the message delivered by Rev. M. Reeves, Sunday. Mr. B. Snelgrove clerk of session introduced the new red hymn book, accepted by Rev. Reeves for dedication. Sev- eral hymn books were dedi- cated in memory to those who have passed away. Collection was gathered by mr. Wm. Roy Hope, Mr. Bryon Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. L. Glasgow CLEAN, SAFE FUEL. season. HEAT YOUR HOME WITH RELIABLE, Call REESOR for a tank of Oil. Let us keep you supplied for the coming burning of Beamsville spent "the weekend with her sister and husband Mr, and Mrs. G. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb, Haliburton enjoyed visiting the Lloyd Hunters, B. Smiths and other relatives during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock enjoyed being visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swains, Blackstock Saturday night. The best of luck to Miss Barbar Wozney who has just enrolled at Western Univer- sity, London, Ontario also to Mr. Gordon Williamson who is¢- taking his fifth year at estern. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock visited Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shirley Road. Better health is wished for Mr. Carl Graham who is now home. Also to Mr. Ed Thompson and Mr. McCrea who is hospitalized in Port Perry Hospital. Misses Joanne and Terri, Toronto spent the weekend . with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ron Middleton. Guidance booklet for grade 8 The '72-73 edition of What's New For You", has been produced by the guid- ance services of the North- umberland and Durham County Board of Education and will soon be distributed throughout the counties. The booklet outlines the program of studies in the secondary schools of North- umberland and Durham Counties and is aimed at Grade 8 students and their parents, who, within the year will be facing the complexity of choosing suitable secon- dary courses and options. Incorporated in the pub- lication, are short notes on changes have taken place in the secondary school pro- grams, the changes are, a glossary of current educa- tional terms, and an outline of steps a student should follow to arrive at a sound educational decision. ° . The booklet will form the basis of the Grade 8 educa- tional guidance program, and will be supplemented by guidance lessons, guest speakers, visits to secondary schools, individual student counselling, and parent in- terviews. St. John Ambulance sug- gests that all lamp sockets should have bulbs in them as a precaution againt electric shock. :