PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 6,1972 -- 3 Hire 8000 enumeration workers Revenue Minister Allan Grossman Said today that approximately 8,000 part- time workers have been employed by his Ministry'to carry out the enumeration of Ontario residents which be- gan Tuesday, September 5. The enumerators are re- quired. to collect basic in- formation concerning each resident, such as name, year of birth, property occupancy status, citizenship and schoo # support. % Mr. Grossman. said the enumeration, which will take place during September, is important for five basic 'reasons, : . "First, this information is ¢ essential to producing muni- cipal voters' lists, A Cana- dian Citizen or British sub- ject who is a resident, at 'least 18 years old, can vote in ":municipal and school board elections. Preliminary vo- eo ters' lists must be delivered to municipal clerks by Octo- ber 10 for use in local and school board elections on ® "N EW// Diaper Suits $2.95 $3.99 Baby Dresses from $2.98 SIZES 3 and 3X Infants Wear December 4. 'Second, the data is nec- essary for dividing the education portion of proper- ty taxes between the sep- arate and public school boards. J "Third, the enumeration will provide the Ontario Government with a popu- lation census for use in distributing per = capita grants to municipal govern- ments. "Fourth, updated owner- ship and occupancy records and mailing addresses will assist the municipalities in their tax billing procedures. - 'Fifth; the statistical data on characteristics of mun- icipal populations will assist planning "agencies at all levels of government,' Mr. Grossman said that, in most cases, information will be collected by the enumer- ator interviewing a resident at each property for a few minutes. The resident proyi- ding information will be asked to sign the enumer- A.W. CK DEPARTMENT BODY SHIRTS $12.95 - $15.00 BLOUSES PLAYTEX SALE CONTINUES $1.00 Off Bras $2.00 Off Girdles Stretch Denim PLAY SUITS Fall Sweaters ation notice as being correct to the best of his or her knowledge. The enumerator will sign the notice as well and will leave a copy with the resident. If errors should be rec- orded, they can be corrected later. What we are trying to do is ensure that the in- formation gathered is as accurate as possible and that every resident who is eligible to vote in' municipal and school board elections is on the voters' list," Mr. Gross- man explained. Enumerators will visit ° residential properties during the day or in the evening depending on when a resi- dent is most likely to be home. If the enumerator cannot. - personally contact a resi- dent, an enumeration notice and a postage-paid, ad- dressed envelope will be left at the property, This notice should be mailed in as soon as possible to ensure that eligible voters are included on, the preliminary voters' list. This list must be in the hands of the municipal clerk by the October 10 deadline. The list will be published for public scrutiny and will be revised by the Municipal Clerk in early November to correct errors, Anyone who is eligible to vote, 'but is not on the preliminary voters' list, can contact the - clerk for inclusion. | WHERE GOOD FOOD I$ ON THE MENU EVERYDAY and you can enjoy it in AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT Dinner Special choice of 4 include Soup & Desert $1.40 - $2.75 Cold Plate Special (Ham, Beef, Chicken or Turkey) Take-out Service on all meals - "Hot or Cold" Phone 985-2066 please connect "Operator, me with the lost and found column at the newspaper." SYNO) RD from $7.00 from $5 o 95 THE CREAM- OF -THE-COAT-CROP IS HERE . . . COME SEE, SAVE Those chil- ly days are only weeks away! Pick your coat now and get fine savings. am. ee fabulous FALL FABRICS Polyester Cre $3.95 per yard Denim.... $1 Brushed Corduroy $2.98 per yard Double Kn Washable $7.50 per yard pes 50 per yard its POSLUN WINTER COATS $40.00 to $60.00 IN NEW FALL COLOURS