. * hs 0 NLR CHR INAN EI 3 bedroom lakeshore cottage, 5 mi. from Port Perry. Fieldstone fireplace, furnished, 27° sun- porch overlooking lake, with patio and bush behind cottage, garage, For quick sale only $10,900 cash, 1% storey 3 bedroom home in Prince Albert, all modern conveniences, nicely decorated throughout, mature maple trees and garden. Only $21,000 with terms, ) 100 acre dairy farm, corner property, 8 room brick house, all conveniences, good barn, steel staunchions, stable cleaner, new 200 amp service, silo 20 x 40, large milk house, early farm, all work, ing, good road, 2 mile off paved hwy. Priced to sell $55,000. with crop. Terms, 3 bedroom frame home on Cochrane St. Large family room overlooking nicely landscaped garden with view of lake. All conveniences, $27,500 with terms, 100 acres in Oakwood area. Mariposa creek crosses full length of property. 40 acres bush. Ideal re- treat or camp site. $31,000 with $10,000 down, ..2 bedroom frame cottage on river at Udora, Cement block foundation, conveniences, boat and furniture. $9,500 with $2,500 down. SUNDERLAND AREA 96 acres corner of 2 hwys. 1% storey, 7 room brick home, bank barn, spring creek and pond. Opportunity $45,000 with $10,000 down. 100 ACRE HIGHWAY FARM 13% storey, 8 room frame home with conveniences. Beautiful family room with fireplace. Bank barn for hogs, spring creek and pond site, 3 road front- ages. $59,000 with $15,000 down. 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick and stone home in Prince Albert. = Broadloom - and corlon floors, double garage and paved drive. Executive home. $45,000 with terms. 100 acres clay.loam in Port Perry area. 2 storey, 8 room brick home. Immaculate with all convenien- ces, bank barn with steel staunchions, large spring fed pond, 12' deep. Opportunity at $60,000. with 1, down. 10 room solid brick home in Cannington area, all conveniences. 10 acres good soil, small barn 18 x '40 on good road. $25,000 with terms. 134 acre farm with building in Sunderland area. 2 separate parcels of land, scenic property with flowing stream and cedar trees. $58,000 with terms. Beauty salon in Stouffville. All equipment, estab- lished business, excellent income. Opportunity $5,000 with $2,000 down. 200 acres clay loam in Little Britain area. 1% storey brick home with furnace and bath, large L shaped bank barns, creek and pond sites. Product- ive corn land. $59,900 with $20,000 down. 2 storey executive home in Port Perry. Beautiful living room and dining room with Cathedral ceilings, drop beams, fireplace, broadloom, ultra modern Kit- chen, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, carport. Area of pre- stige homes. $60,000 with terms. 2 bedroom brick bungalow in Sunderland, all modern conveniences, fireplace, attached garage and paved drive, many extras. $25,500 with $7,000 down. 11% storey, 6 room frame home in Lotus, on 1 acre of land, modern living room with fieldstone fireplace, garage, ideal family home. Opportunity. $18,500. REAL ESTATE SALES AND SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Call -- Port Perry 985-7303 Oshawa 576-6701 ® AFTER HOURS CALL eo GEORGE STONE, F.R.I Port Perry 985-2632 HERB PUCKRIN, Sunderland 705 - 357-3671 KEN HOLLIDAY, Oshawa 723-5420 WM. HENRY, Little Britain 705 - 786-2523 PAUL STONE. Port Perry 985-2632 al Estate For Sale CAESAREA. 4 room Loris ed - 'cottage, conveniences, treed lot overlooking lake, $1900 down. Phone 986-5517. CAESAREA 4 bedroom house on paved road, 2 bathrooms, new furnace ,sun room and garage. $2500 down. Call 986-5517. . BASE HEATERS. 3 - 1000 watts, portable with thermo. stats $12 each; toilet, full flush, seat and lid, 1 yr. old, modern type $15; Hydroplane B class 10 h.p. Mercury, rac. ing prop. crash throttle, etc. $300. 'Apply cottage 26 Pine Point Scugog Island, Con. 9E, 985-7444. ALLIS - CHALMERS Baler #302 used 1 season, Phone 986-4439. Wanted to Rent TWO or THREE pedro apt. or house in Port Perry bs July 15th, Phone 985- 3261. Wanted to Buy BRASS BED, old china dolls, alladin and glass lamps, fur: niture and glassware, etc.| Call Vera Lee's Antiques. 985-7723. Help Wanted SUMMER EMPLOYMENT -- Retail outlet in Port Perry. Start immediately. Box #29 Port Perry Star. TURN YOUR SPARE TIME INTO DOLLARS -- Students or housewives needed for full or part time work. Phone 985-6532. NEED FIVE mature persons to work with me full time, part time, For interview call Mrs. Reid Ingus be- tween 9 a.m. an p.m 7--Jly28 TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT " BUILDING AND BY-LAWS OFFICER Duties to commence July 1, 1972 Applications in writing for the position of Building and By-Laws Officer for the Township of Cartwright will be received at the Township Office, Blackstock, Ontario, by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on the 23rd of June, 1972. Doreen M. Van Camp, Clerk-Treasurer. 2--June21 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Are you interested in a permanent Real Estate career opportunity. WE OFFER: Normal Commission Pension Plan Initial Salary Bonus Plan WE DESIRE: Experienced Sales Staff. Please write brief resume outlining experience and be interviewed locally Wed- nesday, June 21st. Box 28 Port Perry Star. WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS?? Now you can train right here in Canada and be paid while doing so. For application and interview, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West Toronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864-9381 2--June21 {to appreciate. work history. Applicants will, x BOB JOHNSTON REALTOR -Restaurants ' Good commercial buildings on Hwy. 7 and 12, very good business. Also restaurant in Whitby, good location. Country store with good turnover all year round. Ask- ing $20,000 down, good terms, Brooklin Income property, 14 room 214 storev home on.1 acre of land. Asking $55 000.00. AL Sunderland Attractive 3 bedroom frame home on beautiful well trond 3% acres of land. Asking $38,000.00. $23.000.00 Country store, also living quarters, with good turnover. Asking $1000000 down, owner will hold first mort- gage at 7% %. Call Anvtime LORNA DAMM 655-3016 Real Estate 7 Bakery Shop plus Home Brooklin area - 3 bedroom aluminum siding home with all modern conveniences. Large garage. Shop includes all equipment, going con- cern, excellent opportunity. Only $15,000 down. Call for further details. 2 Port Perry Attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow now under con- struction. Will be completed plus a roughed in rec. room, utility and work room, sod- ded front lawn, Situated in an excellent location. Pur- chaser could have own choice of colours. Full Price $29,500. Port Perry $3,000 - $4,000. 7 bedroom home. All modern conveni. ences, close to shopping area. $23, 900 with terms. Scugog Island Large building lot, 100 x 125, overlooking lake, very scenic, well treed. Building permit available. Full price | $5,900. Country Living Near Port Perry 3 bedroom bungalow. with all modern conveniences on a large treed lot. Full price $26,900 with terms. Scugog Point $3,500 down, 3 bedroom per- manent home, modern con- veniences, carpet throughout, access to lake. Must be seen Full price -- $13,900 Corner Commercial Property 5 room frame bungalow. mo. dern conveniences, close: to shopping area, excellent for retirement or beginner. Full price $17,500 with terms. Vacant Land $6.000 down, 20 acres of scenic property, building per- mit available, frontage on both roads .. Call Anytime MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 or 668-8648 . inside conveniences. Full length porch facing lake. VALERIE BUTT Harvey Keith, President of H. Keith Lid. is pleased to announce the appointment of Valerie Butt as Sales Representative for the Port Perry area. Valerie has lived in this district for many years and attended local schools. She is a competent and knowledgeable real estate agent and would be glad to hear from friends and clients when buying or selling properties. Call 985-2122, Scugog Island c/o Eden's Store MUSKOKA LAKEFRONT Attractive 3 bedroom cottage on pollution free 3 MILE LAKE, only 4 miles from Windemere Golf Club. Large living room and kitchen combined, Hot and cold running water. Price of $14,900.00 ~ includes_ all furniture, bedding, utensils and appli- ances. Road accessible year round. Call now. This property will sell quickly. OVERLOOKING LAKE SCUGOG Attractive 2 bedroom bungalow on large nicely treed lot. Living room, knotty pine decor with fireplace, bar and wall, to wall carpet. Large kit: chen with plenty of cupboards and double stainless steel sink. This is a bargain at $23,900.00. CALEB ST. PORT PERRY New 3 bedroom bungalow with aluminum siding. Only $3,000.00 Down. Call for appointment any- time. 3 BUILDING LOT ON PAVED ROAD. Building permit obtainable on 2% acre lot approx. 2 miles from Port Perry. Vendor will hold mort- gage. PORT PERRY New 3 bedroom brick bungalow now under con- struction Walkout sliding glass doors to halcony plus many other extras including broadloom through- out. All electrically heated. Good location. Full Price $27,000.00 with terms. SCUGOG ISLAND ~~ 1% story 4 bedroom home, full basement, living room has acorn fireplace, sliding glass doors onto patio overlooking lake. Call for appointment to show. SCUGOG ISLAND RETREAT 12% acres newly fenced with cedar bush, running spring empties into large pond. Lakefront with white birch trees. 4 bedroom frame home in good conidtion, small barn. Vendor will hold mortgage. Full price only $34,500.00. For inspection of any of these properties, call VALERIE BUTT Scugog Island -- 985-2122 We have the clients. List your property for sale with one of Canada's largest Real Estate Companies. Many offices to serve you.