ot me SCE > SN A, 20) - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 14, 1972 'ROUND THE Mrs, Doris Madsen and Mrs. Kay Hughes attended the 9th-Annual L.G.A. Semi- nar in London, England, guests of the Royal Gardens Hotel at' Kensington Park, * LJ he The 'Cubs from C Pack recently went on an extend- ed visit to McDonalds Big Enjoying the"® M restaurant. tour with the boys were some of the parents, Roy DeHart won first prize in an essay contest describing tae enjoyable trip. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gib- son and family of Winnipeg are in Port Perry visiting with their family & friends. *. 4% Last month Mrs, Glen Moase of Port Perry flew to Holland to visit with rel- atives and - old friends. While there she renewed acquaintances with her sis- - ter Mrs. A. Wolke from Jo- hannesburg, South Africa, whom she hadn't seen for twenty-five years, On her return home she and Mr. Moase were guests of hon- our when their sons Larry and Roger and their girl friends entertained them at dinner in Oshawa, and later to a surprise party. * * * One of the most success- ful Bag of Bulbs Campaign since the beginning of this fund raising event, was staged on Monday evening when 450 bags of bulbs, each bag containing 8 bulbs, was sold in a period of 2 hours by 25 Lion Club mem- bers who turned out to help. To add to the success the residents of Port Perry were most Co-operative in this venture. * * * Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the late Mrs. Noreen(Roach) Wilson of Windsor, who passed away suddenly June 8th. * * * At the 97th meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada a departure was made on 6th June when Massed Choirs under the direction of Mr. H. Rose- vear introduced selected hymns from the new Book of Praise, to be available by September of this year, More than one thousand at- tended to share in an un- forgettable night of tremen. dous inspiration . Some 22 representing St. Johns, Port Perry are agreed that it was a rich experience. Mr, Alan Cowle not only an able ac- companist but a lucid com- mentator made the hymns come very much alive. It is our intention to make ex- perimental use of the new book by preliminary sing- spiration efforts. * * [J ON AARGET EVERY TIME Port Perry Star TOWN'; AATATATAALATTATTETAAAAAAAAAAAAALAALAALAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAIATAAAATAAAATTLATAAALTAAARIALAALLLLLLALAAAAAATALILLLLRLAAAAAARRLAARATTAAARAAAAARNANARARNNNNNNNNNNTCNNNNNNNNNNNNNNANN Members of the Oddfel- lows Lodge played host to members of Maybelle Re- bekah on Wednesday even- ing at a dinner at Conway Gardens, Noble Grand Bill Barr very capably took over the duties as master of ceremonies for the occa- sion, evening. FRESH SLICED SCHNEIDER'S LUNCHEON MEATS Meat and Chicken - Bologna - Macaroni and Cheese - Pickle Pork & Dressing - Head Cheese - Dutch Loaf -- 6-02. pkgs. 2:69 CLUB HOUSE BRAND Siw BARBECUE SPICE ___ 33¢ SEASONED SALT ____ 28c _ GARLIC SALT ______ 28¢ FEATURE! FEATURE! FEATURE! -- STUART HOUSE -- 12" 2st. roll All enjoyed a nice' Cartwright Township fire agreement . Port Perry Council has signed a new Fire Protection Agreement with Cartwright Township. The agreement has been signed by Cart- wright Township Council, and will come into effect when - signed 'by the Municipal councils of Reach and Scugog. This is expected in the near future. Under - the terms of the agreement, Cartwright Township Will pay a $400 use of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Fire Department truck and" equipment. This fee covers for two trips by the Department to Cart- wright Township, and addit- ional trips after the initial two will cost Cartwright $200 per trip, plus $4 per hour per man per fire, i Residents of Cartwright Township should take note of one important aspect of the partment cannot respond to slates that the Port Perry ! a direct call from a private Reach and Scugog Fire De- partment will only respond citizen. to calls received from The new agreement Cartwright Fire Chief doubles tile fees to be charged Cartwright for the ¢ additional fire protection. Prior, the retainer fee had been $200 for the first two trips, and $100 plus $2 per hour per man for each additional trip. The new agreement is toy © be reviewed on annual basis Leonard Scott, or from any person calling on his behalf, or from any Cartwright- Municipal authority. A call for the Fire Depart- ment must be directed through any of. the above parties, as under the terms uve 34. and Pimento - Luncheon Loaf - KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES "36. INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD 79 BAAVO PLAIN SPAGHETTI 20 fl oz. tin SAUCE 49. WAFERS 49 annual retainer fee for the Fire Agreement, which R/: Setanan nn DSSS SRS AR SAR ASS SARA AS SARA SARS 0 0500.95.55 50 550 95.96.96 96.95.9656. 96.96.9595 560 50.95 9096.96.90.96 96 9550.90.90 95.95.56 55 95 95 90 0 S00 5 0 10 5 9090 90 509096 96 TENDER - PLUMP - YOUNG > CHICKEN Sus: 4; "STAR TENDER - JUICY - THICK CUT BLADE YA STEAKS 79: BEST BUY! -- READY CUT MACARONI - SPAGHETTINI LANCIA SPAGHETTI :--43 BEST BUY! -- SMOOTH or CRUNCHY 16 Fl. Ox. Jor YORK PEANUT BUTTER 49 BEST BUY! --- MACARONI KRAFT DINNERS FEATURE! 15 Fl. Ox. Bottle HEINZ Tomato KETCHUP 38 FEATURE! - SWEET MIXED, SLICED DILLS, BABY DILLS 15 Fl. Ox. Jors McLAREN'S PICKLES 3is1 FEATURE! --- ROASTED MAXWELL HOUSE corres 83. FEATURE! -- EVAPORATED 16 FL Oz. Ta 21 CARNATION MILK FEATURE! -- CLEANSER . FEATURE! of the agreement, the De- by all parties involved. SPAERIS 88: Ld 1 CHICKEN WINGS 3 : - SA nd PORK BUTT [3 FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! MeCAN "XRBSUE CUT" FRENCH | FRIES 2h by 49c¢ s COOL WHIP "37c GRAPE JUICE 2/4S¢ CHOCOLATE DEVILS FOOD - POUND | SARA LEE CAKES 12-01. size 9c { BONELESS PERCH _______ 14-ox. pkg. T5¢ LiQuiD 4 DETERGENT R SPECIAL $1.69] -- DETERGENT King Size Pkg. SURF *1.29 FEATURE! -- BUG KILLER 11.2-0z. tin RAID 1.2 HOUSE & GARDEN EATURE! - 100 to cello bag KADANA 69- TEA BAGS 12 fl. oz. jar FEATURE! -- Assorted 4 3:89 LIBBY'S RELISHES EAGLE BRAND 39 ¢ 7b. Bag MILK 168. 0x Tis ALL PURPOSE Oven Pride PALMOLIVE SOAP" 49¢ SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE! ORANGES ~- 49 Canteloupe = 29: Celery Stocks 39. - 2 Ibs. for White Onions 39) CAEN aaa W PREPRICED S100! HALO SHAMPOO ~ 89¢ ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE 1 ro. 99¢ SCHICK INJECTOR SUPER STAINLESS BLADES 59: Package of 7 HousTE WV ORANGE FLA a = 69 5 BAG Roll Pack 55. 2- WONDER snob R TISSUE 29. ZR. ri pin Sa 0 tt ASA SO ii TOWELS 24 - 10 oz. Tins Coca Cola $2.69 HEINZ TOMATO SOUP : $1. 10 oz. ) 66 oz. tins bottle OPEN EVERY THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 DOWNY FABRIC SOFTNER 1.29 NEW MILK 3 Qt. Carton RRR RRR RRR RRR RRR RR RR RE EE ERE EEE