Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 21 Jun 1972, p. 16

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ARS ByY £3 5 CELE MRR PSL AY RRR DAN WE SNH DURTIA, NO SEB AVIVA i NR Sha CARE A 4 ARES Ri is beled £94 Bd 12 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 14, 1972 Real Estate Work Wanted Auction Sales SATURDAY, JUNE 24 PRINCIPALS ONLY (Country Branch) SELL PRIVATELY AND SAVE Eight sales in the last six weeks, Prince Albert home owner saved over $800.00. We Need Dronarties, via Farms an oldings, open lots etc, $175.00 is registration cost. Principals Only, Branch 655-4492. Real Estate: Keith PETERS Realty Ltd., 728-7328 103 King Street East, Oshawa Realtor LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Country |_ DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call gnytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. . Licencp No. 324C-68 Cleari Auction for Miss EVA S. HOOVER at 48 O'Brien Ave., in Stouffville (near Baptist Church). Piano & stool, Grandfather clock (1725-50) solid brass band carved dial (it's a beauty), Cathedral kitchen clock, Kro- ehler chesterfield, Frig., Wa- sher, Maple B.R. Suite Lim: oges & Royal Doulton China, bedding, dishes, lamps, many « MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 King St. W., Oshawa . . 723.9525 T.V.. Towers, Sales, Service : -and Installation Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black & white also Repairs Open 9-9 '544 Adelaide St. W. T.F. "| antique pieces, etc. NOTE-- only a few items: listed here, everything in perfect condi. tion, one of the finest lot we have ever offered by auction. Be .sure to attend you will not he disappointed. Pro. erty sold. Refreshments, ale 1:00 p.m, ' ATKINSON and WIT.SON Sale Mgrs, and Auctioneers 2--June2l Sunrise Beach Scugog Island. Freshly painted 3 bedroom cottage, furnished and elec- tric heated year round home, low taxes, sandy beach, nice- ly treed lot. One-half to one hour drive to Oshawa or Tor- onto, Lawn furniture, boat house and docks. Asking $18,500. Call Ken Hann, 723. 7963 or 728-7328. : Real Estate ACREAGES "WANTED Recreational properties with or without buildings, Small or large parcels - subdivision. We have the buyers. Write or call: FREE ESTIMATES Masonary Work, Chimneys Built, Painting, Paper Hanging, Carpentry, Custom Built Rail Fences, etc. Barn Roofs Painted, Eavestroughing Call Blackstock 986-5083 4--June2l WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Farm Machinery & House- hold Furniture, AR John Deere Tractor, John Deere Tractor Manure Spreader, John Deere Seed Drill, John Deere Combine, John Deere -| 6 Blade Tiller, McKee Har- Mountjoy Backhoe SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE "BED INSTALLATIONS Trenching, Water Lines, Basements Crushed Stone, Gravel, Sand BLACKSTOCK 9864737 vester, McKee Wagon, Oats, Barley, Antiques. The Pro- perty of ARNOLD BROWN, Lot 22, Con, 3, Cavan Twp. 13 miles south of Peterbor- ough on Hwy. #28, first farm west of South Mora. ghan, Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Machine Sale at 1:00 p.m. Furniture Sale at 3:00 p.m. - Ward Holmes & Jack Callaghan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON. Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Mr. D. Butcher .... 889-8282 Evenings ......... 223-0313 Auction Sales Ph. Lindsay 705 - 324-9959 2--Junel4 ------lt or Mr. H. Lichtenberg 889-8282 Evenings 483-3032 A. E. LePAGE LTD. REALTOR Box 850, Thornhill, Ont. 3--June28 Work Wanted REG and LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS (20 yrs. Experience) LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE SALES Ph. Sunderland (705) 357-3270 SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Auction Sale of Household Furniture, Machinery & An- tiques, the property of WASIL WOROSZ, will be held at Lot 23, Con. 6, Geor- gina Twp., 7 miles east of Sutton on Hwy. 48 or 1 mile west of Port Bolster. M.F. 35 Diesel Tractor and Loader, ROOFING -- New roofs and re-roofing, expertly installed. Call Caesarea 9864624. T.F. Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. Telephone Collect HAMPTON 416-263-2721 FRIDAY, JUNE 16th Auction Sale of Household Contents and numerous An- tiques. The property of HERBERT BLACK, Manilla. 'Included is Heinzman piano, antique hope chest(old), brass bed, 2 toilet sets, numerous other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. REG. & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 good condition, Ferguson plow and cultivator, Buggy (good), Aluminum Boat, 6 h.p. Evinrude motor. 9 pc. dining room suite, 2 Round extension tables, 2 chrome sets, china cabinet and side- board, bedroom furniture, Hanging Lamp with Prisms, Aladdin. hanging lamp, large school regulator clock (cal- endar face), brass "hanging MARGWILL FUR FARN R.R.5 Bowmanville Licence No. 364-C-72 McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING & FABRIC SALES. Wide choice of fine quality fabrics, at reduced prices. All work- SATURDAY, JUNE 17th 3! p.m. " Auction Sale - Contents of a house property of the late EVELYN TYLER and EVA HOCKIN, consisting of: Dish- es, some antiques, China Cab- inet, Silver Chrome Suite, Chesterfield, Rugs, Coffee & manship guaranteed. Calli End Tables, Victorian Arm 985-3513. T.F.| Chair, 2 Victorian parlor tables, Cane Back Rocker, MECHANICAL Fitness Certi- ficates. Phone 985-2937. 3--June2l ® REPAIRS TO eo Plaster Stucco Ceilings Bathrooms No Job too small MONTE SALWAY Oshawa 728-2846 after 6 p.m. PLEASE 8--Jlys RUG & UPHOLSTERY clean- ing done in your home and ready to use the same day. Phone 985-7704 evenings. ® PAINTING eo INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Call Bill 985-2239 T.F. BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY Re-Upholstery and Repairs to all types of Furniture. Upholstery fabrics & supplies AUSTIN BARTLEY Phone 986-4731 LAWN MOWER REPAIRS (All Makes) LAWN BOY AUTHORIZATION SALES & SERVICE Call 985-2211 or 986-4451 4--Juneld Can btm. chair, 5 pec. bed- room suite, 2 dressers, linen, lamps, pictures, mirrors, Imi. tation Fire Place, Electro- home 21" T.V. b/w, vacuum, floor polisher, Westinghouse dryer, 18' Extension ladder, garden tools. Many other items. Sale will be conduct- ed on premises at 22 Car. lisle Ave., Bowmanville, 1:00 p.m, sharp. Terms Cash. No reserve. Auctioneers: GLENN FRY--623-5387 TOM LOWERY--728-7639. lamp base, wooden telephone. 6 mantle clocks, Tiffany type lamp, horse chimes and bells, 2 antique clocks, 3 copper boilers, 3 small footed iron kettles, Carnival glass, cran- berry vase, Qu. of dishes. Tea Wagon (good), 8 rocking chairs (some antique), china cabinet, bell gong, hundreds of other items. Plan to attend this Auction Sale. Pro- perty Sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. 705 - 357-3270. 2--Junel4d £ ASA Ontario County 700 Bushel Potato Club re-organized for 1972 season A number. of Ontario County Potato Growers met in' the Ministry of AGri- culture and Food Office, Uxbridge, on Wednesday, May 31st, for the purpose of re-organizing the 700 Bushel Potato Club for 1972. This club was first organized in 1945 as a 500 Bushel Club, and has carried out a suc- cessful. competition -each year. At the recent meeting, the - objectives of the club were reviewed, and it was the feeling of those present that the name of the club be changed to a 700 Bushel Potato Club in 1972. Twelve potato growers completed this high yield club in 1971. The winner of the 1971 competition - was Mr. Richard Colwell, Claremont, R. R. No. 1, with an esti- mated yield of 604-bushels per acre. The average yield for all twelve growers in the 1971 competition was 510 bushels. Contestants may use any recommended potato variety they wish, and they may use any means at their disposal to secure the highest possible yield from the one acre they have entered in the com- petition. Anyone interested in join- ing this high yield potato club for 1972 should send his application, together with a $5.00 membership, to the Ministry of Agriculture 'and Food Office, Uxbridge, by July 1st. ' The officers and com- mitee for 1972 are as follows: Chairman - Dick Colwell, Claremont, No. 1. : Vice-Chairman - Ron Har- rison, Mount Albert No. 3. Auction Sales THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 22, 6:30 p.m. Auction sale of furniture and antiques including Viscount 23' deep freezer Philco refrige- rator, Moffat 24" electrie stove, Hoover electric dryer (new), Hoover washer an spin dry (like new), electrical SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, Household Furniture and Antiques, 25 Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle, Ferguson 85 Tractor, 3 Furrow Plough 3 pt.., MF. 1969 Power Mow- er, Dion Threshing Machine, Ferguson Tiller 3 pt., Woods Electric Grinder, Dearborne Cultivator 3 pt., Large Quan- tity of Antiques, the property of J. STEWART ARM. STRONG, Lot 17, Con. 7, Ot- onabee Twp., 4 miles south west of Peterborough Sale Barn, and 1 mile west on Base Line Road. Terms Cash, No Reserve. Machine Sale at 1.00 p.m. Furniture 2:00 p.m. Cattle Sale 3:30 p.m. Ward Holmes and Jack Calla- ghan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705 - 324-9959 2--Junel4 appliances, chrome dinette suite, 6 chairs (like new), electrical appliances, chrome dinette suite, 6 chairs (like new) dining room table, 6 chairs, bedroom suite, vanity and dresser, double bed and dresser, combination writin desk and china cabinet, 2 oa wash stands, oak chest of drawers, drop leaf table, butter bowl. several antique chairs. 3 spinning wheels, 'spooled childs cradle. plat- i form rocker, antique mirror, , wooden pump, captains chair. ;crocks., picture frames, anti- 'que pump gran. wooden cur- "tain poles. hall tree, large iron kettle. 32" aluminum extension ladder. pine lumber (dry). 600' 22 x 6 spruce lumber, many 'many other items. (full list later). The property of JOHN DOBSON, on Hwy. 47. 6 miles . east of Uxbridge. Terms cash, 'farm sold, sale 6:30 sharp. 'Lunch available, Lloyd Wilson and W.D. Atkinson, sale Man- ,agers and auctioneers. 1p. d whison, and W.D. SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Furniture & Antiques Farm Machinery Auction sale including New- combe piano and bench, G.E. 23" T.V., antique record stand, corner what-not, round oak table, antique buffet with hutch, electric stove and re- frigerator, walnut table sink, number of anfique chairs, antique chests of drawers, antique dresser, sil- ver pieces, platform rocker, 6 oak chairs, wash Sind; ine box, old jars and thes, crocks, picture frames, bu wheels, string of bells. McCor- mick 10° cultivator, 3 point hitch, J.D. 3 furrow frip beam plow, McCormick 3 furrow - plow, Lever harrows, chain arrow, Case 32' elevator on wheels, manure spreader, double disc, 200 bales hay, 50 bales straw, hog, sow, 9 chunks, the wt of GORDON LAPP, Lot 11, Con. 6, Scott Twp. 11% miles north of Sandford Road on Con. 6, (5 miles north west of Uxbridge) Terms cash, farm sold, sale at mn. lunch available, Lloyd Atkinson, Sale Managers and Auct- ioneers, SATURDAY, JUNE 24 Auction Sale of Farm Mach. inery and Household Furni- ture, M.H. 44 Tractor, Ford 640 Tractor with Manure. Loader, Int. 46 Baler, PT. Int. Cultivator, Oliver Trip Beam Plough, Busyy Cutter, Grain, 24 Acres of Standing Hay, Democrat, Many Items of Antique Machinery. Large Quantity of Furniture and Antiques. Property of the Late STEPHEN L. WILSON, Lot 8, Con. 13, CAVAN Twp., 1 mile south of Mt. Pleasant and 1 mile west or 5 miles south of Emily Park Turn & 1 mile west. Terms Cash. No Reserve, Machine Sale at 1,00 p.m. Furniture Sale at 2:00 p.m, Ward Holmes and Jack Callaghan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--June21 Secretary - Ivan Bell, Ux- bridge. ¥ ? Committee . Members -- Walter Kerry, Port Perry; Bill Lockie, Zephyr; Albert Hockley, Claremont; Mur- ray Crone, Mount Albert; Ches Oldham, Zephyr; Richard Colwell, Claremont; Frank Hendy, Goodwood; Ivan Norton, Goodwood; Tom Smith, Claremont; Tom Seeley, Uxbridge; Ron Har- ison, Mount Albert; Ross Harrison, Mount Albert and Murray Colwell, Claremont. Lindsay Presbyterial met in Fenelon Falls, May 29 "An executive meeting of the Lindsay Presbyterial was held in Fenelon Falls on May 29. The Pres. Mrs. A. Gillis opened the meeting with a poem, .a portion of Acts 28, prayer and medita-' tion. The adoption of the minutes, roll call and bus- iness followed. The United Church Lead- ers training school is to be held at Camp-Quin-Mo-Lac on September, 7, 8, 9, for which deleates are to be appointed. Miss White of Lindsay gave a report of the Conference executive meeting. The delegates to Heritage Ontarion on multiculturism will be Mrs. Prince The school choir render- ed several lovely numbers in church on June 4th, Sun- day under the capable di- rection of Mrs. Sandison. Rev. Reeves sermon was especially for children but suited all, entitled, "A Good Time to Play Deaf". Col- lection taken by Messrs, Chuck Willes and Brian Beacock. Speedy recovery is wish- ed Mr. Grant Hunter in Oshawa General Hospital and Mr, Clint Chambers in Port Perry Hospital. Several ladies enjoyed the Rebekah Luncheon held at the home of Mrs. Grace Love. Last Sunday, Mrs. Helen Jewell held Open House in honour of her father, Mr. A. Gilson, who celebrated his 90th birthday. Many friends and relatives called to extend best wishes. Miss Beth Hope celebrat- ed her birthday Monday. Those attending her party were: Billy Long, Shelley Mclntyre'and Michele And. rews. If you'd like those old newspapers out of the way, set them out for the Cubs and Scouts on Sat., June 17. Please call 7061 with any news items. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dickin- son and Mrs. K. Allan of Toronto were- week-end guests of Mrs. M. Murphy and Mrs. R. Smith recently. Nice to see Mrs. Mulvey home again. Mr. and Mrs. John Bea- cock of Lindsay visited with his brother Les and family on the previous week-end. Mrs. Merle Murphy, Allan and Mrs. R. Smith were Mrs. Ruth. It was suggested that mitts, scarves and toques be taken to the fall Rallies that they might be sent to missions where they are needed. Mrs. Page reported on the Stewardship Seminar that was held in Toronto in Feb- ruary. The result of this meeting was the Youth Oriented Seminar that was held in Woodville. A Fair Exchange will be held in Cambridge St. Church on Sept. 25, 2p 4 p.m. and7-9p.m. Each U.C.W.is ° , asked to present in display form one aspect of the work of the church to all who "Come to the Fair." Roeske and Albert guests at the Harper - Cox wedding in Port Perry, one week ago. Graduates Jean Carol Tripp, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Tripp, of R. R. No. 2, Port Perry, graduated June 1 with an honour bachelor of Arts degree from York Uni- versity. Jean was a former graduate of Port Perry High School. ! INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 8 for 5 Years Interest is payable half yearly or may be left.to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306

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