RRA I RS sh NO ed 20)- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 7, 1972 Blackstock continued were Sunday guests of Mr. and: Mrs, Harold McLaugh- lin and. family. Mrs, George Collins (nee ' * Yvonne Chant) and son .-_ Peter of Burford visited re- Le with Mr. and Mrs, Harold McLaughlin and fa. and Mrs, Vernon Istine, Colin & Teresa spent the weekend with Mr, and 'Mrs. Les Asselstine, Gayle and Robbineof, Wa- terloo . Winners at the W.I. card party on Wednesday even- ing were Ladies' High - Lorna Richards, Second - Effie Ploughman, Men's High - Andy Munro, Second - Russell Coates. Lucky: Draw - Margaret VanCamp. There will be no more W.I card parties until October. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. John Carnaghan, Alice Carnaghan, Mr, Lloyd Tre- win attended the Convoca- tion exercises at the West. ern University. when Jim Carnaghan received his Honours degree in Journal ism, ployed as a reporter for the Peterborough Examiner, Congratulatigns, Jim Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Tay- lor and Betty Jane attended the Convocation at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario on Wednesday, May 31st, when Diane received her Bachelor of Arts Degree majoring in Secretarial Science, Diane plans to at- tend Althouse College in London this fall. Congra. tulations, Diane. Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Web- ster (Nee Beth Dunsmoor) who were married recently | SANITARY Landfill Operator REQUIRED FOR PORT PERRY, REACH AND SCUGOG B Written applications will be received by the 1 undersigned for this position until 5:00 p.m. June | 12th, 1972. Applicant must be capable of operating "a bulldozer on a limited basis per day plus be responsible for supervision of landfill operation. 'Duties to commence about July 1st. , . Please state references and salary requirements. J. N. BRODIE, Clerk-Treasurer Box 209, i Village of Port Perry. Jim presently is em. News by Rev. V. M, Parsons. Mr. and Mrs, Webster are re- siding in Oshawa, There will be a community show- er in honour of Beth and Doug at the Rec, Centre on June 14th, Many local friends and relatives attended the for- tieth wedding anniversary party in Port Perry in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Wil © liam Chapman (nee Esther Strong) on Saturday after. noon and evening. Mr, Alex Flett of Fene- lon Falls spent the week- end visiting his two sisters Mr, & Mrs. Ed Harris and Mr. and Mrs, M, A, Graham, Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Harry DeGeer and _ boys were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cathcart and fam. ily, Pickering, Mr. Roy De- Geer and Miss Cora DeGeer of Haydon, Rev. George Hambly, Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Allen, Willowdale, spent Saturday evening and Sunday visiting Mrs. Ray Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Kelly and family, Mrs. Courtney Graham spent the week-end visiting relatives at Jeddo, stayed with Mrs, Otto Hill- ock, while the Kellys camp- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hillock and girls. - On Sunday they at- tended the Brown Reunion at Goodalls, Michigan, Michigan... Mrs, Graham. DRUG STORES SU lS EFFECTIVE MON., JUNE 5 to SAT., JUNE 10 Save on the six super-low prices listed here! And while you're shop- ping for them, check the I.D.A. Everyday Low Prices on popular Health and Beauty Needs. They too, make I.D.A. Drug Stores -- "WELL WORTH LOOKING FOR". PEPSODENT "ACTION MINT" ONLY GIANT SIZE -- SUGG. LIST 81c C347 VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION 7o1. SUGG. LIST 1.09 & LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 1202. PLUS 25% MORE = 15 or. SUGG. LIST 1.49 NEW! ARRID "EXTRA-DRY" LIGHT POWDER ANTI-PERSPIRANT (8) ADORN HAIR SPRAY 4 TYPES Jor. SUGG. LIST 2.98 "TRAC Il" RAZOR WITH 5-TRAC i SHAVING CARTRIDGES IN PLASTIC TRAVEL CASE SUGG. LIST 2.95 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BRUTONS 1 -A DRUGS PORT PERRY'S LAURA SECORD STORE VARS cL 3 Nearly 200 persons attend mother and daughter banquet Leslie Forder's toast to the Queen opened another suc- cessful Girl Guide, Mother and Daughter Banquet. Approximately 182 brownies, guides, leaders, mothers, and guests were seated in the Oddfellows Hall. Following a most delicious dinner, Brown Owl, Mrs. Ruby Peyton, introduced head table guests. Included were the Rev. and Mrs. Wm, .- Black; Mrs, Jan Brook, div- ision commissioner * from Claremont; Mrs. Lorraine Quinton, district commiss- ioner; Mrs. Barbara Brac- ken president of local asso- ciation; 'and the guiders of each local pack and com- pany. Brightening the banquet tables were individual floral party favours, made by the brownies and guides. These were presented to each mother as a momento of the evening. Mrs. B. Bracken briefly thanked her executive and others who all contributed time and effort to make '71- '72 a successful year. Over the year Brownies and Guides have been -in- volved in a variety of activi- ties; from litter chases to- planting tulips; from bike-a- thons to - selling cookies. Planning and organizing the Lions Port Pore 'BAG~BULBS' Fund Raising Campaign STARTS MONDAY, JUNE 12 AT 7.00 P.M. various programs and events would not have been possible without willing and capable leaders. Mrs, Margaret Ann Lamb, on behalf of the mothers, - thanked the guiders for their efforts. Guides and Brownies then presented their leaders with gifts of cup and saucers. 'Puppet 'Harold Feathers' (worked by Brown Owl, Mrs, Eileen Hvidsten) introduced Scugog Division Commiss- ioner, Mrs. Jan Brook. Mrs, Brook brought greetings from Division Council, and gave a brief outline on the reformation of boundaries in this Area. She thanked the Brownies and Guides for the lovely coursage and closed with a most thought-pro- voking message. At the completion of Head table addresses, a short pro- gram followed. Six Brownies from 3rd. Pack, Mrs. E. McCallum, Brown Owl, "flew up" to Guides. These were Astrid Bloeman, Patri- cia Bolton, Lee Anne Doupe, Martha McCallum, Mar- garet Waldinsperger, and ' Debbie Crozier. Five new guides were enrolled into the - 1st. Company by Captain Mrs. Jayne Parry; Carol . Brown, Cindy Arnold, Melanie Tassell, Janice Lown, and Mary Lou Bour- Club A aE og geois. The remaining packs and companies previously presented profiency badges, enrolled girls etc. at their meetings. Guide Margaret 'Wannink- hof led all in various Brownie and Guide songs throughout the evening. The finale to the evening was the showing of Port Perry's Centennial film by Mr. Emiel Kroonenberg, which was received with gusto by everyone. Lorraine Quinton WHY PAY | ~ MORE? | SAVE? On Premium Quality <B> FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 668-3341 CALL COLLECT Q Please Keep Your Porch Light On, When Members Of The Lions Club Call Mon., June 12 By Supporting "The Bag Of Bulbs' Campaign, "You Not Only Receive A Bargain, But You Also Assist The Lions Club In Their Charitable Work In Port Perry And District Reg. Value $2.35 Selling Price $2.00 Give Your Support To A Worthy Cause