SOR PEE SALA HSE LAR SN Wo Lt Aor FLEE i 5h AY PRR RASA SSR oi Ns WY vith PEE WTA ND L200 PR a SY SOLE IRAE ROH 16 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Marh 8,1972 W.I. Celebrates 75th Mr. and Mrs. George W. Samells recently were en- tertained in Oshawa at a family dinner party at the home.of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bailey, on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniver- sary. Hostess on the happy occasion were their daugh- ter's Mrs. Bruce Mackey & Mrs. Earl 'Bailey. Guests included Mrs. George Pal- mer, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Crosier, Toronto, Mr. and -Mrs. Stanley Plough- man, Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Ploughman of Port Perry. * * * Mrs. Mary Sweetman and Marguerite Lewis have left for a two week vacation in the Barbados. Bn 7 om aS Fl * * * Port Perry Lions Club will sponsor a Public Speak- ing Contest for High School students on Thursday, Apr. 6th. - 'The contest is open to students from High Schools in District A-3 cov- ering an area from Brock- ville to Ajax. ra Nee * * * On Thursday, March 2nd, aint em Sunderland Public School let off 1250 hellium filled balloons, as part of an ex- periment in air currents. All these balloons are tag- ged. If any are found in : A A, SS a el AS "appreciate the tags being filled in and returned to them, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Graham left on Sunday by Winter safari part of CHS carnival events This year at the CHS Winter Carnival a' cross- country safari on snowmo- biles was a new event in the programme of activities. About 30 snowmobiles with approximately 50 avid dri- vers and riders participated in the 17 mile trek over a variety of terrain - going south to the Purple Hill road and back homeward via the syndicate trails. The weather and driving con- ditions were perfect for the safari. The only mishap occurred when the principal T ran out of gas with his Al machine. Following are results of 24 some C.H.S. Winter-Carnival i events: 1. Nail Pounding (Girls), 1st Lynn Barter (Tiger). 2. Thong Touching, 1st Bill Woods (Tiger® 3. Log Sa*.ng, 1st Grant McLaughlin and Blair Martyn (Tiger) 4. Banana Eating, 1st Brian Barter (Ali Cat) 15 bananas. 5. Tug of War, 1st (Girls) - x Ali Cats, 1st (Boys) - Ali v. Cats. 4 6. Ayagg, Ist Pat Pro- f cunier. (Ali Cat) 7. Snow Sculpture, 1st Ali Cats, 2nd Oakpiks, 3rd i Tigers. Final Scores -- Ali Cats, 30 points; Tigers, 25 points, Oopiks, 19 points. "ROUND THE bus to Buffalo and then by some of the students of the the area the students would Clarence air for a week's goliday in the Barbados. PY * * *» Four Lions from the Nor- wood Lions Club including Past District Governor Don Jones, visited at the. regu- at 4 4 4 4 4 4 Z| 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 /! / 7 4 % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 / 4 4 Anniversary A delightful evening was enjoyed by Greenbank and invited guests last Tuesday when our branch 'helped to celebrate the 75th Anniver- sary of the F.W,1.O, Seven. ty-four people sat down to a delicious beef dinner which was prepared by the ladies of Bethesda W.L the . anniversary cake and coffee. Mr, John Phoenix and Mr. Lorne Theobald, of Toronto spent the week-end with the Fred Phoenix family. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs, John McCabe on the birth of their son on Feb. 20th, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Stud- inski of Hamilton, Mr. and ACRE fo RA HN Sere' Greenbank News Nate of prizes at the Friday night euchre were as follows: Men's high Armour Me. Millan; 2nd Isaac Cather- wood; low - Stan Alldred. Ladies high Mrs. Chris Goldstone; 2nd Mrs. H. Mc- Millan; low Phyllis Clark. Door Prize Neil Rodd. The next euchre party Stone attended the opening of the new Stone Real Es- 3 tate office in Port Perry on Friday and Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doble. son Roger and friend of Pickering were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Phoenix - . and family. " The music of George Beare's Orchestra was en- joyed by all who attended the Parent-Teacher sponsor- ed dance at the Hall on Sat- urday evening. lar monthly meeting of the Following the banquet pro- Mrs. Ken Hunter and Mrs. will be held in the hall on » J Port. Perry Lions Club hel ressive euchre was played. E. Hunter of Scarboro we March 17th at 8:00 p.m. , Anyone having news for. i = BADEN ER So WHERE THE ( or u NG ) : BEST BUY! -- DAK BRAND 11h. Tin Om : 2 | PICNIC | Pork Shoulders 99. PARKAY | MARGARINE cf 3 48 Fl. Oz, Tins" = LIBBY'S "BEANS vin poi 3:88 MARTIN'S APPLE JUICE 3is1 38-0z. Bottle . n SHIRRIFF JELLY oessears 11: 90. CRISCO OIL + bes roi" 1.05 / BUY! -- ECONOMY PACK ' RED ROSE TEA BAGS ----77-| GLAD GARBAGE BAGS 59. FEATURE! -- PLAIN BISCUITS oso FEATURE! -- CHEF BOY-AR-DEE / * PEAK FREAN 3:89 SAG PIZZA MIX 55.1 * "FEATURE! os 7 ERowN Sveue 5) in 4 | FEATURE! -- TULIP BRAND ~~ 12-0z. Tins 4 LUNCH MEAT 3551 : Ey TRA 8 | - FEATURE] -- ASSORTED VARIETIES SINpGE ' RICE-A-RONI 3::1 { n. 49 ioRY LiguiD . 73 FEATURE! -- ASTRA BRAND 24-02. Bil C CHUNK wn TUNA 37 Se aroas T A Sunkist Navel B.C. Delicious RAISINS i cto §9: FREE! / Oranges ..49c Apples 5-49} ficomicg rata || ATT: J Cabbages .25¢|Onions 3+29¢ CREST wows 51.19 4 CREAMED HONEY "88 / Fresh Mushrooms 19C | snes oan = Choice - Plump « Canada Grade 'A' on 1 Economy raronss IROZEN FOOD FERTURES! CHICKENS | oioner nn118- W ER 29: A / 2st to : LEAN « MEATY « PORK : . 2 39: | EET | fos 29. [20d | | - LEAN - MEATY - PORK MAPLE LEAF." p'a™ Frondh Fries 55. / SPARERIBS [i loci mear 63¢ | WINGS 35: : [ deal TENDER + JUICY MARE LAF SLICED SUPREME ORANGE 12341. oe. th 4A. oe. the z 2, TQ: Bl Sinn 45: Bologna 29 [ic iat. Jf |. PURE SPRING RED & WHITE "A* MEDIUM RED ROSE / GINGER ALE | BREAD | EGGS | Instant Coffee | 30 oz. Bottles 24 oz. Loaves 3 Dozen 10 oz. Jar F F / 6:99: 5::110 | 89 | 1.89 I 4 4 Iz 4 / 4 4 4 4 / 7 % % 4 4 4 7 / 7 4 4 / / / % 4% 4 /! / 4 4 4 4 / Z| 7 7 Z| / 4 7 7 % % 4 /: 4 4 % 7 4 / % 4 / / 4 / 4 4 7 5 / 3 / % 7 4 4 4 4 /8 7 7 4 / / 4 4 4 7! 4 4 4 4 /9 / 4 / 4 4 4 4 / 4 4 /8 4 4 4 % 4 4 4 4 / 4 v 4 / 4 4 / 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5555050505055... 56.06 95.96 95.96. 96.96 96.96.95 9550.00 95 5095 9055 95.95 95 95 SERRA AN SS SS ARR AR AR UNS ARAN A ' Le row