Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 8 Dec 1971, p. 4

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ERNE ARG) NEN 20) - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec 1, 1971 Ahan 1 hati RAE J 2a 4 LY) Seagrave guides and brownies oi Auxiliary Meet The Annual Meeting of Annual Doll Draw is on McDermott. Phone Convenor for Tuck Shop--Mrs, Helen Mathieson - Assist.--Mrs. Reta Beadle ° x 4 the Hospital Auxiliary. was Dec. 11th so don't forget to Mrs, Geo. Smith declared ; GUIDES: The Nov, 16th. more. 'test. to finish the the Shining Owl took his held at the Municipal Office get your tickets in. the executive as appointed. meeting opened with Roll Challenge. Emblem, which place on the toadstool with with 33 present. Mrs. Marj. Chris Richardson report- Mr, Harry Phoenix express.' Call in Company Formation. ~ they will be working on as the Brownie Pins at his. McDermott opened 'the ed the new executive as ed thanks on behalf of the The Horseshoe was formed a group. Various other or- feet. The tweenies were meeting with all repeating follows: 'Hospital Board for all the and the following badges ganizations and their servi. presented one at a time to the Auxiliary prayer. A . Past President-- help .they. have 'received were presented to Bonnie ces were discussed. make their promise. Louise word of welcome was also Mrs. Marj. McDermott ~~ from the Auxiliary. Mrs. ¥ * Short: Little House "Emb- Campfire followed, with Hashe, Suzanne - Saulnier, given to everyone, Minutes Prosident-- McDermott asked the new lem, Wilderness Camper, ~ 4 short skits planned by the Sharon Strong, Carla Demp- of the last meeting were Mrs, Fleanor Davidson President, Mrs. Eleanor Outdoor Adventure, Seam. , patrols onthe. life of Lord 'sey and Lana Perry became read and approved and the = 1st Vice. Davidson to take over. the stress 'and Baker. 'Some and Lady Biden Powell. Brownies. treasurer's report given, - Mrs. Jeanne Goode, 'meeting. announcements were made Meeting closed with Taps. Instruction included Shee Chris Richardson report. - 2nd Vice-- She introduced the guest regarding badge testing, BROWNIES: The Nov, 17 . cleaning, * 'The: Brownies - ed on the bootees and any- Mrs. Eileen Pugh speaker, Mrs. Don Hadden, _ During patrol time, the meeting started with var: will be keeping. their own - having wool out, it Rec. Sec'y--Mrs, M. Cannon * who gave a very interesting = w » agenda for the Court of ous games, shoes clean from now on. Co iq "ho "appreciated If *. Assist--Mrs, H. Coates _ talk and showed slides on Honour was discussed in All learned 3 new way to The other group practised they could hand°them in as Corr, Sec'y--Mrs, J. Elliot thelr" trip to Africa, Brazil Patrol in Council, and the form the Brownie' Ring, phone courtesy, taking a soon as possible, the supply Treasurer-- and Rhodesia. A tasty-- Patrol Leaders gave instruc. Which seemed most success: message from a phone call is getting low. A thank- Mrs, Bonnie Gerrow lunch was served which tion in various sections of ful. The Tweenies were and remembering a mess. you note was read from a 'Bootee Convenor-- brought a very pleasant the tenderfoot & challenge taken from the Ring by the , age, new mother for receiving Mrs, Marion Webster evening to a close, | badge. cadet and our enrolment A Pow Wow was held at bootees. Tuck Shop Treasurer-- » v During instruction the setting was again assemb. .the end of the meeting and The Tuck Shop is doing Mrs. Lois Smith. | girls worked on Stage 1 of led with great enthusiasm. 'more was learned about the nicely and' appreciation is Assist --Mrs. E. Badour ° | the First Aid, while the We had to take the squirrel yjttle Friends from Ceylon. extended to all the organ. © Buyer for Tuck Shop-- : | more senior girls, during out of the pond and make The meeting was closed izations. for being so €0-0p- Mrs, Win Philp nef an interview. with the cap- sure our little fish weren't with Ceylon's Grand Salute ti in helpi The 1st --Mr. Mari. : vv tain found they had one caught in the trees, Then and Brownie Taps. hicks $d n, ep ne Ass g i i i ; ON RSET, EVERY ME MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th | © °° RE - ELECT ' | : VOTE - Armour MacMillan | INEIL HUNTER]: ° tor COUNCILLOR Margaret hur lad - "5 es SEAGRAVE in Roar) Townshin COUNCILLOR If elected for a second term | will endeavour to feo OUNCI L L O R 2 be fair in all my decisions. ; y ! : : for REACH TOWNSHIP | i Vote: Monday, December 6th REACH TOWNSH iP ~ 7 Years on Reach Township School Board » T hi f) It has been proven over and over again, EX. own S | D oO deac PERIENCE is a vital factor and an important asset " for anyone, in whatever job held. Having served Reach Township for a total of 14 L) AAA AE EE EE rrr ws ELECT en J @ATS; years in various capacities, I believe I possess the: experience needed to again ask for your support. 1 first entered into municipal politics in 1954, as a council member. -until 1957, wh position of deputy-reeve. From 1960-62 I served Beach Township in the top municipal position, as reeve. en I successfully "won the I served in this position for 3 CTT TL FT n-- "When nomina- tions and elections came up in Dec. 1962, 1 again qualified to run for reeve, However due to lengthy illness and "confined to hospital, I was unable to campaign and believe this the reason for not being successful at that election. : s In both.1965 and 1967 I was returned to the office of Reeve of Reach Township. ' During the 14 years I have served the ratepayers in Reach Township, I have always worked in their. best interest. We are residing in a good Township, and we all want it that way. However, there is always room for improvement, and I intend, wher- ever possible, within the means of this municipality ° E D. Sam) OYLER to make those improvements. RE EVE for 1972 tor Vou apart ot the pill oh Monday, ' § J : ; Dec. 6th, and promise to work hard: for Reach 'Town- Monday, December 6, 1971 ship during next term, if elected. 10:09 AM. to 8:00 PM. eleven years, and was elected Warden of Ontario : For Transportation to. Polls call 985-2028 County in 1969, 0005000000000 00 06050646 46 05 A SE EA AAA Rd I have also served on Ontario County Council for ZEAE RRAALTALRIAAAAAAAAATAAAAALATACATATTITTITAIAAALARIATRNRNNNNRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

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