32 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1971 Remembrance Week Activities For Royal Canadian % -Legion,. Branch 419, Port Perry November 4th to Tth, 1971 November 4th 5th and 6th Nov. 6, Remembrance Day Banquet, Legion Hall "Old Bills" of Port Perry and area will be honoured guests at this banquet. For information or transportation call Legion. Hall, John: Maw: or Michael Holozan, 985 - 2080. - Notice To All Armed Forces Veterans -- Poppy Fund Tag Dilys Nov. 7, Service at Cenotaph, 2.30 p.m. | have a buzz-bike. "| have parents. | have never gone hungry. | don't know what war is| aki What is : hunger? i al What is a concentration camp? What is a razzia? a What is a bomb? What is fear? wo " : . | know we are free! | ar 1 know who liberated us! 'I know what they sacrificed! Thanks a million for our freedom! BUY A POPPY TT Mrs. 'and Mrs. Nursing Home News Halloween was celebrated Saturday night last with the usual fun- and frolics. The young goblins and a goodly share of older ones, as well, had a: marvellous time at the "Shell Out' arranged by the Staff and Residents of the Nursing Home. The Dining "and Lounge were gaily 'decorated for the occasion, . and the young elfs who came. - from-all parts of Port Perry, Greenbank, etc., left for home with .lots of candies, fruits and novelties for en- joyment later on. Thursday, October 28th, 1971 marked the 87th Bir- thday of Mrs. Mintche Phoenex of Uxbridge. She was the guest of honor at a party held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Art Couves of Greenbank where many of her old. friends gathered to express their best wishes. - Later on in the evening Mrs. Phoenex was entertained by members of her immediate - family. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. G. Wanamaker for bringing along = some "goodies" from the banquet of the Odd Fellows Lodge. Mrs. Flett, Mrs. Baxter | Kight have returned to their respective homes in Columbus Port 'Perry and Utica. To these good ladies we enter our sincere hopes for a long time of healthful happiness. returned to our Nursing Home after a short stay in --Uxbridge General Hospital. She is doing very well at present. SPE "Violet Bell --has-- 'Mr. John Doupe has just "been transferred to Toronto for - further physiothérapy. Best of Luck John! Mr.' John Kelly is your editor this 'week. He has volunteered to take turns month about with "Mrs. Letcher in writing this column, Burketon Mr, Wm, Virtue & child: ren, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Orono and Mrs, Orval Greer and Rosemary, Oshawa, were callers of Mrs."W. Bryan during the week-end. Miss Judy Beech, Univer sity of Guelph spent the Yeo nd with Mr, and Mrs. h and family. ag ti from this district PORT PERRY, REMEMBRANCE DAY DANCE TO BE HELD IN THE Port Perry Legion 'Hall Saturday, Nov. 6th DANCE WILL BE HELD FOLLOWING -- THE REMEMBRANCE DAY BANQUET | attended the Thank Offer.: ing tea and dedication ser-- vice. in Enniskillen United Church conducted by Rev Victor Parsons of the Black stock charge. Sewer be held responsible. He feels that .any owner who wants to install his own sewer hook-up should first - be told all the facts, and told who is responsible for prob- lems such as the one he has encountered; Right now, he feels himself alternately pushed around, then ignored by designed the whole sewer system, and the company that installed it. As a result, he's still not sure of where he stands, and nobody seems to tell him anything. But one thing is certain, Mr. Fran- ssen wants his sewer hook-up finished, and the fifty-foot ditch béside his house filled in.'And the sooner'the better. - ] ONTARIO 985 - 7335 P.0.Box 329 -- * Cold Killer 159 Casimir Street CIAL * * * We Offer a COMPLETE LINE of BUILDING SUPPLIES AT COMPETATIVE PRICES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Ail Types of Construction * By Contract or Time & Material Estimates gue & Delivery PLANNING In EICEYIIUN * Design MELTED * Blueprint Facilities for: FORCED AIR OIL FURNACE # 111,000 B.T.U. Capacity Complete with Burner and Controls Factory Pre-wired CENTRE * New Homes * Cottages * Alterations * Farm Bldgs * Kitchens * Rec. Rooms "NEW" Chimney?' ASK ABOUT OUR - LOW COST SELKIRK_METAL- BESTOS ALL STAINLESS STEEL Insulated PRE-FAB CHIMNEYS" C.M.H.C. Approved |! ADVERTISED PRICES ARE CASH and CARRY MEMBER OF LOH RTT MORE vat FOR YOUR MONEY the engineers, who'