' House League Hockey In, exhibition games .on. Maple Leaf Mills were de- Saturday Haines 'Esso de: feated by Club Annrene 4- feated 'Canadian Tire 3.2, 7/3. Club Annrene goals hy e Scoring' for Haines Esso, Paul Gibson unassisted, Wil: «the first Kroonenburg, un- assisted, the second by Fran. cis assisted by Neil, the 3rd 'by Taylor unassisted. 'Cana: dian Tire tallys by Middle. "ton & Van Camp assisted" by Hurst and Hadley. Le- PORT PERRY MINOR pH POGH09 liams. unassisted, Griffin unassisted and one by No. 6. Maple Leaf goals by Payne assisted by MacIntyre, Rowe assisted by. Payne, Lée un- assisted. ® NOVICE ion downed 2 : g hy Pegl's Chicks .~ Malmont Farms defeated 9-3. Goals for Legion by Cook (4), Gunter (2), Blon. Keith Real Esates in a good gae (2) and Van Shaegan. game 3% Tim Thompson Chicks tallys by Ghristen, getting the lone ally. Crawford and Van Weston. Scugog Lumber were de- ® PEE WEE -. feated by White Feather Frank Real Esate beat Le. Farms 3.1, Goals for gion 5-1. Geer got the only ~~ White Feathers, Gary Gib- . goal for. the Legion team. son .unassisted, the second. | Goals for Frank Real Estate . Scott Heard ' assisted by by Lyon Clement, Healy(2) Harry Fellows, the last goal and Makee, assisted by' by Harry Fellows. No. 16 eo Burnfield, Raffin, Lyon and got the lone tally for Scu- Jones, -80g Lumber, "Hornet Wi Two ~ Hornets Win Two > 'SUNDAY OCT. 31st _ MONDAY, NOV. 1st Hornets Defeat West-- Hornets Lose Home Game Rouge 'Midgets 6-4 To Stouffville 6-3 : EH Hornets opened the scor- ; AT ' West Rouge opened the ing in the first period with A team sponsored by the Legion were champs.in the Middle row. left to righ atm a Sie SUSE BL SLE al a EE s t: Michael Doupe, PE Rang in i Liab salir a Softball Squirt House League. Back row-left to right: Steven Geer, George Burnett, Robert Horne, © ® Gunn before Van Camp Stouffville scored 'to close Jim Burnett (coach) Richard "Enns, Steven Redman, Front row-left to right: David Canning, Brian Robin- scored with McCoy and out the first period. Doug. Harris, Kevin Walker, Chuck Terry {eoach). " son, Terry Barton, Timmy Bower, Hal Storey. Lackie assisting and Tenny-. In. the second period : : 3 _ son scoring unassisted to = Stouffville took a 3-1 lead 3 ~1 "end the first period. ------ on two quick goals. Hornets, DISCOUNT BE ARE 'MOTORS CHEV ROLET 3 - -- ~ tied the score at 3-3 before - lo "The second period Lackie the,second period ended on SPECIAL hr # scored to take a 3to 2 lead goals by McCoy and Dave Your eoo tx ; after two periods. Jackson. Rick Prosser as [| Two Week's - Nov. 3- 17 te ; *. sisted on McCoy's goal while a 3 The..third 'period Miller. p.1) Van Camp picked up All Adrienne hook tied -the- score for West an" assist on the tally b 9k y by : oy Rouge. Litt got the go y.. °° Stock 8 ) gioad, nig . to_ have In the third period it was - > : hs ® OChEIsh lie the --game.- uy Stouffville as they scor- f§ Lawrence Pharmacy pti & ri TR TT enh prec Pi J Then. the Hornets got goals ed three unanswered goals. Your REXALL Store We at BEARE MOTORS CHEVROLET are vitally interested in the SAFE = rh from Lackie with. Van Camp and Efficient Operation of f your car! (5173) ting then E d The Hornets lacked the y ie Bosks Phi on Se hustle to control the loose . : od vn mney = pi 4) pucks and continually put Utica News "4 To emphasize this fact we iB assisting. Penalties in the themselves in trouble with iid 3 ame were divided at 8 ter Continued J offer, from now until Dec- FUSE SHINGSHANEGLUW LAI J ° a 5 Er ~~ an inability to get the puck Master Scott Wilbur ember 31st, 1971 to perform 3 : Out of Shelf own od. played hockey with the Port the following important ser- a ner vous pa Perry Legion Peewees in vices at the very reasonable CHRISTMAS SEAL | -Orillia on Sunday evening. 7 THY came home with a win. Mr. Larry Kendall and Mr. Kees Stolk attended the . Kismen District Fall Council ""meeting in Huntsville on the weekend. prices shown below. OUR TECHNICIANS ARE FACTORY TRAINED FOR _ MORE EFFECTIVE "| CAMPAIGN Your contribution helps the Ontario County Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association in its" fight' against Emphysema, Tuberculosis, Chronic "gf Bronchitis and Asthma, CHRISTMAS TB-RD SEAL DOLLARS PROVIDE 'children of Port Perry. FOR. 1. THESE SERVICES Mrs. Tom Dobson of APPOINTMENT nections, test anti-freeze, check all tires . . NO CHARGE: ; Pulmonary Funetion Testing Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. ] "2. Repack front wheel bearings, clean dirt out of front "Tuberculin Testing Harold. Kerry, Mr. Cy : brakes, check brake linings and wheel cylinders . - $4.91 95 Health Education Allison, Mr. Joe Ward, Mr. FEEL SECURE! i box oh : Rehabilitation and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Mrs. he 4 a3 Check front end suspension and steering box, check ® Research 3 Earl Williams and Mr. and smn for front end alignment requirements . . . .... ..-$3.60 Sponsors of Baby Sitter's Mrs. Clayt - Cassidy were we Front end alignment, if required . .. .. $9.95 most cars Training Courses Proposed programme of . Asthmatic Conditioning Courses .~ i Please use your TB-RD Christmas Seals on the back of @ your mail and on packages to show you care and speed your gift to -- . Ontario' County TB-RD Association C/0 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 11 SIMCOE STREET, N., OSHAWA The local Scout boys had Apple Day on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bell of Pickering were dinner guests of the Kendalls were Mrs, Maureen Odendall and H recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson were Mr. Russell Sutcliffe of Leskard, Mrs. R.W. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockett of Brooklin an Mr. and Mrs. Sid Berry of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and Mrs. Murray Kirton of Mount Albert called on the Thompsons on SERVICE. PHONE 985-7351 Get our wheel alignment for SAFE winter driving |" 4. Anal-O-Scope Engine ..................... 6. Tune up, 6 cylinder engines... .. .. Overhaul carburetor - 2 barrel . . . . .. $14.95 parts extra Overhaul carburetor - 4 barrel 8. Reline all brakes {front & rear) rivetted linings . Check cooling system for leaks, tighten all hose con- . $3.60 . $10.95 parts extra $12.95 parts extra " " 8cylinderengines...... ' RU $18.95 parts extra $25.75 Reline all brakes (front & rear ) bonded linings . DER IR SE SN 3 : Thursday. TI S ! + (The Chiistmad' Stal Organization. stsisting th. the i hist PUTTING YOU FIRST SINCE 1919 KEEPS US FIRST control of Tuberculosis and other Respiratory Diseases) Utica Hall with music by Bob "A SPECIAL "THANK YOU". TO ALL THE Spencer's Combo was en- VOLUNTEERS WHO HELPED PREPARE Jove by 2 oh FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN Fr a Boas * ; Queen Street -- PORT PERRY -- 985-7351 picked in the garden.