oe Sw - when Mr. and Mrs. Houghland and Bruce family - visited on Sunday with her" parents Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Taylor, On Sunday, October 31st, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp-. son of Victoria Corners held Peewee teom : Continued - i The « complexities of running a pee.wee hockey team are many and varied. Confusion can set in when ! players start wondering all over the ice, This is an ad- justment that has to be made over the next month or two. Reason here is boys who never played All-Star Hockey have to adjust coming off the Novice Star 'and Pee Wee House League." This adjustment will be slow but it is a start. Over in * West Rouge on Monday night, this same complex problem was very much in psom News| Jean Softory Open House for relatives from noon until night. 'Mr, and Mrs. Al Christie and Darlene were present. 3 ~~ Daughters Norine Thorn- ton , Port Perry and Isobelle Wrathal of Port Hope and Harold 'and Mrs. Cawker of «Peterborough visited 'Mrs. Cawker on Sunday. 'Later she was pleased to" have Misses Alice and Ethel Dodd . call, They had attended the Uxbridge Anniversary to hear the Rev. Keith Mac- Millan speak, We were all class-mates a few years ago in P.P.H.S. Later they called on an old friend Miss Nora Cox a former neighbour. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs.' Dennis Jeffery and Lisa and Mr. Kenneth Jgffery, Parry Sound spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery. Bethesda--Reach W.I. The meeting this month evidence. Meanwhile, after a Was held at the home of Mrs. scoreless first period, Rod Daniels put West Rouge in front one to zero. Usually you go into West Rouge, penalties come thick "M. Parish. The subject was Safety. It was a most. in- teresting meeting. Mrs. Parrish opened the meeting with ten good driving tips a their. TL the one I most abhor, is the reckless moron, who at fifty five or more stays six feet behind my car, and - nearly scares me to death, I'm frightened that I'll hit the fool that's just six feet ahead. Another: Sing while you drive at thirty five miles an hour sing Highway are happyways. At. fifty five miles, sing "I'm but a stranger here. Heaven is my home." At 65 miles sing 'Nearer my God to Thee".. At 75 sing "When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there" At 85 miles sing "Lord I'm coming home." Better to . stay safely below 50 m.p.h, A hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Wm. Mac- Millan for her display of hand-made washable toy an-. n Church Services PORT PERRY PASTORAL 'CHARGE The United Church of Canada Rev. W. Mark Reeves Minister . SUNDAY, NOV. 7th-- and fast. Not so this time __parady--on--"The "ten little oon will be held at [i (A - around. After a shot from the point by Larry Elson, Phil Cochrane banged home the rebound tieing the score 1 - 1. The game was exciting and pleasing to watch. Three penalties = were called Cochrane and Kane for Port, Daniels of West Rouge. Indian boys." Mrs. 'Wm, MacMillan, Mrs. L. Doble, Burnett' and . Miss Anne Parrish put on an excellent safety skit with many humorous rhymes such as : Of all the iditos on the . Tickets Available at:-- ~Art Galleries of Ontario SUPER LOTTERY 3 $100,000 in | prizes $50,000 FIRST PRIZE . 3 MONTHLY . :DRAWS OF $10,000. - _} E. Ma "Draws Dec. 7, Jan. 7 and Feb. 7th LAWRENCE PHARMACY RICHARD'S BEAUTY STUDIO ELEANOR'S FLOWERS * Super Draw, March 17, 1972 PLUMBING « HEATING Sewer Connections QUALITY WORKMANSHIP KEN P. MURRAY Electrical Contractor bomen & Industrial | ; WIRING CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES . | ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL HOME HEAT Phone: 985 - 7005 '274 ROSA ST. ~ PORT PERRY Mrs. T.. Port Perry at 10 a.m. and at Prince Albert at 11:30 a.m. The Minister's theme will be, "When the Circle Is Broken". The Port Perry Amalgamated Church School will meet at 10 a.m. and the Prince Albert Com- munity Church School will convene at the Church at 7 pm, Reservations for seats at the Faith Festival in Osh- awa on Nov. 14th. must be made this week. For your reservation, please phone Mrs. F. Slemmon at 2153 or- Mrs. Meta Howsam at 7173. Prince Albert folk should reserve seats thru' Mr. W. EMartynat7mo fe MW. of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev.-William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, NOV. 7th-- 10:00 a.m.--Laymen's Sun- day, led by Mr. D. Sinclair. 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School. CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN SUNDAY. NOV. Tth-- Trinity XXII 10 a.m.--Holy Communion Church School ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK Trinity XXII 11:15 a.m. Holy Communion Church School PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. C. Payne, Pastor SUNDAY, NOV. 7th-- 9:50 a.m.--Bible School 11:00: a.m~+XShepherds' Psalm", 7:00 p.m Baptismal Ser. vice. "Eight Principles for the church". Wednesdays 8 p.m.-- Prayer & Bible Study. United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge SUNDAY, NOV. 7th-- 9:45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 &im.--MANCHESTER 4 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. |, MacLean 10 a.m.--Family Bible Hour 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evang. Service. Department and W. 7%; imals at the fair, You were : nguring. Yes, they are for * course I hope everyone will sale, A collection of clothing was given to be sent to our Canadian Indians and a lovely lunch was enjoyed by all. Arrangements were made to attend Area Con- vention in Royal York Hotel this Thursday. Six plan to go. On Tuesday. and Wed- nesday, Mrs. Annie Bolton and Mrs. Jean Jeffery at- tended a. course on .Ontario' Fruit sponsored by our Food In- stitutes, When all were asked to give the place of birth, we 'found: we had one attended who was born in Nova Scotia, one in Alberta; one: from Holland, - -another from Germany and one from dear old London town. Just a true cross section of our W. I We did some baking using our new recipies, had so much fun and as many humorous happenings that time just flew. Now I want to bake a delicious apricot cake and a pumkin marshmellow chiffon ppie. "My figure I don't mind it, I'm behind it. It's the folks in front that I jar". Well when we teach this - PORT PERRY STAR = Wednesday, Nov. 3, 197 = turn out. It is open to anyone who cares to attend. Further particulars later. Plan to attend Euchre at Epsom this Friday evening. Miss Vera Prentice was supper guest on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Ashton, Church at' Utica 11:30 on "Sunday everyone welcome, - * Congratulations to Mr, and "Mrs; David Martland on the _arrival of their wee son last Wednesday. 'Mrs. Mrs. Earl Wilson. ] Epsom was the proverbial Bee-hive of activity last 'Tuesday when an auction sale was held at the home of the late Mrs. Stewart. Many had to go home as they got so cold and no hot coffee or refreshments were available but every spot was crowded from noon till dark. We have had a chance to meet the new owner Mr. John Hanson briefly and will be pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and family to our community when they move in. There seem to be so many changes. I hope I don't Simpson was a' " Sunday visitor with Mr, and meet, Phone 852 - 3503. CARNBOIR'S Feature of the Week! 15 miss anyone, ' We were pleased to soe Mr. , and Mrs, L. Payne to see Mr, and Mrs. L. Payne - and Miss Bailey arrive home safely from a trip to the west - coast. They visited a few days with Mrs. Paynes family. : Qur sympathy to Mr, and Mrs. Fred West and family in loss of "her sister-in-law Mrs. Moss last week. What an exceptional autumn - no sign of frost yet. I picked a couple of pounds of nice tomatoes Saturday, . then picked raspberries for supper, decided to walk through the garden and found nice fresh raddishes which had seeded them- selves. The last roses are blooming in front of the house. Congratulations to Mrs. Phoenix of Port Perry Nursing Home on her eighty seventh birthday. She was able to be out for the day, entertained by several of her friends. Would friends and neigh- bours new and old please phone me your news. The old friends I get lonesome for and the new ones I wish to FRONT LOAD FEATURES: basket Indicator light Reversible - Cherrywood work top $ INGLIS DISHWA ROYAL = 2 Speed * 2 speed - 6 cycle - Pushbutton ------ In-door - Silverware & Cutlery Dual detergent dispenser Rinse conditioner dispenser Porcelain enamel interior Sanitizer - guarantees 146° water temperature in final rinse Colours available in - Copper, White, Avocado, Harvest Gold GET AN INGLIS WIFESAVER for CHRISTMAS ! PORTABLE HERS ~~ included. What Wifesavers Save Wives From:- EFFICIENCY An electric dishwasher automatically cleans, rinses and dries dishes to a sparkling spotless finish difficult to obtain through hand dishwashing. = TIME SAVING ~~ Co S===-4| An electric dishwasher will save the average housewife about 225 hours a year, otherwise spent in the operations of washing and drying dishes. That's around 32 nine-to-five working days! = HAND SAVING With an electric dishwasher, you'll never take washwater hands, because your hands never get into hot water. WORK SAVING An electric dishwasher's powerful washing action takes care of pots and pans and everything except difficult scouring jobs. SANITATION An electric dishwasher uses and cycles water at temperatures far. beyond levels possible with handwashing. Consequently the risk of bacteria remaining on dishes is considerably reduced. "An electric dishwasher does a whole day's s ctomity dishes for just 3 to 5 cents a day, hot water EAN 95 Models Other Front Load Available . From e'e 309" =