Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Aug 1970, p. 3

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p, J LETTER TO THE EDITOR Reach Ratepayers Protest Sub-Division At its monthly meeting in the township hall at Man- chester, on Tuesday, August 4th, the Council of Reach re- ceived a deputation of rate- paying citizens from the area around Limerick Heights. All near-at-hand neighbors, these good people were concerned about a sub-division in their locality. They presented a "petition signed by twenty- nine people ~who begged Council to note their deter- mined opposition and to use Council's undoubted author- ity to put a stop to this de- velopment. This is the second time these same neighbours have clubbed together to oppose this sub-division. Their ear- lier protest in the spring of 1969 went unheeded by the owners of this land in lot 6, Concession "3, on the West side of the Brock Road. Now the battle, is joined between them and the owners of this twenty-one acre field. The history of this field can briefly be sketched. Once the property of the late Ross Sandison, it was sold in 1962 to the Ashmore Sand and Gravel Company of Brooklin. They in turn sold it to a Mr. Rohm of Oshawa who con- ceived the idea of converting it to a rural residential sub- division. He applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for the right to proceed. Two "officers of the Board visited the property in April 1967. When they returned to their desks they stamped the Rohm application with these two words: "Not Recommended". Still pursuing his original aim Mr. Rohm applied to the Committee of Adjustment of INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments Zyl 3, 4 and 5 years Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED, 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 Reach Township early in 1969. Property owners adja- cent to this field were noti- fied by letter that a hearing would be given to all parties on a certain date. The inter- ested neighbours were all present. Mr. George Kight voiced the common senti- ment in opposition, and the committee gave judgment ac- cordingly. A Short time later Mr. Rohm died. For a time mat- ters were quiescent--or so it seemed. About a month ago the news broke like an explosion that this sub-division is now an accomplished fact. A large real estate Company, whose local agent is Larry Doble of Uxbridge, taking advantage of a loop-hole in the law governing sub-divi- sions, accomplished what Rohm could not, and in spite of massive local opposition. It seemed incredible, yet this field is now a registered sub- division.--Mrs. Anna Rohm is the registered owner. What Council ¢an do or may do is outside the scope of this story. There is no doubt, however, regarding the sentiment of the local people. They are a unit un- der the title of the Reach Protective Association, and they mean to fight, fight, fight. In addition to their petition-to Council they have written to the Hon. M. B. Dymond, M.D., M.P.P. seek- ing whatever assistance and direction he may be able to give. It may be taken for granted that no stone will be '|1eft unturned. ® ¥ * The text of the Petition is as follows: Aug. 4th, 1970 To the Honourable Reeve and Members of Council of . the Township of Reach-- Greetings:-- = We, the undersigned, resi- dents and ratepayers of the area around Limerick Heights beg to address you in respect of the rural residential sub- division presently proposed along the west side of the Brock Road, on part of lot 6, concession 3. Whereas it is over a year since this proposal was first mooted, and Whereas a numerous body of. property owners then ap- peared before your Commit- tee of Adjustment expressing strong disapproval of the proposal, and Whereas your Committee supported-us-in our disproval which decision was later con- LA HOME HEAT KEN P. MURRAY Domestic & Industrial CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL Phone: 985 - 7005 -- PORT PERRY FA - firmed by you in Council assembled, and Whereas we are now in- formed that the owners of this twenty-one acre field have persisted in their efforts to secure, by other means, what you denied to them, and have apparently succeeded in registering - this plot of ground as a rural residential sub-division, in impudent op- .position- to our expressed wishes, therefore Be it known to this Coun- cil, and to.all other parties concerned, that we are still opposed to this proposed de- velopment; and we humbly beseech this Council of Reach to exercise the powers that are inherently and legally yours, and, by all possible means, put a stop to this de- velopment. Need we remind you that Council is mistress in her own house? Signed: George Kight, H. L. Martyn, Wm. Makkreel, Margaret Wil- bur, Lloyd L. Ross, Alice M. Ross, Mary and Guy Rogers, Loretta and D. E. McNab, Keith & Dawn Tipton, George Harper, Eileen & R. A. Aad- amson, Marie & J. C. Grier, Ann & Robert J. Thorndyke, G. Edward Mitchell, John and Lilian Heaven, S. O'Connor, W. J. Mitchell, Gordon Mac- Namara, Dorothy and Lawr- ence Stark, Derek M. Foulds, Barbara Foulds. (The above persons residing at R.R. 4, Port Perry and RR. 4 Ux- bridge). Cedar Creek News Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knibbe and family of Grand Rapids, Mich, U.S.A. visited his sis- ter, Mrs. John den Boer, Mr: den Boer and family a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacCul- lock, who were married on June 27th were home from Prescot with Ray's - family last week-end. Several of Ray's friends chivareed them early Monday a.m. Karin and Brenda Cum- mings spent last week in Osh- awa with their grandmother, Mrs. Helen Cummings. Ross MacCullock visited relatives in Eastern Ontario last week. A former Quaker Road re- sident, Garnet Cochrane, dicd suddenly at his home in Myrtle Station last week. Sympathy is extended to his family. ' Mr. Mico Knibbs of Holland is visiting the den Boer fam- ily. He arrived last Wed- nesday. George Kilpatrick visited his cousins, the Misses Clara, Edith and Laura Brown in Toronto on Wednesday. M2 also visited two other cous- ins, Mrs. Mike Palmer and daughters of Boston, Mass., USA and Mrs. Jack Clarke of Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Victor Laroe- que spent the week-end in Toronto with Mrs. Trepanier. They also visited Mr. Trepanier who is still in Hospital. - Eugene] | =x LL 7 PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 13, 1970 -- 5 Heber Down' s Farm Site Of S. Ont. Plowing Match The officers and directors of the South Ontario Plow- men's Association met in the Atha Hall, on Wednesday, July 28th, for the purpose of making plans for the annual South Ontario Plowing Match. Mr. Ellis Britton, President, was in charge of the meet: ing. The South Ontario Plowing Match will be held this year on Wednesday, October 7th, at the farm of Heber Down, The following committees were appointed-- Staking Committee-- Ellis Britton, Claremont #3 Hugh Baird, Sunderland 5 Don Dunkeld, Claremont 2 Robert Baird, Greenbank Canvassing Committee Chairmen Pickering Twp.--Murray Dunkeld, Claremont 2 Whitby Town--Bert Guthrie, Whitby 2 Reach Township--Robert Baird, Greenbank The canvassing is to be at CLUB Teenage Dance SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th, -- 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 ADMISSION -- $1.25 Adult dances every Saturday night. Teenage dances every Sunday night. completed by September 5th. The next executive meeting, for preparation of prize list, was set for September 8th, at the home of Ellis Britton, Claremont. Judges for plowing-- Winn Timbers, Stouffville Geo. Hostrosser, Brampton Horse Judge-- John Batty, Brooklin The Junior Plowing Match will be held in co-operation with the North Ontario Plow- men's Association, on Satur- day, September 12th, at the farm of Clark Little, Sunder- land, #5. The Junior Com, mittee from the South Ont- ario Plowmen's Association is Ellis Britton, D o n Dunkeld and Hugh Baird. HA. & M ohnson OPTOMFTRIST 229 MARY STREET 985--2383 ANNRENE FRESH. MEATY FRESH. SLICED Ross & Margs FRESH Grade "A" Oven Ready 3 - 4 |b. Average Weight HICKEN.3) MAPLE LEAF BONELESS -- Ready To Serve -- Vac Pak > Dinner Hams = 1.0 BEEF LIVER SCHNEIDERS . MINI SIZZLERS A BIG SPLASH OF SAVINGS ON SPARE RIBS Ib. Ib. 7] 3c Stokelys - 14 oz. Tin HONEY POD PEAS Cream Style CO os] a RN 49: Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 16 oz. 3c De Jean SMALL SHRIMP 4 oz. 59c¢ "MACARONI or LONG SPAGHETTI 16 oz. 2 tor Gf < STORE HOURS 8:30-6:00 p.m. Mon.Tues. Wed. & Sat. 8:30-9:00 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. pkgs. Purina Liver DOG CHOW 2 2s BY. Cheery Morn COFFEE 83 Ground or Whole Bean rw EL Sa Ai FAY LE pA ad ld A lad] ER es " Ry Sg: toh ~ = 24 - ED S74 TR ZA Chet ERB EL RE Ea

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