in Proud owner, Tony Sytsma presents his champion poodle, Kenny and two fa mist of ribbons and trophy the dog captured in the last show. Compete With 348 Dogs "Best In Show" At 14 Months Old Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Systma, 217 Lilla Street, are the proud owners of a champion poodle. And rightly so, because the animal, only 14 months old last week returned from a show at Kars, Ont., near Ottawa, where he defeated no less than 348 dogs includ- ing 57 US. and Canadian Champions. The dog received HOMES WANTED ~3 REAL ESTATE LID -REALIOR 985-7373 the highest honours and was named Best in Show. The champion's registered name is Wycliffe Kenworthy, but at home he answers to Kenny. He has been shown five times as a puppy and on each occasion he proved to be an outstanding show dog. At Peterborough, May 15 he obtained 3 points as puppy and at the next show in Osh- awa he was awarded 5 points, the highest maximum number of points at any given show. He placed in the top six of 692 entries. The champion has been invited to make an appear- ance at the Show of Shows to be held November 22, inl LADY MOTORISTS! Why Pay More? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS A new DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT - COLUMBUS - Phone 655-3892 AND MEN MOTORISTS TO! FREE Box of-Kleenex or Coffee Mug with each $3.00 Purchase. IVERRERI NE a1 e Photo Peter Hvidsten where only 'Best in Show winning dogs are permitted to compete. According to Mr. Sytsma, a four mile daily jog he does with his master is one of the main reasons for his excellent breeding quality. Presently, Kenny will enjoy a couple of months rest, before he starts out with the family to the U.S.A. to com- pete for the American title. Burketon News Mr. and Mrs. David Gat- chell, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Stephenson & family. Hearty congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrett who were mar- ried in Enniskillen United Church Saturday. Mrs Bar- |" rett is the former Miss Edith Holroyd. Best wishes go out to Mr. and Mrs. James Smith on the arrival of a fine baby girl, Mr. C. Smith, Ajax is' holi- daynig with Mr. and Mrs. E, Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant | and family accompanied by Mrs. R. Davey spent Thurs: day at Beaverton on Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Orono were tea guests of Mrs. W. Bryans on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown & family, Toronto visiting with Mr. Tom Trick & Mrs. Grant Carnochan. Mr. Stanley Taylor visited Massey. Ferguson Farms at Milliken Thursday. Several attended the Argue- Wotten wedding in Black- stock on Saturday. father. and family of Manilla had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton. Epsom Jean Jeffery Home, Sweet Home - (Barbara -Jones) It was fun the camping life, Songs around a dreamy fire; But I'm home again at last. . (Darling washer, dearest drier!) There were birds that sang at dawn, Hikes through an enchanted bower; Now I'm back where I belong ... (Sweetest bathroom, dear- loved shower!) Quiet lake and cooling breeze, Dome of stars for making wishes . . . Now I'm home (and can caress That machine that does the dishes!) We are pleased to welcome Mabel Stewart home from a trip to Vancouver. Dr and Mrs. Jerrold Asling were down from Hanover for the Terry Picnic at Mount Albert on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and family attended the Wagner Picnic in Uxbridge Park on Saturday. ' Miss Joyce Wilson, Nurse- in-training is home for five week vacation. We offer sympathy of the community to Mrs. Ronald Brown in the passing of her Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry and family. had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans and family. To Mrs. Arthur Reeve and family of Uxbridge "May the God who watches over us he with you in your sorrow, to give you comfort for to-day and courage for to-morrow". Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ashton Mr. and Mrs Howard Ash- ton visited his sister Mrs. Wm. MacGregor in Uxbridge Hospital All the friends of Mrs. MacGregor were so sorry to learn that she had UNDER MANAGEMENT OF JACK BRICKSTOCK DINING ROOM GARDEN S Now Open! News to undergo surgery on her hip. Mr. MacGregor was 'very sick in the spring and isn't at all well yet. We do hope these friends will have a speedy recovery. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Geer had all their family home for a picnic on Sunday Also Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Colwell, Mrs. Hawley and Mrs. Eliza- beth Wilson of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry and Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Kerry of Port Perry visit- ed friends in Alma, Ont. for a few days last week.' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ash- ton visited Mrs. Edgar Gib- son in Port Perry one day recently. Douglas Wilson is attend- ing the Bible Club Camp at Omemee this week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald As- ling visited the Rev. Mr. and Mrs John C. Hill at Scugog Point on Sunday evening. Congratulations to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson LeGrow on the safe arrival of a wee daughter. As soon as the wee baby is able to travel, the family will return to Newfoundland where Mr. Le Grow will have a charge for the next year. Mrs. Mary Burnett of Tor- onto and Mrs. Cawker visit- ed Mrs. Orillia and other relatives in the area on Sat. afternoon. Mrs John Joggers and son of Holland are with AR PLUMBING Art Petrozzi COFFEE SHOP Sara Johnston of SPORTS "= relatives in the area Mr, & Mrs. Chris Ruhl were with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jaggers to welcome them upon their arrival in Port Perry, We are sorry to report that Mrs Arthur Taylor is in Port Perry Hospital at the time of writing. We wish her a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs Bruce Hough- land entertained their res. pective families on Sunday on the occasion of their wed. ding . Anniversary. We are sorry to learn that Bruce's father E. Houghland of Whitby is also in hospital, Eldon Evans had a nasty accident in which he could easily have lost his life but with good luck he only got his ear cut, and other minor injuries. We do hope he is soon well again, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Thorn. ton of Port Perry visited on Sat. evening with Mrs| Caw- ker, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery. IS) News from the Garden © For the first time my Dah- .|lias flowered in July and now I have some mums out. I have picked three foot-long cucumbers the "burpless" variety. The wind tried to scramble things up on Wed. of last week. The season of the' "too much" has arrived with beans, peas, beets, cucs, well in fact everything but corn and tomatoes ready for the table. I also made the first applesauce last Friday. + The orchard was sprayed for the third time, and for the third time it rained half an hour later. rs | - HEATING SALES ' Fox Mini-Bikes ~ 985.2581 || « CHICKEN Yt - WHOLE [| * CHICKEN ON A BUN HAMBURGERS |f| HOT DOGS FRENCH FRIES ETC. .