20 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 23, 1970 A aaa a RT Pay Mr .and Mrs. John Jablon- ROUND THE fia Town [ J - AAT ph. Y A) AL EY NN TATA VRRP TAN AN THIRD CARTOON The third cartoon- in the Elmer Summer Safety Con- test for children of this area can be found on page 16 in this issue of the Star. In the bottom part of the cartoon, an explanation is given on how to enter the Young Worker Buried of Labour, who is conducting an investigation into the accid- ent. Alan Wild, resident inspect- working on installing a lateral connection, from the main sewer, toward a house before the mishap occurred. He said Mr. Van Egmond had apparently been operat- Mr. Wild said it was likely trench for a few seconds before the cave-in. After the accident all work on sewer construction in Port the victim was only in the: Lo Co i "| Frank Slemon and Mrs. C. C. © | or, for Canadian Mitchell and | ! | ; d + Mond kay and girls Laurel and Jill Jeffery. contest and where to send it, | Associates, the consulting|ing a backhoe just prior to Perry stopped an onday have returned to their home PO when completed. engineering firm representing | the mishap and had stopped fellow 'workers travelled to in Honey B.C. after spending Deadline for contest No. 3| the Ontario Water Resources| his machine and gone down Smithville, about 16 miles sometime with her pavents| Mr. and Mrs. Len Grace &| is Tuesday, July 28 and the| interests in the sewer installat- | into the hole to check a [from St. Catharines, to attend Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pickard. |Mr. Doug Sally of Ottawa] address is Elmer Contest No. | ions, said the victim had been | 5ewer pipe. the funeral. * + 3 spent a few days last week|3 Box 4072, Station A, Tor- The trench was about eight Mr. Van Egmond was An adult training course | with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ire-| onto 1. but unfortunately no children | feet deep and three feet wide. employed as a foreman with for leaders participating inland and family. The winners for No. 1[from this arca were among| The soil 'was of a silty clay | his brother's company. Adri's » Scouting was held at Blue oro contest have been released, ! the winners. composition. Trenching Ltd.,and was single. Springs,near Acton from July 4 to July 11. Those attend- NS ing were Larry Kendall, wy NS = Utica, Ruby Peyton, Donna Durward and Dennis Symes of the Port Perry Area, v Perry Grandel, Walter Welt, Cartwright, and Mary Parlia- OUR BIG ment, Cannington. \ + % - - = W T | SALE-OF-THE-MO No business session will be BEST BUY! 12-0z. Tin Cony Cone Te one CORNED BEEF Kudos 55° [iene Fries & County Council. The council CARNATION ity usually meets on the third i 0S g FRENCH FRIES 53 od Tuesday in each month. If BEST BUY! -- CHOICE QUALITY 19.02. Tins MeCAWS © ' 0 F a session is required next BRIMFUL Sven or Hon Boas, 0. APPLE PIE 24-01 49. month it will be called by ream om' "J r ny Warden Robert Timbers. SAVE 19¢! oP W-oz. (3 tot Usgy's TOMATO CATCHUP n-oxbis 5:99 CH SUEY 69 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beare Beir BOY sag toc] 55 ta and girls are holidaying at ca : : iit. | PEANUT suey 49 MIRACLE WHIP ii: 3 4 I. TE. I : --.. -|- - 2' 3 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mason, PEANUT Butter 49 DRESSING one time residents of Scugog, SAVE 4c! -- FOOD WRAP 100-F¢. Roll STOCK UP AND SAVEI -- FANCY QUALITY now living in British Colum- (4 bia, are visiting friends in HANDI-WRAP the area. * x» SAVE 6¢! --- SMALL REGULAR 43-0Oz. Tin SAVE 30c! -- CANNED MIDGET Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mid- PRIDE OF C $ gley had the honeymooners, ) NEW ORLEANS | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brunt ACH R---- 9 as guests Friday night and |] save 20e1 -- ST. LAWRENCE SAVE 8c! -- CRYSTALS . Saturday on their return trip c BUY-OF-TH E-WEEK . from Penn. 25-01. tin : , * * * Mr. and Mrs. Stanley || SAVE30c! -- ASSORTED 3.02. 0: Henley Choice SAVE 16¢c! -- BEEF OR IRISH eit 52 | SEIT) Powders 94°) CLARIC STEWS 49 Aylmer Ploughman have just J ow ers returned from a vacation atj | BEST BUY! -- Bonus Pack - 15 Extra Mother ide 3 SAVE 8¢1 -- _ FREE TER BAGS E75 SPAGHETTI 29 the -Lake area. . phe. HALVES FEATURE! -- KRAFT MACARONI AND CHEESE ~~ 7Y4-Oz. Pkgs. FEATURE! -- OLD COLONY ASSORTED Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Ken-. F c nedy are vacationing with. DINNERS 4:65 rin S 1 friends at a cottage at Rice Lake, Hastings. SAVE 10c! -- FREE TUMBLER IN BEST BUY| -- CANADA BRAND * * * & us. ciao waren anal | NEVWIPQRT Putts 9 VINEGAR 59: Miss Audrey Kent took a car; f ---- - ACK - load of Women's Institute |] SAVE 8c! -- RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY REG. $1.14 VALUE! -- 10c OFF P. hs ELE PURE JAM TIDE DETERGENT nic held at Uxbridge Park E. D. SMITH s on July 14th. SAVE 6c! -- KRAFT - COLE SLAW - ITALIAN - 1000 ISLAND 16-02 PTT REG. 3 for 44c VALUE! -- 6¢ OFF PACK - BATH SIZE 1 ry Tice BERNARDIN w= 57¢| IVORY A Bar Msis Betty Russell & Miss 6S WESTON 81-02. Pkg. Bundle bl BR Jobat Pissall Ottews, yak FEATURE! -- CHOICE - CRUSHED - SLICED - TID "a 19-02. Tins GINGER BOY COOKIES 29: SAVE 10c! 12 to Pkg. end guests with Mr. an IS. REG. $1.59! -- PINEAPPLE LEE'S 2:60. ARID EXTRA DRY ¢ 99. | KOTEX saNTARY Napkins ARE). Star Closing - SE -- ------ Specially y Selecte -- Eviscerated EV to 3 Ib. Cond: For Vacation: 1 mesy mors - veaerasies! fl] | No publication of the . B A N A N A S ! " 1 3 Shae wl wopees Piussials aaa 'A CAUFORNIA - free-Stone - No.1 Gr ugust 6. e office c be closed from Friday Perfect for the Barbecue! -- FRESH CUT-UP Beof % Por 5 PEA C HE S » 29 CALIFORNIA seni: v0, wil || CHICKEN Boo 2 Pork Sausage Monday morning, August ¢ PERFECT FOR SUMMER MEALS AND PICNICS Seedless Grapes Is, 3 9 ' p 10 MIXED QUARTERS TY rn ll FAR : ¢ c During this period the BOLOGNA Mid Seasoed 59: CABBAGE «+ 19 ment and staff of | | MAPLE LEAF ~ Ideal for the Barbecue . . . MAME LEAP + SWEET MOKLID - MID CURED - CATOWAC ONTARIO i ¢ : te Part Perry star wil] ||| SIKKINLESS c [| COTTAGE ROLLS _65¢ Celery Stalks «+ 25¢ 8 take off for summer vacat- i | WI N E RS J. ['Y IMPORTED No.1 MILD Pho. Of 2 ion. The next issue will be J * || BACK BJ BACK BACON "89% 99: 1 Spanish = Onions 45 {1 . published on Thursday, === SsrTETmE En Ew os August 13. 9 ° Advertising norman] || [DOwson's Red & White se SE | on vam onan CHERRIES closing should therefore be § : inserted the week previous, | || Open Every Thur. & Fri. Night 24 i 5 the July 30th issue. i o : 10 OZ. TINS sh CAMRY, | until 9:00 p.m. Orders Taken Now : 7 require printing about the | | Open All Day Wednesday Red Cherries Black Cherries { time of closing should until 6:00 p.m. - : place orders early so jobs pan, Ib. & 22 lb, Pails 22 Ib. Pails $ » may be completed prior to} | § FREE CUSTOMER PARKING At Roar Of Store ! vacation. Y . 4 \