There will be a service each Seagrave News After 2 days of rain we are well dampened here and we wonder how the Guides are making out back in Halibur- iii Church Services PORT PERRY Pastor A. Hern SUNDAY, JULY 26th-- 9:50 a.m.--Bible School for all ages 11:00 a.m.--Morning Wor hip 7:00 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey SUNDAY, JULY 26th-- SCUGOG--9:45 a.m. PROSPECT--11:00 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Family Bible Hour 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evang. Service JOINT SERVICES Port Perry United Church The Church of the Ascension] [T= Anglican During July & Sunday, Aug ust 2nd, a service for the two congregations will be held each Sunday at the United Church at 11 am. with Rev. W. M. Reeves in charge. YOU are invited to worship with us, PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. Mark Reeves, B.A. Minister Sunday in July and on Sun. day, August 2nd at 9:45 a.m. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, JULY 26th-- Some Lakeside Scenes-- "A fish with a Savings Account" ton. The 15 girls with their leader Mrs. Howell and 2 as- sistants Donna Bruce and Monica Bolling went on Sat. to Camp Adelaide for a week. Grocer Wanamaker & his wife have escaped the rain. They with Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sharpe of Enniskillen started on Saturday morning for Washington D.C. Mr. & Mrs. Venner are store-keeping. The Fred Nobbs family got caught." They attended the Jersey breeders picnic on Sunday afternoon at the Batty farm near Brooklin. The rain didn't worry that crowd at all--they just had their lunch in the barn. Our only hospital patient is Jim Durward but he is ex- pected home soon. The Carrs and their older girls with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tobin and Kim of Blackstock spent Thursday at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Tobin and Mrs. Davey were in charge of the 2 infants. Rides: 10:00 a.m. -- 3:00 p.m. -- 7:00 p.m. Closed Mondays --Except on Holidays Experienced Riders by appointment only and grade quarter horses for sale, y . Good selection of registered PHONE 985-7058 GLENVIEW ACRES ist Farm South of Seagra OLD ROAD -- WEST Jog Mr. Karl Herder of Brook- lin paid a short visit to the Clements - Belair home on Sunday afternoon. He has successfully completed his Grade 13 course and is at present helping to build houses. The S.S. picnic last Tues. didn't have the best of wea- ther and the crowd was some. what smaller than usual but those present report a good time. Sunday attendance at ser- vices could have been much better. Mr. McNeil spoke at the church service and of course we had the old favour- ite 637. No notices at all. The interesting feature at S.S. was a musical number by the Barr twins. One strummed the guitar and they sang. It was different, and quite good. No birth- days and no announcements. Rev. Critch will be the speaker next Sunday then services will be discontinued until Sept. 6th. RIDING 94, Thursday, July 23 Miss Barbara Ferguson, 94 years old on Thursday, July 23, celebrated her birthday by attending the Ferguson family re-union at Poplar Park, Saturday, July 18. Born in Sonya, Mariposa Township, she resided there most of her life, except for a brief period in Toronto. She returned to Sonya to care for her parents, but has made her home in Port Perry the last few years. She has two sisters, Mrs. John Beacroft and Mrs. David Beacroft who also attended the Ferguson re-union. Aes Photo Wm. Harrison Se on wl hi St Gi Sea ' i TV Ee rr . IS A A A ot TT TE Pree AE yeas SE ------------ - eg a ) AL : L Cottages Wanted REAL HITATE LTD REALTOR 985-7373 Doris Clark Toronto Telegram Syndicate Dump "the sparring partner DEAR DORIS -- I'm a boy 16. This girl went nuts over me, and I succumbed. She had gone out with boys since Day One and her little affectionate ges- tures really made an impres- sion. Then onc weckend she swore her love. On the following Monday she two-timed me. I got mad, swore, cried. But no, she loved this punk. He drinks and keeps nudes in his locker. And knocks her around. Every lunch-hour she eats 'with me, then goes to the stu- dent lounge to meet this punk and fight with him. She gets clobbered. She has picked up her gutter language again. The reason she broke off with me is becausc I never hit her. I couldn't hit a girl. How Should I Act DEAR HOW -- Turn her in on a new model. Start having lunch with a more civilized type. nions; not sparring partners. DEAR DORIS -- interrupt people, and run all over the place. They get so wound up at times we can't get them settled down 2) Girls are good compa- When we take the children out (girl 9, boy 5) they talk all the time, Our haby-sitter was sick last bowling night, so we had to take the children with us. 1 was really ashamed of them. The more we talk or scold or ask them to pleasc he quict, the worse they get. We Have Tried DEAR TRIED -- It seems the youthful human engine has an unending head of steam! But if you dcn"t give them limits, they are going to have a tough time developing any self-disci- plinc. As a unit, you two adults provide guidance; you back cach other up and you exact ohedience. If you have been repeating yourselves and then not follow- ing through, they have proba- bly turned you off. Children are hrilllant when it comes to knowing whether parents mean what they say. True, a parent doesn't easily sce what he is doing; nor how - to make it work better -- and that is what child-care workers are for. Don't hesitate to make an appointment with a counsel- lor in your local agency to discuss your problem, DEAR DORIS -- Would you have any ideas on a not-too-se- rious type of program to honor a retiring minister Any novel idea would be greatly appre- ciated by the . . Committee In Charge DEAR COMMITTEE -- What about a "Truth-or-Conse- uences" show, with the minis- ter as one of the contestants He could he asked some far-out questions that couldn't possi- bly be answered. The conse- quence might require him to race across the room carrying an egg on a spoon, or to get down on all" fours and bark like a dog, or sing a line from 'a song. . If you have a presentation to make, let him win on the last question and bring out your gift. Or you could present brief skits suggesting your minis- ter's retirement plans. He might run' for Parliament, take up lifesaving, try out for the Olympics. Would a member of the congregation play reporter and interview him -- humorcusly Confidential = to Anxious Mother -- Irritation in the genital region is common in young children, and seldom of real significance. See your own doctor; say what you have no- ticed and ask for reassurance about the possibility of infec- tion or injury as the cause. As far as the child goes, ignore the whole thing. A mother's anxiety is often the onc thing which fixes a young childs attention on something he would completely forget without it, Teenage Dance at CLUB ANNRENE | Sunday, July 26 - 9:00 to 12:00 | ADMISSION -- $1.25 Adult dances every Saturday night. Teenage dances every Sunday night. SUMMER SALE; of Dresses, Jeans, Denim Shorts w 10 20% or Aquarius Boutique 221' QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY Draperies | HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes . » Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Custom Made Slip Covers 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N.