* SELL RENT « SWA PHIRE + BUY + SELL: RENT + OED CIASSIA alla E=19) EN -{ NR = TINE == SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT * SWAR + HIRE * El ADS GET RESULTS HIRE « BUY SELL: RENT + SWAP +HIRE * BUY * SELL RENT Real Estate Lakeshore frame cottage, furnished, on Lake Scugog gog with 4 pe. bath and pic- ture window to lake. Natural sandy beach, excellent lot with mature white birch and poplar trees. Guest cabin. » 50 acres, 7 workable, bal- ance woods with spring pond. On a paved road 9 miles north of Port Perry. $11,000 with $3,000 down. 2 storey 7 room white brick dwelling in Port Perry, on large corner lot. 4 beautiful bedrooms, 26' living room 'with bay window, dining room with fireplace, modern kitchen, 3 baths, garage. Pre.' stige home" throughout. Of- fered at only $36,500 with| $10,000 down. | : Horse Farm '- 100 acre clay loam. 2 storey, 7 room frame home. All mo- dern conveniences, fireplace, LAMBERT REAL ESTATE LTD--REALTOR TORONTO 447-8518 985-7373 ~ NEW LOCATION: Highway 12 at Manchester 3 Bedroom Bungalow in Port Perry, on quiet street close to schools. Vendor anxious to sell, make an offer: Call Madeline Rodd 085-7373 or 985-2819 any- time. Williams Point edroom cottage sur- rounded by trees fully furnished. Asking $11.500 --Joan Scott 985-7373. Caesarea Summer home or cott: age, 2 blocks from shopp- ing and Lake, 3 bedroom. 4 pe. bath, furnished. Ask- 10 Acres of Bush With good building site-- north of Port Perry. Ask- ing $4500 with terms avail- able. Joan Scott. - Ang $7000.00. Call Made- line Rodd. Caesarea " 2 Bedroom Cottage Building lot, high and , 9 dry, ready to build on Overlooking the lake on a close to shopping Asking 1arge lot -- just 7 miles 3 from Port Perry. Very Eon Sal Muigin private. Contact Joan anytime. Scott. wall to wall broadloom ex- cept kitchen and bathroom, immaculate throughout. 40 x 70 barn with box stalls. Pad- docks & training track. -- $75,000 with terms. 2 bedroom frame bungalow on Cochrane, Port Perry. New oil furnace, broadlooni in living and dining room. Excellent lot. $17,500 with $6,000 down. 1 acre building lot on Scugog Island. Treed boun,. dry on 2 sides. Good value at $4,000 cash, 3 bedroom frame bungalow in Manchester. 3 pe. bath. modern kitchen, new garage and workshop. Extra build: ing lot $13,500. 3 bedroom 6 room brick bun-| galow in Port Perry, double garage, paved drive, all modern conveniences, nicely decorated throughout. Close to schools. Excellent value at only $27,900 with terms. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry with attached garage. Prestige area of ex- cellent homes. Broadloom and corlon floors. Stone fire- place in rec. room. Qualitv home with character. $31,500 REAL ESTATE IS IT WISE TO TAKE OUT A LARGE MORTGAGE? "FRED COOK BS.A, FRI Realtor The question was asked recently of a group of cor- poration executives. Though most could pay cash, their answers showed a preference for mortgaging their properties while they employed their money in other outlets. . : Generally speaking, mortgages run for long terms at fixed rates of interest and require bookkeeping. Other investments, such as loans to builders or apart- ment developers, or investments in businesses, offer greater flexibility with less red tape. The shortage of mortgage money is linked to the inability of home mortgages to attract private funds in competition with other types of investments. Mort- gage rates have risen to their present high level largely in answer to the demands of our present money market. If you are thinking of purchasing a home but hold- ing off because of high mortgage costs, you must bear in mind that land and houses will continue to increase in cost while you wait, Mortgage interest rates are not about to go lower. But if they should eventually, protection for the home buyer is still afforded by most mortgages that allow refinancing after a certain length of time. In addition, Realtors often have properties in their files that were financed back in the good old days of low mortgage rates, which makes for the least expen- sive financing available, with terms. 6 room brick home in Greenbank on quiet street, attached garage, all modern conveniences. For quick sale $15,000 with $3,500 down. CALL = George S. Stone F.R.I. 985-2632 Scenic 10 acre lot on hwy. #12 north of Blackwater. Mature pine and maple trees. Beautiful building site, $12,000 with $3,000 down. 7 acre treed building lot on paved road, east of Sun derland, building permit a vailable. $5,000. Herb Puckrin 705-357-3671 AE Johnson OPTOMETRIST 229 MARY STREET © 986.-2383 Check The Label On Your Paper Complete Printing Services Whether you need announcements, in- vitations or just the finest in personal- ized stationery for your own use, see us for quality. Port Perry Star Real Estate PORT PERRY STAR -- Thur sday, July 23,1970 - 15 = |Fred Cook Real Estate Lod. Realtor Mosport Area -- 50 acres, wooded, secluded -- $15,900. Terms. Blackstock Area Handymon Special--5 room home, large lot. Asking $8,500.00. Low down payment. Blackstock -- 7 acres, plenty of trees, small pond, creek. Call Ivan Thompson. Lindsay Area--50 acres, se- cluded, wooded. Full price. $5,000. Terms. Call IVAN THOMPSON 986-4987 Auction Sales Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property ot the Late Mrs. VIOLET E. VERNON will be held in the town of Uxbridge (Franklin St.) on SAT. JULY 25th. Norg refrig.,, Easy Washing Machine, Moffat electric stove, ching cabinet, antique chairs, chesterfield & chair, Recliner chair, Platform roc ker, Boston rocker, Glass door cupboard, Bedroom suite (good), Spool bed, Elec- trolux Vacuum cleaner, dish- es (some antique), full line of furniture. Sale called to settle estate. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Gra- ham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON & SON, Jly16-23 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 405-357-3270 Auction Sale of Farm Ma- chinery & Furniture, the pro- perty of WILLIAM CLARK. SON, Lot 6, Con. 9, Mariposa Twp., 2 miles east of 'Manilla on Hwy. 7 (Corner of Hwy. 46 and 7), on TUES. JULY 28th. M.H. No. 20 tractor, Geo. White threshing mach: ine, J. D. Manure spreader, M.H. Mower, M.H. Binder, 2 wheel trailer with racks (good), Buck rake, 1960 Chey. Ye-ton truck M.T.D. garden tractor (like new). full line of machinery, 1000 bales old hay, qu. of new hay. Garden tool shed (new), Homelite chain saw (nearly new)) Elec- tric lawn mower (battery op- erated power lawn mower, Qu. of tools (nearly new), Jack frost deep freeze(brown) nearly new, Chrome table & chairs, writing desk, Philin< T.V., Duncan fife table and chairs, Frig, stove, wood stove, box stove, ete. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON & SON Jly16-23 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 405-357-3270 SAT., AUGUST 1st Auction Sale of Furniture & Antiques, the property of Cannington ANTIQUE Centre will be held in the town of Cannington at the Queen's Hotel on SAT. AUG. 1st. Walnut dining room suite, 7 pe. blonde Maple dinette suite (nearly new), Upright grand piano, organ stool, up- holstered seat, carnival glass, cylinder records, Hall seat, Spinning wheel (large and small), Cherry side board. copper kettle, horse hair set. tee, oil lamps, butter bowl, Boston rocker, antique pine desk, automatic washing ma. chine (copper coloured,) nearly new, wicker cradle, wool skeiner, Iron pot (3 leg. ged), many other interesting articles too numerous to men. tion Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Plan to attend this sale. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON, & SON, 2-Jly30 Auctioneers Ph. Sundérland 357-3270 Auction Sales SAT., AUGUST 1st Auction Sale of Real Estate, Furniture, Tape Recorder, Record player, Carpets, tables and chairs, dressers & chests of drawers, beds, bunk beds, Lamps, T.V. Chesterfield suite, Refrigerator, Electric steam iron, toaster, Kettle, Floor polisher, Stoves, camp stove, table saw and motor, complete line of furniture, 4 sleeping bags, Pellet Rifle, .22 Rifle with scope, many other useful articles. Also offered for sale (subject to reserve bid) --- attractive 8 room house (2 bathrooms) on large lot, with growing gard: en. This is an opportunity to buy a lovely home in the beautiful Bethany district. The property of ARTHUR Yates, Bethany (Sale held on United Church lawn). Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Jly 23-30 Auctioneers SATURDAY, AUG. 8th Auction Sale of Household furniture the property of Mrs. ALEX WATTERS, will be held on the premises 2% miles east of Kirkfield (on hwy. 46) just east of Shelmar ALL PHASES O Courtesy, Imagina FR BOB SEAGRAVE, ONT. BOB'S CARPENTRY store. Dining room suite, organ & stool, Viking electric stove (good), Frigidaire frig., G.E. Frig., Gate leg table, Settee, coal oil lamps, glass cocktail bowl and cups, dish- es, silverware (pearl handle). large qu. of bedding, end tables, beds, power lawn mower, qu. of other furni- ture. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham, clerk. REG JOHNSON, & SON, 2--Jly30 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 SAT., AUGUST 8th Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. ARLEIGH MIDDLETON, 437 Queen St, Port Perry, including piano, chesterfield suites, stereo, dining room suite, kitchen chairs, oak antique china cabinet, large electric stove, 30", nearly new, refrigerator, frost free, nearly new, automatic wash- er & dryer, antique hall rack, rocker, love seat, wash stand, walnut bedroom suite with two dressers, floor polisher. dishes, silverware, glassware, antique guns, many other useful articles. Sale at 1:00 o'clock. Terms cash. R. Scott and G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON. TED SPENCELEY, Jly23-30 Auctioneers F CARPENTRY tion and Estimates EE" BERO - 985-7027 7 t # A084 hee i , AY This baby's foster family call him Smiley. One look will a a as Ee MEN REST tell you why. He is a big. sturdy hoy, tall for his onc year, English and Dutch in background. His eyes are dark blue with incredibly long. thick lashes. That hrush-cut hair is dark brown and he has fair skin. "Smiley'* had some, minor illnesses when he was very young, which held up plans for his adoption, The problems now are all cleared wp and he is a healthy, happy, relaxed child with a winr.ag disposition. Ie likes people, especially | children and is not a hit shy. He nceds parents who will enjoy a merry, active, lovable little son. To inquire ahout adopting "Smiley" please write. to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adoption information ask your Children's Aid Society. = = "> x - TR TE ST NC ot op Aa NT