ea Se A EN NSA NEON SF Ee ho Yaw il, REY = BLAS RAT RETIN ~~. RG Are ia J RE, ord is ~ Tr «, friends for flowers, visits, and friends for cards - 'SELL: RENT « SWAP HIRE * BUY + [ ' ' ' ' ' ' / ' : ' ' ' ' + 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' While we are absent one ~ Hospital and since returning Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st weeks with-a minimum of 50c. ADDITIONAL WIL ) USE OF A BO Classified Advertising Rates | (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. © extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--ificharged, an additional 25c. will be added. AAA AA A LEN XN NRT aa week, 3c. extra consecutive $1.00 1st week, 75c¢. for L BE CHARGED FOR X NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATH 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 <n, ARAL LAAAR ALLL A RRL LE RRR RRRR ACF SR nann IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. ; y a line for additional lines. of one DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum inch. ' ' ' ' ' ' § ' ' / ] / ' ' ' ' / ' ' ' ' ' 4:00 p.m}, /' / ' . 3 Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. 9. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for meference, Av unanuvuane "ass uuv ha 2 MA A A A ASS SX NEN i All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than Tuesday Arar ccsrincssanannnan | Cards of Thanks PHILP--In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Alma F. Philp, $a passed away on May 15, 5. The Lord watch between me and thee from the other. Always remembered, Hus- My sincere thanks to nurs- es and staff of Port Perry Community Memorial Hospit- al for the lovely tray and lazy susan presented to me at a surprise dinner party at the, Spruce Villa on my re- tirement. Mickey Mahaffy band, Kendall family. HENRY-- In loving memory of a dear husband and father Francis Henry, who passed away May 12th, 1968. Time speeds on, two years Thank you to Drs. Kandel, Spear and John Diamond. the wonderful nurses and staff of Community Hospital for their care, to family, friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, visits and calls. All are gone, were deeply appreciated. Since death its gloomy shad- ow cast LT Upon our home, where all was bright And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will : His Ygeant place none can i Here we mourn, but not in vain For in heaven we will meet again. Ever remembered by his wife, Caroline and family Cards of Thanks Thanks to relatives, and to friends from Seagrave, Col- umbus areas, and to my only Scugog visitor, Mr. Bill Loate- Rev. Reeves for Sincerely, Margaret Michie At Rest TAYLOR, James (Jimmy) -- Suddenly at San Francisco, California, on Tuesday, May 5th, 1870,. James Darling Taylor, in his 46th year, be- loved father of Deborah of Oshawa, brother of Edna of Oakland, California and Will- iam of Oshawa. Cremation at Redwood City, California. Royal Canadian Legian grave- | side service and interment at Pine Grove Cemetery in Prince Albert on Saturday, May 16th, 1970 at 3.30 p.m. Flowers may be sent to Me- Dermott-Panabaker Funeral Home, Port Perry, prior. to service, pital for the ndness. old Goose Also, his blegsings. A very special thanks to Dry\John Diamond and staf hig Perry Hos- x Many thanks to relatives and cards and inquiries during my stay in hospital, Special thanks to Dr. M. B: Dymond, nurses and staff for kindness shown to me, Phyllis Midgley Many thanks to Felatives an flowers, also to all who call- enly at BEALS, Mary Alberta--Sudd- Largo, Florida on May 4th, 1970 at Morton Plant Hospital, Mary Alberta daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. dear wife of Robert Beals, Largo, dear sister of Mrs, James Lambert (Pearl), Tor- onto, Mrs. Thomas Bartley * and Grant Willard (Ethel), Port Perry, Mrs. Charles McLaughlin ~ (Georg- ina), Port Perry, and brother of Nelson Bartley, Rockford, Ill. Funeral service was held at 2 p.m, May 6th, 1970 at Feaster Largo Chapel, con- ducted by Rev. C. M. And- rews. Burial in Largo Ceme- ed to wish me happy birth- | tery. day. It made my day a very | - happy. occasion. Announcement Retta Hardy : I would like to thank rel- atives and friends. for their lovely cards, letters, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in Oshawa General home. Special thanks to Dr's Grafit, Stocks and Baldwin. Mrs. Elwood Clements Mr. and Mrs. Alan Carter, Scugog Island, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Karen Joan, to Mr. R. Douglas McLellan, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McLellan, Toronto.. Marriage to take place, June 13th, 1970 at 4.00 p.m. in Grace United Church, Scugog Island. SIS MR == Nhat 8 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 14, 1970 INCRE ED =I SAA Za nl LL SEN = Wh = = WE ey = CD) CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESUL SAAN SRN SEE SELL: RENT + SWAP 'HIRE * BUY * SELL. RENT - --~v ~Coming Events FIREMEN'S DANCE SATURDAY, MAY 16th Port Perry Legion Hall Music by the Royal Ambassadors $10.00 per couple Lunch - Prizes Refreshments Included COMPLETE variety of Music for Dances, Wedding Recep- tions. Call Jack Bookham, Box 10, Uxbridge pig BUS TO OTTAWA TULIP TIME, Monday, May 25th few seats available. ' Phone 985-2598 or 985-2814 BINGO, Thursday, May 21st, 8 p.m. at Legion Hall. Jack- pot $150.00 in 55 numbers, Legion special $55.00 in 17 numbers. Top line, 20 regu- lar games, share the wealth. DEMONSTRATION! Come to the Church of the Ascension, May 19th to our Wig-visit,. Fashion Demon- stration and Dessert Party. Tickets 65c. Time 7.30 p.m. Door prizes. EUCHRE, Saturday, May 16th at 8 p.m. sharp at Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 50c. Prizes and lunch. BINGO, Friday, May 15th at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Catholic Mens League Jackpot $160 00 in 49 numbers, Minor Jack- pot $65.00 in 58 numbers. DANCE at Tyrone Hall, Sat- urday, May 16th. Round and Square dancing. Sponsored by Cecil Hubbard and Leo Norman. Only one more left, Everyone Welcome Birth For Sale For Sale PRICE---Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Price 'are happy to announce the birth of their son, Taylo David at Oshawa Genera Hospital, May 11th, 1970. Coming Events SWEET ADELINES, Friday, May 22nd at 8 p.m. Port Perry United Church. Ad- mission $1.00. 3--May21 ANNUAL MEETING All Prince Albert residents please attend annual meeting at Prince Albert Community Centre May 20, 8 p.m. Com. mittee to be put in for next term, | loom rug 9 x 12, coffee an 1963 FORD Galaxy, 2 door "WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers, Stock calves, and hardtop, best offer. Phone 'Holstein heifers, every -week. » . : Ly Johnson, R.R. 1, South 655-4839. T.F, Monaghan, Phone Bailieboro 939-6866. 10 miles South of [1968 WESTINGHOUSE MOB. ILAIRE, 6000 B.T.U. AIR | Peterborough, Hwy. 28, Zl oN DITIONER, used one BY '|summer for less than 100 |'CONTENTS .- from Model |hours. Interested parties call 985-7263. LEFT HAND SPALDING GOLF CLUBS, set of seven in excellent condition with bag, call 985-7263. 'home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite; desk, 'bookcase stereo & T.V, broad- nd tables, etc., etc. All item ike new. one Oshawa 128-3473. 'T.F) SPRING "70" DANCE at Caesarea Community Hall, Saturday, May 23rd, at 9:00 p.m., $2.50 per couple. All Welcome: 3--May21 Teenage Dance : at - Club Annrene. n Sunday, May 17th 9 to 12 p.m. 'Music by the 'ATOMIC SENTENCE' Admission $1.25 per person China Cabinet $35.00; Wring- er Washer $95.00, Walnut Bedroom Suite $65.00. Phon 985-2423 . INSTALLED 40' tower with all channel antenna--$65.00 40" tower with rotator and ELECTRIC STOVE $75.00; CORN SILAGE, also wanted dry holstein cows. Call 986- 4863 colour antenna--$135.00 Extra 10° section--$11.50 . Open9-9 Res. 372 King St. W. TF. [TRACTOR, PLOW, TILLER, : : Cultivator, Harrows, - Side Mister T.V. Towers Rake, Spreader, Cattle Oiler, . 378 King St. W. 723-9525 Well Pump, deep or shallow, Chest Freezer. Apply. even- "Trim-G6Gym Invented by man with brok- en back. Takes off Inches Firms Flabby Muscles Improves Figure FREE DEMONSTRATION _| Also Income Opportunit 985-2420 y to John Dobson 985-7180 3 USED CAMP TRAILERS, canvas and bodys in excell- ent condition. $190.00 $260.00 $275.00. Morley Bruce, phone 985-2528 or 985-7239 BATH TUB AND STOOL, resonable 985-7692 1963 GMC PICKUP TRUCK, good condition. Also set Jr. Golf Clubs. Phone 985-2573 ; GORD'S MARINE Mercury Motors & Ski-Doo Sales & Service, Grew Fiber- glass boats 18' to 22' V.-Hulls Inboard models powered b: Mercruiser, stern drives wit power trim. Sport ray (leav-' ans) Fiberglass & Aluminum boats. Remington chain saws, Fox mini-bikes, Canadian Ex- plorer trailers. Yes, we have everything for the boater. All i on display NOW at Gord's of Marine, - Claremont. Phone 649-2007, 17 years experience with Mercury service. TRUCK CAMPER TOPS ANNUAL SPRING RECITALS JUNE 18th - JUNE 22nd Piano Students, Grade VII to X, of Mrs. J. E. Jackson, LEGION DANCE Saturday, June 6th Music by the ROYAL AMBASSADORS - $8.00.per couple Refreshments Included _ Members and Guest MUDCAT SUPPER, Grace United Church, Scugog Is- land, Wednesday, May 20th, starting at 5 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children under 12 75¢ Tickets maybe obtained by phoning 985-7732 : ATCM., RMT. will hold their recital on Thursday Evening, June 18th, in the United Church. They will be assisted by students of Mrs. Frank Godley and vocal students of Mrs. Frank Hast- ings. 'The Junior Recital, Begin- ners to Grade VI with stud- ents of Mrs. Godley and Mrs. Jackson will be held on Mon. day Evening, June 22nd in the United Church. Both re. citals will commence at 8 o'clock. Everyone is wel come at these musical pro- grammes, Come and enjoy your local young people. There will be no admission charge. May7-14 HOSPITAL SPRING FAIR Come and meet our Admin- istrator of our hospital, Mr. B. A. Bohan who will open the Spring Fair on May 23rd at 2.00 p.m. at the Masonic Hall, Lets make a real effort in making our Fair a success We need your co-operation. -- SPRING BALL Saturday, May 23rd at Club Annrene. Music by George Beare. Admission $4.00 per couple. Tickets Phone Ken Sturman 985-7778 or Dow- son's Red & White. . May 7-14-21 GORESKI'S Summer Resort LAKESIDE BEACH "CHICKEN IN ~ THE BARREL" Either take-out or served in our completely renovated dining room or snackbar. SOCIAL BINGO. -- Caesarea Community Hall, Thurs., May 14th, 8:00 p.m. Admission 50c, - Prize Night. Everyone .| Welcome. DANCING SUN VALLEY PAVILLION Seagrave, Ont. Saturday, May 16 9:00 p.m. = 1:00 a.m. TOMMY - TEATRO Country & Western Music For Sale CAMPER TOPS for trucks. Iroquois tent trailors, Mini- bikes. Village Sales, Janet ville, Ontario. 705-324-2060. Closed Sundays. ; TF. LAKE SCUGOG COTTAGE-- 3 Bedroom, furnished, 2 pe. bath, pressure system, hot water, large lot, sand beach. Asking $10,900.00 with $3000.' down. Private. Perry 985-2220. Phone Port 4---May21 $299.00 and up; Flexo non. clogging harrows, 1; 17 tooth 3 pt. spring tooth cultivator; Tractor power lift cultivator, new and used Pioneer Chain ig 233 Ford 14 ton; 1968 "|Ford Fairlane 500, 2 door FOR SALE hardtop; 1969 Ford Econoline Semi-mounted - mower, #61900 Van: 1 pair 9.5 x 32 rea 'Massey Harris, guards and | {1.000 tires HOSKINS sickle knife, 2 years, cable Blackstock 986-4971 ? WHIRLITZER Electric Organ from - Blackstock United Church. Contact H. M. Kyte, '986-4233. . MAKE MONEY Watkins M-V- Special Supple- ment No. 100 for Dairy can help increase milk product lon, cut out-of-pocket feed costs up to $12.00 per ton, No soybean meal needed. Call me for details. Art Reader, Caesarea, 986-4810. John Deere 2 furrow plow, could be converted to three point hitch -- $50. Walker Stooker, ten bales-- $100. Hay Fork to match above -- $25. Sedore Dirt Bucket -- $50. Fygsman Manure Loader-- $200. : John Deere Swather, 9 ft. pull type on trucks. Needs repairing -- $50. |3 ron gMm.c TRUC > WESLEY JOHNSON tires, 16' platform acy Sood 985-2655 or 2754 Phone 985-7460 : 3--Mayl4 OUTDOOR CHICKEN BARBEQUE 2 Victoria Day, May 18 5 p.m. --8 p.m, At Legion Grounds, Port Perry Adults $1.75 Children $1.25 i Sponsored by. Veteran's Sons Association, Branch 419, Royal Canadian Legion For Tickets call evenings: Gary Ven 985-7613 Dave Ballingall 985-7427 Jack bic 985-7261 Also available at Crest Hardware or Don Carnegie Men's Wear SEE US FOR G | JOHN DEERE AND TORO LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT FOX MINI BIKES -- TRUCK CAMPER TOPS Utica Farm Equipment PHONE 852-3042 2 1] F £2 Bt pe ape T= OO TI's PCCD frat DE ot IT rh tet es OD. bh halal a}