Ld & ' SELL: RENT « SWAR«HIR IRE «BUY + SELL: RENT « SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT For Sale DELPHINIUM PLANTS, pac- ifie giant white, first year plants. Phone 985-2426 0h 2 TEV) FR lank AI DSL AIATY EATEN eit FY Wanted Work Wanted EXPERIENCED Canadian farmer, . with own help, re quires farm on shares basis. Joe Joly, R.R. #1, Zephyr. REFRIGERATOR, Chester- field day bed and chair, buff. et, childrens dresser. Phone 985-2434 473-6787 3--May21 INTERIOR or EXTERIOR PAINTING Call Jobi' {an Holthy- 057508 PASTURE for 25 head of cattle. Phone 985-2627 - RIDE TO SOUTH PLANT, LOT, wil! vooded, 100 x 200 in Manilla $2000. Private 8 Call 705-786-2956 evenings. REFRIGERATOR suitable for home or cottage $50.00. Phone 985-3066 BUNGALOW, Frame alumin. um, 3 bedrooms, bath, full basement, oil heat, double ® garage, lot 100x150. 7A High- way, Port Perry $22.000 00. Terms, call 9864252 after 6 p.m. 2--Mayl4 1 TANDEM double horse trailer. 5 p.m, Call 985-3394 after 7723. General Motors, starting May 19th, day shift, write to P.O. Box 411, Port Perry WANTED By Loan (for summer 1970) or Donation Any item made in Port Perry, Reach & Scugog. Call immediately" 985-2765 SCUGOG SHORES HISTORICAL MUSEUM | 985-2456 ROOFING, RA & aluminum siding. All work jully guaranteed. For Free timates. Call Caesarea 986-724, "TF UNIVERSITY Student train- ing in Business Administrat- ion would like summer posit- ion. Phone 9852848 HOME CLEANING SERVICE Walls, Ceilings and Floors Washed, also Windows clean- ed. Reasonable Rates. Phone ROUND dining room tables, Sihgprds, etc. Atlas of Ont- ari d other books, China, glass, ete. Call Vera Lee's Antiques, Greenbank -- 985. T.F. * LAWNBOY Rotary Mower v S 21 inch, excellent condition, Phone 985-2208 'Work Wanted CAMP TRAILER for sale in good- condition $190.00, Tel. i 985-7239 or 985-2528 For Rent PASTURE TO RENT For 45 head of Cattle. Call 985-2687 after 6 p.m. ' Dead' or Crippled: "Farm. Stock MARGWILL FUR FARM R.R. 5 Bowmanville Licence 258-C-70 : Picked up promptly. 4 Telephone collect HAMPTON 418-263-2721 HOUSE TO RENT Rural living at its best. Newly redecorated home, lo- cated in Myrtle, four bed- rooms, all facilities. $150 00 'per month. Call 655-4984. P 2--May14 | APARTMENT, 2 bedroom, new building. Phone 852-6849 "BASEMENT APARTMENT, suitable for po couple. Call 985-7134 Wanted To Rent FARM HOUSE with conven- iences wanted to rent by June 1st. Call Allan at 725- 4773 before 5 p.m. _ M21 COTTAGE near lake from June 1st to October 31st. Contact D. Walsh 839-1151 or 282-1722 evenings. BLL TAYLOR rye Som Phone 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontario 'DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 | FOR EXPERT sewing mach: Notice to Creditors! IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE WILLIAM JORDAN Late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ont- ario, Labourer. All persons having claims .against the Estate of George William Jordan, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of November, 1968, at the said Township of Reach, are re- quired to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before May 21st, 1970, after which date the Administrator will administer the estate hav-| bedroo: ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Uxbridge, Ontario, this 30th day of April. 1970. JOHN ALEXANDER SMITH, Barrister and Solicitor, Uxbridge, Ontario. Solictor for the -3--May14 Administrator MORTGAGES AVAILABLE 1st and 2nd, Small or Large Prompt, Confidential Service Phone 985-2827, anytime - C. BLAKE Mortgage Broker ine repairs, rentals, parts & service see your local Singer, Centre, 16 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. Phone, 705.0858 vir : J 8 AL SPEARS BY ONE ADULT, 1 or 2 bed- room apartment. Anytime June 15 to July 15. Walking distance of downtown. Call collect Toronto 781-8257 Help Wanted %». LOCAL "MAN REQUIRED . * % I need a representative for my firm in this area, This opening may be worth up to $10,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or Part- time. Age over 21, Can you make short auto trips? We * hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply now to V. McNenuy, Box 187, Port Perry. Phone 985-3082. BODY SHOP COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE Body Repairs and Spray Painting FREE ESTIMATES PRINCE ALBERT 985-3401 CASH LOANS We have private mortgage funds to loan. 1st, 2nd and 3rd mortgages. Fast private service in your home. Low monthly payments. CALL ANYTIME NO HIDDEN CHARGES JORD INVESTMENTS Gord Charlton 576-1433 EXPERIENCED TYPIST -- wanted for' part time work, must be willing to work on Tuesday evening. Apply in writing stating experience to Box 19 Port Perry Star. SHORT ORDER COOK, apply Haugens Barbecue 985-2402 Port Perry ; Garden Service Trees, Shrubs & Plants Sold BIRCH TREES SHOULD BE TREATED NOW Complete Lawn and Green Cure Geoff Taylor & Sons ~ 985.2494 EXPERIENCED Sewer Con- struction, pipe layers, labour- ers, operators and students. Apply Clairson Construction Limited, 2401, Hwy. 122, Oak- ville or Phone 845.0150, con- tact L. E. Wright. : LADIES or MEN who drive can make $80.00 weekly with art time or full time' erry, Raglan, Green- Seagrave and Area. TF: Fuller, in Port bank, Phone 728-4922. : [J] Hahn - Eclipse YOUR AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER FOR All small engine repairs McLAREN'S SALES & SERVICE' 76 Mill St. 852-6875 "Uxbridge 4---May28 WIGS FREE Get your wigs free by hav. ing your own wig party. Our hair stylists do all the work. Wigs are finest available. Guaranteed 100% dynel." For information phone 728-8711 or after 6 p.m, 7284488 or 985-2583 ~ Found HOUND, white, black and brown, well trained, Utica area, owner please contact, 985-7794 NOTICE SWEETMAN'S TAXI 985-7365 Check The Label On Your Paper Real Estate E:BUY: SELL RENT + SWAP HIRE * BUY + SELL: RENT CLASSIHED ADS GET RESUS S PORT PERRY: STAR - Thursdoy, May 14,1970 -- SWAR + HIRE * ADVERTISE WEEKLY FOR BEST RESULTS 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry with attached garage. Prestige area of ex- cellent homes. Broadloom and corlon floors. Stone fire- place in rec. room. Qualilv home with character. $31,500 with terms. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 3 bedroom 6 room brick bun- galow in Port Perry, double garage, paved drive, all modern conveniences, nicely decorated throughout. Close to schools. Excellent value at only $27,900 with terms. 3 bedroom, brick and alumi- num tri-level home in Port Perry, only 3 years old, beau- tifully decorated throughout, with broadloom and corlon, laundry room, recreation room, and attached garage, excellent view. An opportun- ity, call for details. 2 storey 7 room white brick. dwelling in Port Perry, on| large corner lot. 4 beautiful] ms, 26' living room with bay window, dining room with fireplace, modern kitchen, 3 baths, garage. Pre- stige home throughout. Of- fered at only $36,500 wi $10,000 down. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage and paved drive. Large bright living room and dining room. Family sized kitchen with many cupboards. Screened in patio. Excellent view. $29,500 with terms. 2 storey nine room frame home on. quiet street in Por Perry, Large kitchen, living sewing, laundry and separate dining rooms on main floor 4 bedrooms with closets up stairs, excellent lot and -gar age. A pleasure to show $42,600. with terms. 145 acres clay loam Dairy Farm in Sunderland area. 2 storey, 9 room red brick home with city conveniences. Beautifully d ecorated throughout. Large steel barn with loose housing, milking parlour. and milk house. Cement silo and implement shed. For quick sale a with terms. "Scenic 10 acre lot east of Port Perry. Maple & Cedar bush with excellent view and stream. Building permits available. $7,000 with $1000 down. 1 acre scenic building lot, 2 miles from Port Perry. LL dry building site with Japis & Cedar trees. $4,500 cas 7 acre treed. building lot on paved road, east of Sun derland, building permit a vailable. $5,000. Waterfront cottage on Lake Scugog, near Port Perry. 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, liv ing room with fireplace, bath artially insulated. Good each. An opportunity at REALTOR 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT, Prince Albert Lake Scugog New brick, 3 bedroom bungalow, 1380 sq. ft. liv- ing area, fireplace, glass patio doors to 25 ft. sun- deck, exceptional setting in quiet village $29,000. Terms. Prince Albert Suitable for V.L.A. new brick, 3 bedroom bunga- low, 2 baths, attached gar- age, lot 100x200, close to school. Asking $29,500 Terms arranged. Income Home Port Perry, central loca tion, panoramic view ol lake, 2 modern self con- tained apartments, each with basement and laun- dry facilities. Ideal ar rangement for young couple just starting. Ask ing $24,900. Terms Ar- ranged. Port Perry 2 storey, four bedroom in excellent repair, full base- ment, separate diningroom along with family size kitchen, central location, close to schools, shopping ete. $21,700. Terms. Blackstock Area Mechanic handyman spec- ial, 7 years old, 4 bedroom frame bungalow with col- or-lox siding on 2% acres, two bedrooms and porch not finished, garage 26x30 with 100 amp, wiring. Ask- ing $18,500. with good terms. Little Britain Village home and extra building lot, 12 year old, 1700 sq. ft. frame bunga- low, 4 bedrooms, extra lot with workshop, $17,900. Investment Port Perry zoned commer- cial, large spacious older brick home, conveniences, oil heat, very close to business block, $16,500 Terms to be arranged. Port Perry 3 blocks from shopping. "older 3 bedroom home on treed lot, family sized kit- chen, living and separate dining room, modern con- veniences, garage, $15,500 Terms arranged. Country Home 4 bedroom, 1% storey frame and stucco home, conveniences, large lot 130 x 180. Asking $12,500. Cash. . oil heated, barn. New 8 room cottage, com- pletely insulated, electric heat, 4 piece bath, family room with sliding glass doors to sundeck, 87° lake frontage. Asking $19,300. Terms. . Lake Scugog 3 room furnished cottage overlooking lake, treed lot, barbecue and well. Asking $7,000. Terms. Lakefront Estate Site Choice 50 acres, about 2500 feet lake frontage, Lake Scugog, high rolling land, stream partly wood- ed. overlooking Port Perry Asking $80,000 easy Sermis Uxbridge Area 100 acres. large bank barn loose housing, implement shed, 8 room modern prick home, 2 car attached age, panoramic view ot countryside, good spring. terrific pond site. $89,000. Uxbridge Area 60 acre retreat, everflow- ing stream starts on pro. perty. Scenic pond site, 8 room home, conveniences, Priced at $45,000. with $12,000 down.' 90 Acres $16500 terms, farm or ranch land. property all seeded. plenty of water, no buildings, Cannington area. Private Retreat 50 acres, very scenic prop- erty, partially wooded, good --homesite, lots of springs, excellent pond- sites, close to town, $23,500. Good Terms. Hideaway 42 acres rolling land, part- ly wooded, pond, stream, Port Perry area. $9,500. Good terms. Blackwater Registered building lot 980x185. some trees. high- way frontage. in area of new homes. Asking $3,700 Cash. Nestleton Treed homesite. large lot close to shopping, school bus, Asking $4,500 easy terms. Homesites In Port Perry village. sev- eral to choose from $5,500 Terms. $8,700 with $5,000 down. 3 bedroom frame bungalow in Manchester. 3 pec. bath. modern kitchen, new garage and workshop. Extra build: ing 'lot $13,500. -- CALL ~- George S. Stone F.R.I. 985-2632 or Herb Puckrin 705-357-3671 TELEPHONE: Port Perry 985-7386 Toronto 364-2516 Oshawa 723-0302 Office Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. AFTER HOURS CALL -- Howard Forder 655-3858 Maurice Baker 852-7266 Ken Middleton = 9856-7648 Jack Hooker 665-4504 (George Beaton 985-3040 Ken Holliday 723-5420 Bruce Currie 705-357-3392 > oS OE guy A wm Te NS; Wg eed CRITIC -- radars Scie Ze Ki > GY Nt URE ~~ ST oe nies F oe A Ds vd by 3, PAREN Fo oR RA ls Sod wl ES Chi tom, gt LENA Jor SARS EERE A at Ny