Festival Singers To Perform In Port Perry United On Sunday, April 12th, a Second One-Hour Concert of the Young Artist Series, will be presented in Port Perry United Church, from 8 p.m. until 9 p.m. Admission is free to these concerts, and they are being arranged by Marie Taylor, to give young musicians an opportunity to perform, and to give the vounger people in the com- munity a chance to hear the more" advanced work of the Senior Students. The re-- ponse to the first Concert was very rewarding, the mu- sicians performed well ,and "the attendance was good. Re- sidents of Port Perry and surrounding area enjoyed the evening very much. The program this Sunday, will feature the Festival Singers of -Oshawa, a group of young voice students of Elsie Drygala, a registered vocal teacher of that city. This choir is very outstand- ing, and has a very full sche- dule of performances throughout the year, both in Oshawa and the surrounding communities. They have 'made an album -- a long- playing recording -- called "Songs to Remember". We are. fortunate to hear them in Port Perry. Also on the program, is violinist, John Beaton. John is a Grade Xm 'Secondary School student, and "plans to continue his education next year at Medical School. He has been a member of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. He will be accompanied by Marie Taylor at the Organ. Two very talented pianists will be the remaining per- formers . on . the program. Donna Croxall, is a Grade VII. Piano student, is pre- paring for the Royal Conser- vatory of Music Examination in June, and is also studying the Grade IV History Course. She placed First in her class for several consecutive years at the Sunderland music Fes- as a future pianist are limit- less. - Beverley Nolan, a Grade "XIII Secondary School Stu- dent, has a long list of musi- cal accomplishments. She holds the diplomas of the Royil Conservatory of Music for Grade II Rudiments, Grade IV History, Grades III, IV, and V Harmony, and the Grade X Piano diploma with Honours standing. Also a student of Marie Taylor, she is presently preparing for the 'Grade V Counterpoint-and Grade" V History ;examina- PORT PERRY [STAR -- Thursday, April 9, 1970 -- 19 tions in May. Beverléy's Piano Study--is commenced for the AR.CT. Piano Tea- cher's diploma. "Elsie Drygala, director of the Oshawa Festival Singers, was born in Forfar, Scotland. Having studied extensively voice, and dramatic art, Elsie became a success on radio, stage, and in Oratorio and concert hall performances. She appeared with the Scot- tish Folk Song Recital on B.B.C. and performed with the Tom Arnold Productions and the Celebrated Jim Cam- eron Scottish Dance Band Tours. It promises to be an excit- ing evening. Future concerts in May and June, will fea- ture young instrumentalists from the High School Music classes, pianists, singers, and Marie Taylor will also per- form, by popular request. School Levy Continued increased costs brought the total fixed costs to approx- imately $4.5 million. Expand- ed programs, aimed. at giving equal opportunity to schools throughout the county accounted for the balance of the increase. The increase breakdown, in part, is as follows: 60 per- cent teacher's salaries, 10 per- cent teacher's fringe benefits, 10 percent debenture increase costs, 1.9 percent increased administrative costs. In explaining the details of the budget, Mr.' Lovell said in 1969 there were 130 new teachers added to the staff. In 1970 there will be 135 new teachers added. Six. tenths of the 130 and four tenths of the 135 teacher's salaries comes out of the 1970 budget. There will be 2,300 teachers employ: 'ed by September. Debenture costs have risen and so have tuition fees. There are 12,000 students transport- ed this year and this costs approximately $1 million. Plant and equipmént costs have gone up, particularly in portable units. Over 80 percent of the increase is in fixed costs. Mr. Lovell pointed out the costs are within the provincial 'guidelines and the board is getting maximum benefit from provincial grants. One of the problems of the Ontario County area and "others like it around the Metro Toronto region, is the migrat- _ion of people from the city to the neighbouring municipalit- ies. This has meant counties like Ontario have had to go into large capital debt to pay|. This has for -new schools.' from taken moncy away Upln 1970 -| proposed - equanzing educat- ional standards. There are 14 secondary schools in- the county, 96 elementary schools and three trainable retarded children's schools. Cost per pupil in a secondary school in 1970 is $1,185. In an elementary school the cost per pupil is $695 and the schools for trainable retarded the costs jumps to over $1,300 per pupil. Plans for this Year include extending the library 'facilit- ies in 'all elementary schools. This does not mean there will be new rooms added. In many cases it will be the purchase of new hooks and adding more shelf space. - Guidance programs will be expanded, starting at the elementary level in both public and separate schools. A new film library for public and separate schools will be in- creased by over 1,000 titles. A courier service will call at all schools in the county on a six day basis. A speech therapy program throughout the county will give equal opportunity to students and will be available as needed. The Conversational French program will be extended to about 80 per: cent of the county this year, "In summing up the 1970 program, Mr. Lovell said the money has been spent where it will benefit the student most, rather than being used for administration purposes. by Graham Lightfoot | Uxbridge Times Journal Check The Label On Your Paper Public School Addition Continued vocational school, school for south Oshawa, Glen Street Public School, Lincoln Avenue Public School addit- | ion, new Public School for Uxbridge, Waverly Public Schobl addition, Port Perry Public School addition, new Athabaska Public School and an addition at Glenholme. The next 12 locations are schools where there are librar- ies needed or where there is a large number of portables in use at present. An addition at Central Collegiate Institute, and Dr, F.J. Donovan Colleg- iate Institute, library -for Pickering High School and, Eastdale Collegiate, additions for Sunderland Public School, "| Cornonation Public School, Whitby Senior Public School, E.A. Lovell Public School and Greenbank Public School. Brock District High School a greenhouse and general purp- ose rooms for Valleyview Public School and Claremont Re: Dog Control Continued At present the Port Perry dog catcher is paid a $300 retainer fee plus an additional $5.00 per dog caught. Council thought that the price of service from the Humane Society was quite high, but felt if the dog owners did not take better control of their dogs, it could be considered in the future. The letter was filed to be considered at 'a later date if it was felt necessary. if such a dog control is ever felt necessary, council said that dog fees would have to be raised to compensate for the extra being paid for the service," a high|. Public School. ~ By Graham Lighttoot Cottages Wanted L REAL ESTATE LID REALTOR JOAN IT NITE UXBRIDGE 852.6033 Thurs. to Wed. Six Days April 9 to 16 Academy Award winning as Best Picture based on the Charles Dickens story "OLIVER" 8:00 Special Prices by Order Columbia Films Adults $1.76 Students $1.26 -- Children .76¢ Coming Neéxt 'Krakatoa East of Java' DANCING CLUB ANNRENE Saturday, April 11, 1970 -- Walter and Sandy --- Featuring "MARLENE" ©6000 600 EE EEE ECE E CEE Eh Er OBB: Er nC rr A rn AAAI Miia de id Howard's i Draperies | HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM RY a OOD TOO VeS. oO La a a 4 VV VOI OIPPPOIOIISSSe Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service © FOVVVVVVVUUVIYIIVIIV VIII VV. VVIVVVIVIVIIRIOIVOVOOPIIIOV 725-3144 OSHAWA, > Custom Made Slip Covers 926 Simcoe St. N. 4 GCC OOOO ROOLEORDEOERN AMMA ON VIVPOPPOOTOOPOCOCO00000000000000 00 DDR d d VV VV VOU VIVIIVIV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VVIVVPITITIIITIVITOITIOOIOOOTOIIIITIIOOOOP JOE PODRES Builder -- Carpenter | a 4 4 4 < < 4 4 4 < < 4 L 4 4 4 4 [ [ 4 4 ® oo 4 < 4 4 4 4 L 4 ¢ < Are you thinking of building a new home, a new 4 addition, or renovating and would like to be { proud of it when it is finished? -- SEE JOE FOR FREE ESTIMATES and ADVICE < There Is No Job Too Big or Too § Small For Us To Handle k < [: 4 32 ARROW ST. - PORT PERRY - 985-2156 | OVO VOVIOOOYVVVIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIVVI PV VVOVVVVVVVVIIOVV IIIT III III REP Ab fir i oh Si ge VV VVVIVIVIVIIVIIPIPIOOOTOPOOOOOOOIOOP 985-7373 Check this list of full-tim I RC EE Commercial Clerical Commercial Stenographic Commercial Refresher Starting May 4 Drafting Retail Merchandising Retailing & Merchandising Key Punch and Verifier A COURSES FOR ADULTS power Division. A certificate in one of them will improve your job opportunities. Starting April 13 Starting April 20 Elementary School Completion (Grades 1--8) Duration Varies VVVVVVVIVIVIVITVIPOIOITP0O000IOIIOOTOOOOOOOPP e courses 'starting late April at Durham College's Man- 24 Weeks English for New Canadians 18 Weeks ° Grade 11 Grade 12 . 16 Weeks . 16 Weeks 40 Weeks 40 Weeks 16 Weeks I I TY Rr REE WSR SN A 40 Weeks Pia wg 4 Sade Levi viii a... BWeeks I Nr TIE ROR SE fovea. .... 16 Weeks 40 Weeks 4 Weeks TI I JAE RSET SY I TC JIC TTS PPR SN FO FORD DID You KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE R\TRAINING ALLOWANCES | ETAILS CONSULT YOUR LOCAL | If you are not elgible for Canada Manpower Assistance you may enrol in a 16-week course for.$32.00. To ensure acceptance on course contact immediately, THE MANPOWER DIVISION | DURHAM COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOLOGY TELEPHONE 676-0210 LOCALS 51, 54, 56 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO