« 4 pC he TERE SAE UH BE a Th eC A) FR Tk s x PRE y Mrs. Ron Clark, Main Street, Uxbridge, escaped with minor injuries Friday, when . the 1964 Chevrolet she was driving laft the road and turned over. The accident occurred on County Road 9, at-3:20 p.m. and was investigated by Police Constable G. Gibbson. Mrs. Clark was treated at Uxbridge Cottage Hospital for minor cuts and bruises. Estimated be made to instill and interest in young people thus guarante- eing equal success for future exhibitions. Mr. Larry Kendel thanked Mr. Starr on behalf of those gathered for a very interesting and informative talk. The chairman then asked Mr. Armour McMillan to make a presentation speech, hon- ouring the participation of Mr. LE 2 SRE AA POAT A SR BORER YL RL BER LG rE COTE Y BRIEFS NE A PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, April 9, 1970 -- 9 Honoured At Testimonial Din service to the community. They also received the Fair Board Diploma, which was presented by Mr. Fair. Follow- ing the presentation Mr. Lamb thanked everyone, for the awards, the lovely gift and particularly the co-operation of the directors and members of the Agriculture Society while he and his wife were secretary treasurer of the fair's Wm. Stone at.the piano, entertained the audience with vocal selections, ) Cottages Wanted LAMBERT SEAL ESTATE LTO REALTOR ner od £2 i { Continued a number of awards were The chairman then called eA Mr. Starr then concluded presented to the'. happy |on Mr. Bob Kenny, Reeve of Es hig Fheech by commending | couple. Port Perry who congratulated i e directors. and m embers ' i p 5 bA of the Port Perry AL oy boss Mr. Fred Christie, a neigh- }e, 574 Wire. Lalisio Read ihe Society for their efforts in| Pour and close friend of the Durin the evening Janice it | |organizing such successful | Lambs, presented a floor lamp Jill and " diy Stone ax : AR '| fairs, year after year, and and the Agriculture Service en: b ys: thes io suggested that efforts should Diploma for their devoted | yagi mo : : tl a - ae a ~~ T "» . ers' herds in Ontario County "Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cole of damage to car was $400. and no charges have been laid. 985-7373 --Photo Joe Jordan [and Mrs. Lamb. At this time organization committee. ~~ aS RR - Holstein Breeders Tour County Farms A tour of Holstein Breed- was held on Thursday, March 26th, with 90 Holstein Breed- ers in attendance. Utica Continued Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDon- ald and Carol. Anne visited the MacCannells on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Thomp- son were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark in Oshawa on Wednesday. On Sunday the Thompsons visited Mrs. Ed King and Ravenshoe. Mr. and Mrs. George Symes spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey of Scarborough. =~». Miss Janet Long of Scar- borough was a guest of Miss Mary McCartney on Friday night. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fielding of Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fielding of Keswick spent a fet days with Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Field- ing. , Mr. and Mrs. Eric Green of Myrtle called on Mr. and Mrs. MacCannell recently, Mrs. Allan Cay of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ollson Me. Cosh of Ajax visited their mother, Mrs, McCosh fecent- ly. _ Best wishes are extended to Mr. Charles Bell who is a patient in Oshawa General '| herds of Lorne Disney, Sun- The tour started at 11:00 a.m, with a visit to the herd of Mr. Stewart Diceman and Son, Greenbank. The second visit in the morning was to the herd of Mr. Joe McGris- kin, Sunderland, R.R. #4. were made to the very fine derland, R.R. #4, Harold Grove, Sunderland, RR. #43 and Mrs. M. Zarins, Canning- ton, R.R. #2, These five herds are on Record of Performance, and have achieved many high Records of Production. Mr. our in 1969 of having the highest herd in Ontario County for the production of milk and butterfat. On 26 records, the average milk production per cow was 17.900 1bs., giving a Breed Class average for milk of 162 and for fat 151. All five herds have also taken advantage of the Grad- ing Service offered by the Holstein-Friesian Association of Canada, and have in their stables at the present time many animals that are' grad- ed- Good, Very Good and Ex- cellent . These are also show herds. Several prizes have heen won by cattle from these herds at the various livestock shows in the area. The tour was under the supervision of Mr. Raiph Honey, President of the Ont: ario County Holstein Club, and. Mr. H. L. Fair, Agricul- tural Representative for Ont- Hospital. RIDING WESTERN | * HORSES * SADDLES * EQUIPMENT EVENINGS and WEEKENDS ' (OLD ROAD -- FIRST CLASS - PHONE 985-7058 GLENVIEW ACRES Ist Farm South of Seagrave ario County. "RIDING In the afternoon, visits |" and Mrs. Zarins had the hon- | EE Be SATAN Rr ~. 2 oi ES Sa SV 2 v SRE SSA MA <5 Ei d. x3 w 5% nh _-- G A SR 5 "CF, : SO a - What'snew? You won't hear that question bandied about too often in a Volkswagen showroom. People have come to think that a Volks- wagen is a Volkswagen is a Volkswagen. Which is a pity. Because over the past 3 years, we've made over 75 improvements. To the engine. Suspension. Interior. Behind it all is our old fashioned noticn that it makes a lot more sense to work on the way a car works every year, than to play around with the way it looks. . So we devote our time to making parts that were good, better; things that were near perfect, perfect. of And that's the reason we, don't Have a lot of big, fantastic changes to shout about every year. No news is good news. WEST SIDE) d Werner's Service Center RR. #4/PORT PERRY/985-7162 ANON {TK OR NNO ie hd