~ PORT PERRY STAR --- CHRISTMAS EDITION Spirit of Christmas | Spreads Its Joy By ANNA MANG "Merry. Christmas, one and all." With this simple and Sins cere greeting, all the warmth and excitement of Christmas « reaches its peak. In this community, as in cities and towns throughout the nation and around the. world, days and weeks of list- making, gift-shopping, home- decorating, party-planning and Christmas-program-re- hearsing are reaching a hap- py culmination. Families gather, Santa en- ters, church bells ring. Christmas arrives! ; Every year, Christmas seems to generate more eager anticipation, here and every- where, with earlier and more enthusiastic planning -- ap- propriately, for part of the spirit Sha the joy ot onrist- mas is.in the planning. The spirit of Christmas starts with thoughtfulness. It begins in the hearts of ) each of us. It grows with a hope, a wish, a prayer. It shows itself, outwardly, in such manifestations as merry songs and bountiful gifts, and in the festive dec- orations and glowing lights now adorning local streets and stores, homes and churches. It expresses itself, most deeply, in private devotions and in special services such as those scheduled by local churches. It is a spirit abounding in legend and lore, in customs and traditions honored through the years. And most of all, it is the spirit of rev- - "A MERRY CHRISTMAS We hope Santa brightens your day as you've brightened our year. Thanks. Warm greetings and thanks OMEMEE AUTO SALES ANN and JACK WANNINKHOS go modern jf he likes . . . but the sentiment is old-fashioned, still. for your loyalty. erence and joy that shep- |, herds and wise men knew. To capture that spirit is to keep Christmas truly and well, for. it enriches all the - things this wonderful season stands for, For Children Christmas is for children. Candies and cookies and all those holiday goodies, trees gaily adorned and brightly lighted, Santa's pack stuffed with surprises -- all these things are planned and pre- pared just for 'the children, Or at least, so the grown- ups say, and who's to doubt them? In a still more special way, Christmas is for children. The manger scene in homes and churches ever reminds us that the .Child born in Bethlehem was He who later said, "Suffer little children to come unto me." For Rejoicing Christmas is for rejoicing. Since first the herald angels sang, this rejoicing has most 'often found expression in music and song. "Glory to God in the high- est, and on earth peace, good will toward men," the angels sang. Now. as in earliest times, the spirit of joy and wonder echoes anew in the hymns and carols of Christmas. For Giving Christmas is for giving. The eagerness of children waiting for Santa, the ex- cited plotting and planning that goes into the choosing and wrapping of gifts, the packages heaped beneath the tree happily symbolize the spirit of Christmas. Even as-the Wise Men gave of their most precious treas- ures, to honor Him, so people givé generously at Christ- mas, and true generosity stems from thoughtfulness-- giving with open heart as well as open hand. For Sharing Christmas is' for. sharing. Thus giving to the less for- tunate is a traditional part : of the Christmas spirit." Joy grows through shar- ing, says the holiday mes- . sage, and sharing is most .blessed when it extends not only to those near and dear but to those known only through their need. -- Santa may be going mode n, but : our Christmas wishef for you are still old-fashioned: vy good cheer, full table, To you and yours we sincerely ~ send our warmest holiday greetings. BEST WISHES FROM MERSCO 5¢ to $1.00 STORE HELEN and JIM_BOWER and warm hearth with smiling faces. bl Py For Greetings Christmas continues as it begins, with "Merry Christ- mas, one and all." And as long as the spirit of this cheerful greeting prevails, Christmas never really ends. Yes, Christmas is for greet- ings, to family, friends and neighbors. "Merry Christ- mas, one and all," we say, and the spirit of Christmas lives forever in the words. "In just this spirit, today's edition of this newspaper is one big Christmas card, filled with greetings from the busi- ness firms of the community, 'who take the opportunity to say, "Merry Christmas, one and all," with special thanks to their patrons and friends. TRIMMING TREE Tradition of decorating a community Christmas tree began in the early 1900's and is a favorite custom today. the true 'blessing of peace be yours, Thanks for your continued patronage. oo > ~ Cr QO i ATE RR i a SNA md Merey Olyistmas May. all your dreams be fulfilled. Thanks for your continued support. MANCHESTER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION lle LL To you, sincere greetings and thanks . . . with every good wish that the joy and delight of the Yuletide will be yours. SCANLON MOTORS Al »