5 . NNT 1s = LATS 3 OST IIs . Nr; LATENT TERS Okie Cs ZA AREAS UM CIES bes FPLESLANCE J NRE On Oa P) aN 20) - PORT PERRY STAR -- Th Nov. 0 ursday, Nov. 20, 1969 Eden's L. Strikes 38 Dowson's R, & W. . 40 P.PILGA. ' 40 ¥ ¥ PORT PERRY Triple Scores 625 & Over-- R. Hutchinson -- 1785; A. , AIL _Ashton--751; D. Murray--1741 : S TA R =e Terry Adderley -- 725; J. ) ¢ *. Ls Soak 8511 EB. Daley 6823) Healey--1710; B. Owen--1705; mtd : o Newman 85); Ls J0Ube.ly walker -- 698; W, Sandi 661; H. Heard 773; M. Cook son--697: J. Hadl 691: K lustangs Win A ain| MINOR eld G60; C. Win G56: Morel 0% 00 L Hello antic ff LADIES'WEDNESDAY | 623; L. Wilson 612; L. Ptol- a on Wis re Metizios-- HOCKEY | NIGHT BOWLING | emy 607. RSE defeat Uxbridge 7-4 a NS re [Cohort ot. NEWS : Crispy Criinch . a8 LADIES'MONDAY ings -- 641; Dave Durham-- Cy's Mustangs visited Ux{ Nightingale also got an assist. Novice: The first deadlock] Golden Treasure . 45| . NIGHT BOWLING iid Triple-- bridge and 'won the game Holtby picked up an assist to] of the young season' saw Mal- Malted Milk. 42 . Total Points ¢ R b oT . 7--4. The game featured some} complete the statistics. Must- Baby Ruth . . igh 1 A HSN 55 Re i p mont Farmstying Lake Scugog : : High Triple W.H fast skating and hard hitting] angs took 6 penalties and| Lumber Kings 2-2. Kane and Turkish Delight b An 80 with outstanding goal tendq Uxbridge 12. Williams scored for Malmont | 2€rseY Milk . + 35 Guess Who . 46 R Hua mson--803 ing on the part of Rick Short. j irq(BarSix . o.oo. 29 SC High Single > g on the pz Farms, Wilbur and Baird|,,. DOOYs ".oocverveennens TWIN 43 . Codch Ivan Luke made] Port Perry Defeat counted for the Kings, White| Milky Way... . . 26|p 4 o Terry Adderley--355 some changes which paid off,{gjae ° F : Coffee Crisp . . . . 25 RIOR er High Single W.H.-- : : Utica - Uxbrid eather Farms. used a hat 5th Dimension ............ 39 especially when he switched ge trick by Evans and four-goal Cieanillk . , . ... NH Supremes 38 D. Murray----322, Brent Heard from defence to - effort by McQuade 10 blast Sweet Marie . 22 Top gies ugg " 2 centre ice between Denny 1 0 Ing oonisall Reds 7-3. lyon i Single -- Mabel Cook Turtles TUESDAY NIGHT McCartney and Dave Bourg- Port Perry defeated Utica-Ux- | and Black divided the Reds High Triple -- * Helen Heard Flirtation * BOWLING 'ois . He sogesd fol of Shunt: bridge by a score of 1-0. |scoring. iy P ard! Box Tops Team Standings for angs' goals and picked up|. goal being scored for [Pee Wee: Club Annrene|Qye 210: K. H 267: Ventures First Section-- an assist, while McCartney,|p Perry by Paul Wilson. |defeated Flamingo Pastri : 6 High Triple -- D. Wanamaker Beavers picked up six assists and" pT Tred onic lg 3 Larmer (3), Hadley (3). | aug oy, 286: C. Ballingall| BOT os ooo cre Bourgeois 'scored one goal, Tripp's and Prince Albert Nelson and Tayiot sored the 233; M. McDougall 242; B. Fh Sind 4k Spitfires ® h and also got an assist for a played to a two all tie. Scor- | goals. Williams, R. Van West De Oo Hig Binge I gy pA i: total of 12 points for thel, "equa Willi d Van Sh 8, Tor | B. Raines 216,229; L. Moore 308. LOAPRGINE. rine. 5 line. g for Tripp's were Williams |and Van Shagon counted for| 220; M. St. John 222; M.| Triples 600 and Over: Better Sports ... Tomchishen and Nightin- and Bourgeois. Denure and |Flamingos. W. Frank Real Wallace 214,210,218;G. Lang-| D. Wanamaker 730; J. Thomp:| S.O.Bs ............ i 1 Donnelly got the goals for | Estate held on to down Maple ille 220; B. Collins 223; B.|son.709; C. Watts 652; M.|* Wi f first ti = gale picked up a goal each and Prince Albert Leaf Mill . 2 : ] 3 Winners 0 Ro sockion ; rt. af Mills 5--3. Cook had a| Mitchell 220; A. Roberts 217;| Raby 643; A. Chapman 622;| 5 High Averages-- ; pair, Geer and Mathison, 1{J. Chandler 215,235; M. Potts| J. Middleton 602. R. Phinney--227 > } Port Perry He each. McEnaney, Elliott and | 269; M. Dowson 249; L. Singles 200 and over: R. DuVal-_213 5 . 2 Waldinsperger counted for | Cook 243; R. Dearborn 210;| D. Wanamaker 286,232,212;| M. Vanderby--212 Figure Skating Club MLM. E. Bailey 240,226,216; M.|J. Thompson 308,205; C.| B. Owen--211 . : : } Bantam: Cartwright got goals | Rahm 243; P. Durand 214;| Watts 242,220; T. Vanderby G Geer--208 from Telstead (2) Notenboom | 8, -Hoskin :233; P. Fletcher| 227,203; P. Fisher 224,207; High Triple--R. Phinney 888 C H R] STMAS DAN CE and VanCamp as they down-| 219; B. Oke 224; S. Barton{M. Sweetman 214,201 J. High Triplé With Handicap-- ; : 5 Mie Sm "a Walker 214,200; M. Doupe D. Scott--721 or Lion's Club was McQuade. pe . ; W. McLaugh-|210,203; M. Raby 272; J.| rnc oh 5 | ed SATURDAY, NOV. 29, 1969 Peel's Chicksclobbered Canad- | lin, 229; M. Moore 257; H.|243; R. Stone 236; L. Fh HighSingle--R. Phinney 321 a CLUB ANNRENE- 9 P.M. ian Tire = 7-1. Leahy, Neil, | Heard 238,247,288; G. For-|sall '233; K. Imrie 231; P. | High Single With Handicap : Jeffrey (2), Knight (2) and [der 223; T. Martens 225;|Connors 214; J. Storra 213; J..King--20 Music by WALTER and SANDY ois hey oli St. 3 ii 2a Took, zeo; M. Real 208; R. Saunders Singles Over 225-- . : i i ohn counted for C.T.C. C. Wilson ,269; R; Moore|207; F. Venning 202; D. Gib- ) 3 Tickets $4.00 per couple -- Door Prizes 247; L. Wilson 217; P. Jones [son 201. BHD lcyilL ea COMPLETE Se a ioe J. King--290; J. Tremblay-- TICKETS MAY BE . : : 263; R. Page--256; B. O ¥ 4 dedi dandin A CS L Midgley 2 218; D. Nottingham MENS THURSDAY ir ty 231; M. Vanderby Mrs. Don Wallace.............. 985-2159 DRA MOM | Over 600: K, Harper 608; M. Nov. 13 Team Standings-- Pil iy by 1 Molo Mrs Stuart Lane............covn... ..985-2805 : Healey 602; B. Doupe 635; Can. Tire ................. 33 - | c. Andrews, Jr. -- 23%; J. Mr. Albert Fulford... 985-7100 : - ;- | M. Geer 645; M. Wallace 642;| Stars ..... 39. ; HEE 3 J : REAL ESTATE |B. Collins 611; M. Potts 604;| Causeway Kids 2g | Fealey--230, 228. : Ballard's Lumber ..... 45 | Triples Over 625-- Don's Raiders ...... 37 R. Phinney--888; B. Owen * 3 passes thrown per game while Nachur Boys .......... 38. | --710; M, Vanderby--089; W, the NFL had 53.5 and the Middleton's Meats ... 33 | Cox--859; L. King -- 644; J. CFL 53.2 aerials.' The comple- Majcher Pont. .......... 31 Tremblay -- 643; D. Scott-- Glen Ma tion prize was won by the NFL Adam's Boys ........... 23 640. , y with a 27.6 mark, but the CFL : was at 27.5 and the AFL at 27.4. Almost no difference * ' i " - Wing Passing Ydage eg an- o other surprise. The was / CFL isn't third-rate way shesd with [184 per Th ame. i ki Here we go: Facts and fig- ras enclosed which compared the NFL "531.2. In Adin / on um Again a, fol: e a {J : i : j £3 Believe it or not, sportswri- both ee ny WBE gi pl ; / f i es beng gimen 1D Pl ters do become bored writing 1969 CFL games with the av- with a mark of 517 to be KE . and 3 ends of curling were J 5%) their own viewpoints week af- erage 1967 and 1968 game, followed by the NFL with 7 wnjoyed byall A draw was ter week, tossing about an or- . and the National Football .516 and the AFL with a sur: Made guting. the evening for 2 chid here and an onion there. League and American Football prisingly low .474 ~ a new curling broom which Col Undoubtedly, readers of sports League games in 1968, Ta a new member this year (Mar- ; oy ini ok piso! bid Loe Pho is Vey vious reading. ne age #9 per pass The. opening of the Port ilyn Cochrane) was happy to i ne n er reading it, these was yards in the CFL, 6.3 Perry Ladies - 1969-1970 win. After leaving the ice he Ma) i opinion, week after facts had to be chronicled in in he jiEL and 6.2 in the Season of Curling was everyone joined in a social Wy ee "ol. {ie biggest dram Js space. Vera amt Ar, pin FL 38) a great success. There were timeanda delicious lunch was a! backs to writing a facts and with the 1969 bis A the In punting you must remem- Round. 100 members present. seryod. + i 4 figures column is correctly CFL and the 1968 season in ber the four downs in the A oo Subvine She fete wl; Jigutes the American leagues as their American leagues. & ses. no ' Tos rrr pases: el: nates 4 aesson: basalt haga, cof In the CFL there were 188 tongue-in-cheek). _ In total points scored the Ihors were 111 and i AFL 0 - A recent dispatch from the ° AFL led the way with 44.3, ded i id and the NFL Canadian Football League followed by the CFL with mre avarave oly Per game. somehow found its way to this 41.2 and the NFL with 41.0. e average punfing yardage: department. Indeed, there In total first downs the CFL pe SAME Was, naturally, in the | must have been an ill wind was ahead with a figure of CFLs javor, ig w the Be swirling somewhere close by. 357. The AFL had 321 and 5 4636 and. the NFL's 14HP. ,........ $669.00 The aforementioned release the NFL 317. : oi 19 H.P : usined the nal Randane "Now in rushing plays th The average punt was 41.9 Pr 22.0 ne 9 SLI000 » ms such as who t e ; > the opening playoff games in AFL had 65.4 ana 'ne NL, In the ATL 408 in the CFL Jf |} 22HP. .... $669.00 the Eastern and Western 83.0 with the CFL trailing at | turn oe was. won 26HP. .......- $92.00 Conferences. It also pointed 36.2. But in rushing yardage apr with k "Twin Filter, Wide Track : out which tele the CFL, strange as it ma % Vit 8 Marke 02 50 elevision network y followed by the NFL with 7.0. : would be carrying upcoming seem, came out on top with a The CFL" oo TRAILERS $135.00 ON SINGLES games, and that November 30 ~ 2849 fotal. The NFL ' had Sha Average vas 04, $165.00 ON DOUBLES : % is Grey Cup Day in Canada. 2535 and the AFL 251.2. However, the average return fi It also revealed that the CFL Taking it on a step further, a per punt: had the. CFL, at 88, : ' ! final statistics will be released 5.1. figure was the length of the AFL at 4.3 and the NFL, SERVICE ¢ after the Grey Cup contest. the average rush in the CFL. at 3.2. ; of Reaching for a ninth cup of In the American leagues it was These weren't all the figures TO ALL / coffee (after all, an even four yards per rush. available, but they were the " ( it was only pe most interest MAKE 1130 a.m.) something almost Going to 'the air, the AFL ane, : i tprae aut o i green eek figures paved highest. AFL Don't you agree - ootball Facts sheet! A chart quarterbac averaged 57.7 'Toronto Telegram News Service | 5 : sued Balsam, Ont. Phone 649-2575 fice : --