wu ex NT x ea a Be TY HN a Sa ATR Se "dw rk a ~~ ™ a aw a ES N'.. AA Sod JEW A LEAT AR YC Ny Of ad RAS + Land RICE Ba 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 13 1969 Canada's Largest Generator Whirrs Into Action At Lambton! Canada's largest electric generator whirred into action on the banks of the St. Clair River 14 miles south of here shortly before noon-hour Fri- day, November 7. More than 300 dignitaries from both sides of the Canada- U.S. border were gathered at Ontario Hydro's $239 million Lambton generating station as Prime Minister John P. Robarts started the turbines turning on the first of four 600,000 kilowatt units at the new plant. A second unit is also producing power and the two remaining generators are scheduled to come on the line next year. Ontario Hydro Chairman George Gathercole helped the Prime Minister bring the "big machine" on tlie line. The official opening, which included the unveiling of a commemorative inscription dedicating Lambton generat- ing station 'to the people of: Ontario," signified the dawn of a new era in power generat- ion by a Canadian utility. Until start-up of the Lamb- ton' station, Ontario Hydro's largest generating units had a capacity of 300,000 kilo- watts at Lakeview Esler ny NEW YEAR DANCING CLUB ANNRENE Saturday, Nov. 15, 1969 = - WALTER and SANDY -- (formerly of Ron Myers Orchestra) 'S TICKETS ON SALE NOW. v / ' ' ' / ' ' ' ' / / / / ' [J / ' [J ' # ' / ' ' ' ' ' ' / ' ' ' ' ~ 0 oN] ' ' / Fed 3 8 XN NR pepep appey BOB'S CARPENTRY MH ' ' [] J / / , Specializing in Rec Rooms, Kitchens, / Built-in, etc. [ Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates Free. ! [] / ' /' [4 ¢ [} ¢ BOB BERO SEAGRAVE -- 985.7027 station on the western out- skirts of Metro Toronto. Plans to build a thermal electric plant in the heart of Canada's chemical valley were announced in March of 1964. At the time Hydro said it a|would build a $110 million, two-unit fossil-fuelled generat- ing station. However, in Nov- ember of the same year, a decision was made to double the capacity of the Lambton station, Preliminary site preparat- ion work started in the fall of. 1964 with actual construction getting underway the follow- ing. June. The number of construction workers reached |' 1,600 and a permanent operat- ing staff of 200 will man the Lambton plant, ° The main powerhouse, a steel-framed, aluminum-clad structure, is 940 feet long and 260 feet wide, reaching the height of a 20 storey build- ing at its highest point. Con- nected to the main power- house by an enclosed corridor is a two-storey administration wing. With an eventual capacity of two-million kilowatts, the Lambton station rates among the largest coal-fired thermal- electric plants in' North American and will produce sufficient electricity to meet the requirements of 1.3 mil- lion homes. COMPLETE L/ REAL ESTATE LTO REALTOR REAL ESTATE port perry hydro p.o. box 420 port perry,ontario ELECTRICAL RATE. ADJUSTMENT - RESIDENTIAL RATES Balance First 50 kwh permonth .......... 4.3¢ Next200 kwh ................. 1.7¢ Next500 kwh ...... LAL LE A I I I BS RCE RY GENERAL SERVICE RATES vou sins WO rs . 1.0 ~ to 16th of the month. Kilowatt. 75¢ per month, Demand Charges: -First60 kw. . ............ No Charge BAANCE «esse ress $1.00 Energy Charge: -First50 kwh permonth. ........ Next 200 kwh Next 9760 kwh... ............. 1.45¢ Bo ERAT INON Sh Late payment charges remain at 5%. The last day for next payment will be changed from 20th of the month, All customers will be billed bi- 'monthly oxcopt General Service over 50 There will be no change i in rental charges for water heaters, _The average residential metered 'account will increase to a maximum of LE Rr IS] 4.5¢ 2.0¢ = 0.5¢ Aerial view of Ontario Hydro' s $239 million Laihston generating station, on Tithe St. Clair River 14 miles south of Sarnia. Two of the plant's four 500,000 kilowatt units are now producing power and the remaining wo are scheduled to come on the line next year. Canada's largest electrical generator whirred into action on the banks of the St. Clair River shortly after noon-hour Friday, Ontario Hydro's Lambton generating station. ~ Station Construction Manager, George Estey, explains the 500,000 kilowatt unit's operation to Prime Minister John P. Rob- arts and Hydro Chairman George Cathercole. Mr. Gath- ercole chauffered the Prime Minister on a tour of the plant's turbine hall. --Ontario Hydro Photo Contest 'Continued cash awards for the winning essays. The best two will receive prizes of $26 and $16 respectively. In addition there will be prizes of $10 and $6 for the two best essays from each school. The Historical Society has met with teachers of Grades 7 and 8 from the four schools and topics of local historical interest have been selected. Judges will be chosen from amongst the retired teachers who live in the community. They will be looking for. gen- eral excellence in composit:|. ion as well as evidence of original research, Students may seek information from old publications and 'docu: | ments or interview senior citizens. The dead-line for submission of essays will be --Ontario Hydro Photo November 7th at| about February 15, 1970. CO-OP TOPICS by Don Rixon UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO HELP YOURSELF TO BIGGER CORN YIELDS AND PROFITS Coop Corn Bréeding Research is done right PBlhere in Ontario because that's where you grow [Hl vour corn. A few of the top yielding Hybrids are; J Coop Big Bonus S345, S321, 207 and $280. All | yields, be vigorous, easy picking, fast drying and ERM have maximum disease resistance in the areas ht Nfor which they were, intended, I) Effective this week the Mill Store at U.C.O. 2 Usbridge wil close Friday Evenings at 5:30, The Evening Service on Fridays will be, resum. Hyg in the Spring, ; United Co-operatives of Ontario © (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 v Rlcoop Hybrids are developed to produce high | » | 0) { 2 r J L vv . e » o ( 4 J ® LJ Ld