Cartwright Council News October 7th, 1969 -- Regui- lar - meeting - of Cartwright Council: All members of Council present, Reeve Mal colm in the chair. * ~Deputations 'present: Rbt, Bryans requesting a lot sev- erance off his farm; same ap- proved by resolution #40. Fred Bowin of Caesarea present seeking permission to separate a building lot off his property at Caesarea; same approved by Resolution #41, Two members of C.L.S.R. P.A were present, Pres. Wil- son and M. MacGregor, Sec. on this occasion they express: ed their appreciation of Council's co-operation and willingness to listen to com- plaints reported regularly during the summer months. Also 'produced two letters, dated one day apart from Toronto Alderman H. Brown who has a cottage here; the first one stating that no work had been done on an approv- ed project and the second one pbserving -that the job was finished. Also ds a part. ing recommendation from their Assoc. that municipal . water might be considered for Caesarea in the future, due to imagined pollution of the land area thereabout; a local improvement cost of $500 was considered fair and reasonable. At this time Bills and Ac counts were presented for payment." General Accounts "were presented in amount of $16,985.83 of which $15,000. was a Board of Education ad. vance. Debate = followéd, C Reesor Fue & Lumber [BRIDES TO BE For Your FREE Gift Clip and Mail This Coupon To BOX 50, PORT PERRY STAR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO "Address. Te questioning the payment to the Board of Education at this time, faulting their con: tinuing extravagance, but a motion was declared carried by the chair, that bills be paid as presented. : Bruce Mountjoy was pre- sent, and produced three of- fers to purchase for three 'Blocks' at Plan 168, Shadv Acres. Motion that Council accept said offers to purch- ase Blocks 'A', 'B' & 'D' and that .the Clerk proceed to deed "said "properties to ap- proved purchaser at price of $3,000. per Block for build: ing purposes. Mr. Murray Marchant was present acting for Kelvin Jones who requested a divi- sion of his property being the south half of 'the north half of Lot 24 in the second concession of Cartwright. Resolution #42 approved of this severance. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gilbank also were pre- sent seeking a lot severance at the north east corner of their property in- the first con. Motion that Resolution #43 recommend that said severance be approved. Also at this time Ken Gilbank: gave council written approv- al to grade his field to a minor degree at the roadway in Concession two. for reduc: tion of snow drifting. Mr. Keith Bell was present with another revision to his draft plan of subdivision. The plan presented reduced lots to approx. 11,000 sq. ft: and increased the number of building lots to one hundred and eleven. A copy of the Approximate - Wedding Date oasis ATI A HOME HEATING OIL . For the best in home heating, Oil provides SAFE, Clean, Automatic heat at reasonable prices. Our oil is of the highest quality and our service is FAST. : Phone Us : For A Tank Of Home Comfort. _PORT PERRY 985.7951 _ Manchester Auto Wreckers Now Under New Management. GOOD SELECTION .OF USED PARTS AVAILABLE Operated by AL. EVANS & SONS Phone' 985-7131 or 7041 letter from Mr. Finlayson, Chief Inspector of the Board of Health, approving said lot areas being reduced to 10,000 sq. ft. minimum was present. ed. Council finally approved the plan on condition that the accesses could be reposi- tioned by the United Coun ties Engineer. Peter Keuning was present seeking severances with re. gards to his property in 'Smith's Woods'. Resolutions #45 and 46 approving an approx. 8 addition to his building lot and severing 8 acres off the rear of said total parcel. Ivan Thompson discussed with Council a 12. 13 acre parcel of land that is PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 6 1969 -- 3 being offered for sale, that could be of use for munici- pal purposes. Council on motion of Frew and Gettins offered $4,000, and gave a 109% bid bond. Roads Bills were finally presented in amount of $5,002.14 and approved. Re: solution #47 that the Corp- oration petition D.H.O. for subsidy on 1969 road expen- ditures to Sept. 30th 1969, same were completed. Ap- proval of another $4,000. of supplementary roads expen diture having recently come through, and due to the late- ness of the season Council decided (Resolution #48) to call "Tenders for a new % ton truck. A.W. BROCK I DD DN S20 SA ALY 8 DFA ARCH NO) 34 3) SLIPS $1.29 $1.45 PANTI $1.55 HOSE $3.00 $2.98 $3.98 KAISER HOSIERY DRESSES SPECIAL 454.95 -55.95 [DRESSES LADIES $10.95 s11.95 HOUSE COATS 'ORLON PILE LINGERIE GOWNS - $2.98 $3.98 4.98 V2 SLIPS $1.98 s2. $12.95 98 SHIRT TALE $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 BLOUSES I sell mn er S 2 Wee _ pA SEA roe, nd -_ re) vy i EA ns: a i 25