ed his cigars. Did Bill Fitze ¢ hand out some too or how did that item escape the cen: sor? How true the suggestion that some births reported in the correspondence may have been overlooked! In 1968 ¢ there were 10 births of child- ren whose parents are living here or have lived here, men- tioned in this column. So far in 1969 there have been 7. Hallowe'en was much quiet- ® or here than in town, Lots of little spooks were wander- ing around and our merchant reports 'handing out almost 150 bags of treats. B.L. mast have a reputation for being a good guy for a touch. * This is anniversary season again so hunt out your greet- ing cards. Roy and Gladys " Scott, Ralph and Velma Rey- nolds, Mac and Ruth McMil- lan, Sta nand Margaret Wool- edridge, Herb and Mabel Eagleson and Al and Norine Bertrand will together be clebrating 275 years of mar- We trust the editor enjoy- Seagrave News No births, - engagements,| riage during the next week marriages or deaths this|or two. week Mr John Wililamson who day but quiet, ' Former resident Mrs." Min- suffered a heart seizure re- cently, came home on Satur- is keeping very nie Bryant of Port Perry had Nov. 15th. is the date of| had birthday pennies the Wolldridge 50th Wed- ding anniversary too. There was only a small attendance at our early mor-| re ning S. S. and the Wanamaker in between class sang a hymn. We expect to be back to gular services throughout Chryl Standish | November, SCUGOG COUNCIL NEWS| Regular meeting held on Point Rd. was passed. By- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 6 1969 -- 19 PORT PERRY Community Memorial RECREATION CENTRE STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1969. INTRODUCING HOMELITES XL CHAIN SAW. *# Felling trees, cutting fenceposts, firew 'and pruning. Free demonstrations ul # | Hoskins and Mr. and Mrs. J. | Sinclair and family. - : * |onto with her parents Mr. & Oct. 3rd. Members present: Law #1290 being -a bylaw| - V examination has revealed no |Recve C. Fralick, Councillors 1g authorize the payment of | goon fates pk a $17,026.15 broken bones, she is still [Ielen Redman, Wm. Bell & la grant of $60. to the V.ON.| ree Rentals . . .............. ... .... 12,482.91 quite shaken up. H. C. Crowell. [for services for the remain-| Ice Skating ........................ 216895 The Twiners & Coxworths [ Included i in the correspond: der of year 1969. Passed. | Roller Skating... ................... 246.00 of Markham were at home |€7¢€ -- An application from | An Agreement with the | Special Rentals ..................... 420.00 with the Short and Tobin [Miss M. Molloy for the posi-|V.O.N. was also signed by|Lacrosse............... . .. .. 136.25 parents. tion of caretaker of the |the Reeve & Clerk. Sundries ......................... 1.07 the: Brownie and' Guide Town Tall & Office. Resolutions: Council ac- | Telephone Commissions. . . ............. 12.09 Mothers are called to meet |, M+ Gary Hulcoop a request | cepts the application of Miss Total Revenue. . ........ $33,392.42 on Wed. afternoon (Nov. 12) for an abatement of the 1969 | M. Molloy as caretaker of the I } em in the Church. taxes on his cottage which |Town Hall and Office. Expenditures The Garfield Stone farm [Was destroyed by fire on| That Council pay the Clerk Booth Merchandise - Purchases . . . ........ $11,163.57 has-been 'sold. in sections so Sept. 28th, 1969. : . $200.00 per year for travel- Ticket Sellersand Takers .............. 191.00 there will be changes there. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, [ling expenses." That Council | Rink Help - Ice Cleaners . .............. 312.32 < Mr. Morley Bruce has sold Comm. Planning Bd., con- [authorize the Reeve & Clerk | Wages-General . .. .................. 9,376.78 a part of his farm and will |Sents to Mrs. M. Brown & to|to sign the petition for the | Wages - Booth ERE Cee 123.50 d Mr. R. N. Mitchell for separa- | Interim Subsidy under the | Repairs and Maintenance .............. 3,316.26 be holding an auction sale tion of land. Highway Improvement Act. | Light, Heat and Telephone ............. 3,262.90 on Nov. 15th. i | Advertising and Printing. ............. 181.45 Unit 1 ladies are planning Ont. Mun. Board that the |And application be made to I PY p ! Clerk's declaration re. notifi- | the District Municipal Engin. | Insurance ...... RRR 2, . a euchre for all who wish to : ired of for the transfer of $4,000, | Tickets, Office Supplies. . . ............. 246.38 come 'on the evening of Nov. cation to parsons feqire Of lor fue the rans dh $4.0 "| Licenses and Memberships . . . ........... 57.98 - 15th. . |By-Law #1288. Restricted | from' Construction to Maint- BOOKKEEPING +». vrs : area being Stephenson's Pt. |enance. Audit ..... ERAGE Subdvn. Paylist: SURdry iii 73.72 Victorian Order of Nurses |Roads (Net) ....... $4,100.89 Capital Expenditure out of Revenue . . . . . . | 49.00 Bur i on re a bylaw and an agree-|Bal. of Cty Levy ... 6.824.90 Total Expenditures . . . $31,250.77 ) ment for V.O.N. Services in |Bd. of Educ. Levy... 9,000.00 Pics of Reverie ove Exponlitired Yor --_ News I ims by- Super) AR wage bam the year July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969 $ 2,141.65 law to assume Stephenson's Total ........... $20,614.30 The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the relatives and friends in the passing of Mr. Kenneth Rob- lin of the village. We also extend sympathy to the relatives and friends in the passing of Mr. Roland Cousins of Oshawa. Mr. Cousins lived here in the village about 3 years "ago. Mr. Lloyd Slingerland Nia. gara "Falls, Ont. spent the week-end with Mr. Chester MERSCO Sc to $1.00 STORES in PORT PERRY Mrs. H. Osbourne, Niagara Falls, Ontario is spending some time visiting with Mrs. K. Roblin and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair and family. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Trick of Lind- | say spent the week-end with Mr. Tom Trick and Mrs. Grant Carnochan and family, Mr. and Mrs. E, Fitzgerald spent the week-end visiting with friends in Kitchener. Miss Edith Holroyd. Tor- Mrs. Frank Holroyd and fa- mily. XMAS Pieces Regularly $2.79 THURS., FRI, SAT November 6-7 - 8 OPEN TILL 9:00 p.m. | Nrsay and Friday COMPLETE Regularly 39¢ "REAL ESTATE (10. REMTOR at: REAL ESTATE 11a Veteran -- Why not a Legionaire? Xmas Cards -- Boxes ond Sle a price | Xmas Decorations & Accessories... V2 price Yims Gift pin Togs Ribbons... V2 price ¥go- OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH EV foc 2 Regularly 79¢ box _ Regularly $2.29 6 a 40 AISA BA Vin"