Bro TET oa at aan SIRES PN a a Sh - --~ a gl a a, ey NRE Gl A Sat SARE STE " Beare Chevs. AT ALR oN NEES YS 1a NST TR SAM PAG ERA RY anit LL 16 - PORT PERRY STAR Ls SP AMES SARS. YA A 3 A Sd PEARY Sy AA of PARR taint Pa ha MNT OTD MATRA LA WO 8 -- Thursday, Nov. 6 1969 PORT PERRY * STARx« > Bowling MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLING . Oct. 30th Team Standings-- Can. Tire . BIArS lipid id 3 Causeway Kids 19 Ballards Lumber ... 38 Don's Raiders Nachur Boys ................ 27 Middleton's Meats .... Majcher Pont. ........... Eden's L. Strikes ... Dowson's R. & W. . pos PPILGA. cocoon. 33 High Triple-- B. Salter--752 High Triple W.H.-- B. Salter--773 High Single-- ; J. Wilson Sr.--305 High Single W.H.-- D. Ballingall--307 Triple Scores 625 & Over-- 'B. Satler -- 752; J. Wilson Sr.--725; Terry Adderley -- 714; R. Chandler -- 707; T: Chandler -- 684; J. Hadley 705; D. Wallace -- 674; J. Owen--678; C. Watts -- 670; F. McNeil -- 669; R. Short-- 666; Tom Adderley -- 659; Dave Durham -- 643; J. Wil- son Jr. -- 635; R. Menzies -- 632; K. Skerrat--630. Now Is The Time To Order Your WINTER FUEL Money on DX Premium I. Quality, Fuel. iy \VE! a 668-3341 'DX FUEL OIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE RARE Jewellers Ltd. 193 QUEEN STREET -- 985-7641 -- PORT PERRY (2 Prod ' "LOVELACE ano COLUMBIA DIAMOND RINGS _ ( WE ALSO HAVE A SELECTION / g OF GENTS DIAMOND RINGS. 10% Cash discount on diamonds or Terms may be arranged at no extra charge. 'Bowling LADIES MONDAY . NIGHT BOWLING Total Points-- Carnival ........ ie 48 DOOTS iio 38 49th Parallel ............. 37% Guess Who ................ 37 5th Dimension ........... 32 Supremes ................. 32 Byrds ...........ococovven 30 Flirtation .............. 29 Raiders .................... 27 Box Tops ........ccocu...... 23 Turtles ......... Ventures High Single-- L. Scott--1732 High Triple-- L. Scott--311 Triples 600 and Over-- L. Scott--732; J. Walker-- 722; C. Watts--717; L. Camp- sall--671; J. Middleton--667; T. Vanderby--639; N. Robin- son--637; D. Warren -- 633; M. Sweetman--626; D.- Phin- ney--~618; P.. Ellicott -- 613; A. Mulder--603. Singles 200 and Over-- L. Scott--311, 202, 219; J. Walker -- 257, 252, 213; L. Campsall--293, 216; C. Watts --299, 243; D. Warren--264, 235; N. Robinson--236, 209; I. Bowman -- 215, 228; M. Raby -- 214, 224; M. Sweet- man--212, 223; P. Ellicott-- 222, 201; J. Thompson--221, 206; D. Phinney--202, 218; J. Middlton -- 282; A. Mulder-- 264; T. Vanderby -- 252; A. Scriver--251; J. Storry--250; M. Smits--239; N. Warren-- 236; M. Cookman -- 235; R. Stone--233; M. L. Dowson-- 229; J. Vanschagen--225; O. Gibson -- 218; F. Venning-- 217;- D. Goreski -- 217; M. Doupe -- 214; E. DeShane-- 213; P. Connors -- 213; S. Wanamaker--212; C. Wilson --205; L. Lyle--203; R. Beare --201. One of the most effective methods of good weed con- trol is to know the hardest to kill weed in your field which is liable to cause a problem and treat for that weed. If you see a weed that you can't identify, take it to your dist- rict agricultural represent- ative or weed specialist, so that adequate treatment can -| be applied. Canadian consumption of lamb and mutton remained at four pounds per capita in 1967, unchanged from a year earlier, i st yoo - 82% 20d year -- 833% INVEST NO VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments Bea & Aus year -- 83%) Ot year -- 82% | INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY -~r OR MAY BE LEFT TO COMPOUND : 1 Emmerson Insurance Agency Ltd. 191 Queen Street --~ Port Perry -- Phone 985-7306 '|let's get in there and win | Oct. 24, was very successful, Bowling: News LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT BOWLING Kit Kat ................. Crispy Crunch ........... " Malted Milk... Golden Treasure ........ 33 Turkish Delight ........ 29 Baby Ruth ................. 28 Jersey: Milk 23 Caramilk ........... 22 Coffee Crisp ...: 21 Milky Way ....... 1 } Bar Six... 21 Sweet Marie .............. 17 High Single-- Beth Oke--316 High Triple-- Lucy Cook--"738 Over 210 Singles-- B. Doupe--212; M. Gorn 220; L Moore--213; J. Jack- man--212; W, McLaughlin-- 213; C. Ptolemy -- 229; W. Midgley--220, 217; B. Collins --235; L. Bertrand -- 215, 222; J. Chandler -- 224, 258; M. Potts--220, 240; L. Cook --244,-216, 278; B. Oke--217, 316; S. Barton--251; S. New- man -- 236; H. Heard--256; G. Forder -- 214; B. Faber-- 233; C. Wilson -- 228; R. Moore--214, -288; P. Jones-- 238; E. Bailey--213, 216; E. Werry -- 230; M. Healey-- 234; C. Ballingall -- 241; J. Mahaffy---210; V. Chapman-- 222, Over 600 Triples-- W. Durham--607; W. Mid- gley--638; L. Bertrand--617; J. Chandler--657; M. Potts-- 650; L. Cook--738; B. Oke-- 737; H. Heard--636; R. Moore --646; M. Healey -- 629; J. Mahaffy--603. Hilltop Herald The -annual magazine cam- paign is now successfully over for another year. This year's campaign proved to be the best ever in both student and teacher participation with the students surpassing the set goal by 5 subscrip- tions. The prizes awarded to students who sold two or more subscriptions included traffic pillows, dream pets, and records and those selling ten or more subscriptions are entitled to school rings. Ted Hall, Grade 11, sold the most in the school and the|: lucky winner of the grand draw prize a huge stuffed reindeer was Dorothy Lucik, also of Grade 11. The Christmas Turkey. shoot, headed by Tony Ger- row is now if full swing. This draw only costs each student ten cents for three 'shots so a turkey, students. The Hallowe' en Dance of although several displays of vandalism occurred, such as a tree uprooted, racks pulled from the girls change-room wall, and a screen torn from the windows. Several stud- ents were-almost refused ad- mission to this dance because they didn't have student cards so don't forget them for the next dance in Novem. ber or you won't be admitted. COMPLETE REAL BSTATE LTD. REALION REAL ESTATE MEN'S TUESDAY NIGHT BOWLING Standings: Better Sports Beavers ............. S.0.B.'s Spitfires Aces .......... Long horns Five High Averages-- R. Du Vol-215; R. Phin- ney--213; G. Geer--211; M. Vnderby -- 210; J. Healey--- 207. High Triple to Date-- G. Geer--821 High Triple This Week-- G. Geer--821 High "Single this Week-- G. Geer--304 High Single to Date-- _ R. Phinney--308 Singles Over 225-- G. Geer--304, 284, 233; J. Tremblay--267; J. Healey-- 260, 256; F. Hastings--249; F. Tulley--238; M. Vanderby ~--231; B. Williams--231; B. Pearson--229, 225; R. Arm- strong--228; R. Du Val--228; S. Sweetman--226. Triples Over 625-- G. Geer--821; J. Healey-- 682; F. Hastings -- 666; B. Pearson--663; B. Owen--658; J. Tremblay '-- 656; B. Wil- liams -- 647;- M. Vanderby-- 637; R. Du Val--631. Entertains Ball Team The players and coaches of the Ballard Lumber Juven- illes were guests at a delight- ful evening recently to end the ball season. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Ballard arranged an evening in Tor-| onto with dinner at the Savarin and later in the even- enjoyed the Leaf- ing all Ranger game at Maple Leaf Gardens. On the way home a stop at Watt's Restaurant for a snack. The coaching staff and the players extended sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard for all their help and co-operation during the season and forthe evening of enter- tainment. To all the loyal supporters who followed the games not only at home but also on the road our appreciation is extended to you. Unit 9 of the Port Perry U.C.W. held the October meeting in the church lounge with 13 ladies present. President, Mrs. Wes, Lane opened the meeting by read- ing a 'poem entitled "Com- panion God'. She welcomed the members, giving a special greeting to: our minister's wife, Mrs. 'Reeves; who-was visiting our unit, Mrs. Orton Michie led the devotional part of the meet- ing which consisted of a hymn, a portion.of scripture and prayer. Mrs. Robert Brinkman and Miss Gladys charge of 2 chapters of the study book 'Man in Life'. Discussions took place on understanding Christian citiz- enship and on restoring a sense of Christian vocation where we may be a participant rathez than an observer in the shaping of the world as we do our daily work. ' The business portion of the meeting consisted of the reading of the minutes, roll call, reporting of hospital and home calls. Mrs. Brinkman reported on final preparat- ions for the bazaar and offers of help for the different work were gratefully = received. Several members also agreed to help in the nursery for November. Following the Mizpah Ben- ediction, an appetizing lunch' was served by Mrs. Brink- man, Mrs. Michie and Miss Joblin. A half hour was then spent wrapping items for the children's booth at the bazaar. PORT PERRY STAR CLUB Pit Saturday, November 1st =~ WALTER and SANDY (formerly of Ron. Myers Qrchestra) poward's TH HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes . Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Custom Made Slip Covers Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA * 926 Simcoe St. N. Joblin took: RJ] RTT,