SR SePRAR FFARR ARE AER RN SBE TAPE AD 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, Nov. 6 1969 150 Enjoy Continued from Page 1 made to Heather Stephens, Terry Adderley, Julian Diam- ond, Everett Prentice and Ray Munro. Rick Stephens who paddled with Terry Adderley was not present. It was announced by the president that the next meet- ing in January would have a guest speaker," "Dr. David Turner who will bring official films of the Apollo XI moon shot. A tentative date for the meeting is Thursday, January 15th, 160 people were delightfully entertained in a 'Victorian Parlour". 'Grandma' ' Gert- rude Jackson played two organ solos - '"Shepherd's Hey" and "Country Garden". A ladies' quartet composed of Joan Aldred, Florence Fralick Lee Roser and Lois 'Walker sang two old fashioned songs - "Cousin" Grace Love recited the woes of a gentleman who was deceived, "In the Park". David Redman echoed by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray celebrated their 25th Wedding | Kathy Kane, sang "Little Sir Anniversary . on Saturday, October 18th, when 'their | Echo" accompanied by Mrs. Thos. Redman. "Cousin" family honoured them with a party in Utica Hall. Both Allane Kane led the audience | Mr. and Mrs, Gray were born in_this area and have 'made in a spirited sing song accomp- their home in Port Perry for '25 years. They were -|anied by Mr. J. L. Sweetman. "Grandpa" Ted Jackson reminisced from dn 1882 copy | of the Northern Ontario Observer. During this portion of the programme the aud- ience.and their fellow players | were surprised and delighted by an impromtu duet "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" by Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Four gentlemen dropped in at this point to entertain the family. Members of the barber shop quartet group were Jack Dowson, Larry Kendall, Norm Watson and Eric Park. "Daughter" Jean Nodwell recipients of many cards and good wishes by their family and many friends. BUSINESS 8 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Insurance Needs FOR ANY OF YOUR Do It The Co-Operative Way Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. HONDA - SUZUKI SALES and SERVICE PARTS - ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES - SERVICE The capacity adionce of{ systems, ' ® Shea Joins Robert A. Shea, President of Thos: N. Shea Ltd., and Mrs. Marjorie Tripp, Branch Manager, announced ~ today the appointment of the company as a representative of the AIMS Corporation of St. Louis, Missouri. " The AIMS Corporation produces modern marketing including - custom x [ ; 5, te TY Marketing Organization a family in Port Perry to discuss their needs with brokers located anywhere ip North America. - The _Shea = organization presently services all AIMS clients referred. to this. area by- the 3,000 AIMS Affiliates, thereby producing a new source of clients to the Com- pany. -- Mr. Shea has al® printed display brochures for exclusive listenings qualifying for the National Award Prog- ramme. The AIMS Corporat;| ion also maintains an inter national relocation service for clients moving. from this area to any place in the United States or Canada. The service provides 2 network of toll free telephone; lines enabling Education, appointment of C.G. Stanford as Manager of Construction Board Appoints; Construction Manager "~~ G.L. Roberts, Director of announces the for the Ontario County Board of Education. - Mr. Stanford, who joins the Board staff on November 3rd, graduated from Queen's' University, Kingston in 1949 with a degree in Civil Engine- ering. He is currently employ- ed with. Canadian National Railways in ~ Montreal as ALL MAKES ; held the audience on the edge SNOWMOBILE SERVICE ETHEL NOTTINGHAM of tears and laughter as she R. WHITAKER MYRTLE recited the "Tragic ending Phone 985-2276 655-4832 of John Mark" in fourteen - verses. This poem written in 1884 is an original poem of DU FF For Income "|Lake Scugog ~~ folk lore, . - ¥ presented by the Milnor ELECTRONICS Tax family. = i : The programme ended ADMIRAL & Bookkeeping Services (ith several numbers by old see ALEX SHEPHERD |time fiddler Ellsworth Bea- ck d by Mrs. TELEVISION Room 2, Post Office Building anh or Cid y SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7031 ; Continuity was provided Phone 985-7993 Specializing in business and {by a core group of "family" or 985.2728 farm operations. members - who capably ad libbed their way through the uced each successive member. The programme was produced by Claudette Brock, Allane Kane, and Hazel Slemmon and directed by Mrs. Diane Lackie, all of whom deserve consider- able credit for their effort. After the programme an old fashioned lunch, was served by the U.C.W. of _. PORTPERRY entire programme, and introd- Septic Tanks EMMERSON INSURANCE Grace United. Church. Secepted an appointment to the "AIMS National Advisory Board. He is attending meet- ings in San Francisco this week, to discuss new proced- ures with the President of AIMS during the = Annuals Convention of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. . Free. BERT h Assistant' Engineer of Con- struction and is responsible]. for planning, estimating and 'the supervision of all 'rail- way building and construct: ion contracts for the Mari- time Provinces, Ontario and Quebec. His' position with the Board of Education will entail the supervision of all | new construction throughout Ont- ario County. Mr. Stanford is gs with two children. 985 - «385-7373 HERR CL meat SSSssstsstRRaa can © BOB'S CARPENTRY Specializing i in Rec Rooms, Kitchens, Built-ins, etc. i Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates Free. BOB BERO SEAGRAVE -- 985.7027 T. BE ESTATE Bi ' ' ' / ' ' ' ' H ' ' ' ' 4 [4 ' ' ' / - a3 Cleaned By 4 PUMP EQUIPMENT AGENCY ~ Sides and quarters of beef, sides of pork cut and: : ie en memes LIMITED avs ths urges se no e urnam an WEELIRG Beas INSTALLID = counties, Come in and select your own beef. All REG. General Insurance our meat is government graded and inspected. Pine Ridge Packers Lid. 4 miles east of Port Perry on 7A highway. 986-4932 hy HAROLD FORDER, manager. ARMSTRONG Port Perry -- 985-2226 985-7306 PORT PERRY 7 Lee's Refrigeration AA Re Te A o ee a, = a fr Cw y, DR Sa Fralick Insurance and Air Conditioning E. 6G. & Jo Marine Engines R.R. 1, Port Perry 7 A Sales and Service ge gency /¥l COOP AND FARMERS] Commercial Industria MUTUAL pairs to Bl Makes, shawa 728-0321 LIFE - AUTO - HOME -- : ~ PROTECTION 6. McPhaden PLUMBING - Prone 9857447 | Insurance HEATING - i Earl Wallace | 985.2341 ye - ELECTRIC - i ROOFING | 4 [) Asphalt SHINGLES, ROLLED fl ROOFING, STEEL and , : ALUMINUM ROOFING ~ EAVESTROUGHING PORT herp. Phone 985-3094 We will contract for all kinds Mafine Chrysler This picture proves the more duiet and meaningful of roof work. Sale and Service part of Hallowe'en in sharp contrast to what happened orc = ~ RESIDENCE Engine Rebuilders 'on Queen Street during the evening. Photo by Joe Jordan