LRA HLA Ba AR SHURE SRSHTTEE WX MOR EN A § EA A UME CR Ratt ATA I Le iy AERA 6 ET a Hi) HN) OLR Pl ag LARSEN CR Rn AIAG hi J CIPD 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR HIRE + BUY + SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * -- Thursday, Nov. 6 1969 Real Estate 2 storey nine room frame home on quiet street in Port Perry, Large kitchen, living, sewing, laundry and separate dining rooms on main floor, 4 bedrooms with closets up- stairs, excellent lot and gar- age. A pleasure to show. $24,000 with terms. New 3 bedroom frame bungalow in Port Perry, ex- cellent lot, close to down- town. An opportunity with only $7000. down. 12 acres of good land near village of Sunderland, with 100 rod frontage on 2 roads, good. pond site with plenty of room for building. Full Price $6,600. 42 acres of vacant land near Sunderland, 30 year growth of reforestation, ex- cellent for skidooing. $400.00 per acre. . Opportunity to : © Supplement Income 7 acres on paved road, 1 mile from Village of Sunderland, frame house, garage, and good barn, $28,000. with good terms. 10 acre lots, partially wood- ed with good buiding sites, 375° frontage, on paved road,}" a good investment, at only $6,500. with $2,500. Down. General Sto Living Quarters, Post Office 2 storey solid brick build- ing with 3 bedroom self con- tained apartments over store. modern conveniences, estab- lished business plus steady income from Post Office, an opportunity at only $29,000. with $10,000 down. 205 acres clay loam, Sunder- land area, on paved road, 11 room brick home with large rooms and 2 fireplaces, large L shaped bank barn, spring creek and pond .site. Tre: mendous possibilities. $85, 000. with terms. 100 acres clay loam, 2 storey 8 room brick home, all modern conveniences, 30 >. acres bush, pond, school bus-|- es at gite. Only $37,000. With tama Retirement Income - 3" Apts. 2 storey frame dwelling, aluminum siding, 3 self con. tained apts, newly renovated with all modern convenien- ces, overlooking lake & close $0 shopping. Live in 1 apt and let other 2 apts keep you. $29,500 with attractive 2 storey frame duplex, close downtown on quiet street, 2 self contained apts with all modern conveniences, large nicely dec. rooms. $24,900 with terms, 2 storey 9 room frame home in Port Perry, on nice- treed corner lot, large cely decorated rooms, ex- cellent family home with rea- sonable taxes. $21,600 with 2 storey frame duplex with| 2 self contained apts, close downtown, very nicely decor- ated throughout, 2 extra building lots, all for only 24 terms. : $25,000. with PO) | Rn GEORGE S$. STONE -985-2632 or : HERB PUCKRIN 705-357-3671 water on tap| ; site. Asking $21,500. Terms. Real Estate Scugog Lake, 5 room cott- age, furnace, insulated, win- terized, furnished, heavy wired. Asking $8,300. Terms. House in Village, 6 rooms, bath, oil furnace, insulated, newly modernized, = garage, small barn, almost 1 acre lot on paved road. $15,200. Terms. . Mr. MARVIN NESBITT, Phone 986-4894, Nestleton "Real Estate : Fred Cook Real Eetate L¥d, Resttor 11, Storey, 3 bedroom frame home, large living room, modern kitchen, laun- dry room, all conveniences. Frontage on Righway #7.1 Price $15,500 with terms. 10 Acres Seagrave area, retreat pro- perty, wooded, ravine, river frontage. Asking $10,000 with terms. ' z 5 Acres 7 room log house, oil furnace, 4 pe. bath, laundry tubs, at- tached garage, bank barn im- plement shed. Full price $15,900, with terms. Imme- diate possession. Uxbridge Area ~~8 room frame home, lot 100 x 132, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, immaculate condition, situat- ed on paved road. Full price only $14,500 with terms. '25 Acres - Seagrave area, retreat pro- perty, river frontage, mostly Foods, good hunting, $6000 own, Blackstock Area 12 acrés wooded, on paved highway, 2500' highway front. age, good pond and stream. Asking $18,000 with terms. Oakwood 6 room 1% storey frame home; 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, Kkitchen,]|. 4 pe. bath; attached double garage, on highway 7, must sell, owner transferred. Ask- ing $17,500 with terms; Call MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 25 acres Highway property, good stream, excellent home site. Priced at $24,900. Easy terms. 50 Acres close to highway 7A, Port Perry area, pond 100 acres, 70 workable, 114 storey frame home, close fo highway 35. Asking $30,000. Terms. IVAN THOMPSON 986-4987 Real Estate JIARTIA Vacant Land - 40 acres, all workable, ex- cellent homesite, $8,000 down with terms. \ Scenic Dairy Farm Near Sunderland 160 acres, .140 workable, frontage on two roads, large barn, 2 silo's, milk house, and other buildings, 2 storey 4 bedroom brick home, mo- dernized, stream, school bus at door. Asking Price $85,000. Terms. : Newtonville Large Building Lot 100° x 214' | deep. Magnificent view, close to Oshawa. Full Price $8,500. Port Perry 3 bedroom. brick bungalows, some with walkout base: ments, in good residential area, starting from $24,000. up. Terms. . Low Interest Rate Attractive 3 bedroom furni- shed cottage on large lot overlooking Lake Scugog, all modern conveniences. Ask- ing $11,300. Terms. R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE ROG. Marion Hopkins 985-7215) Check The Label ~ On Your Paper "REAL ESTATE LTD---REALTOR 985-7373 ii "al - EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO AND YORK COUNTY AND OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARDS. -mediate area. Talk to Al : 5 Acres / | Building lot in the coun- It could be . Lake Side Beach "Love at First Sight' ' 3 bedroom, furnished cot- When you see one of these tage, good beach, 2-3 bedroom Bungalows lot, excellent mortgage, in the process (of being for price, terms, etc. con- built, by a Master Builder. tact Madeline Rodd. Talk to Al \ Lake Scugog--$6,500 La Full price for 2 bedroom 1 Acre Building lot, on cottage, insulated, 2 pc. paved road, within putting bath, floor furnace, access range of a Golf ourse to good beach. Owner Talk to Al may consider less ior cash. Call Madeline Rodd. Lake Scugog New cottage with all con- veniences situated on lovely treed lot, very pri- vate, just 8 miles from Port Perry. Asking $15 900 --don't hesitate . to call Madeline Rodd for furth- er information, Development. Land 8% Acres adjoining a pro- If you need 4 bedrooms, . we have it, large treed lot, down payment $5,000.00, Vendor will finance bal- ance at a desirable inter- est rate. Talk to Al 5 Acre building lot, on the door-step off one of the largest proposed Duck Breeding sites in the im- Scugog, 3 access lots go with this high scenic land overlooking Lake Scugog. Building permits are avail- able. For further infor- mation contact Joan Scott. "Secluded Retreat Bush & stream--52 miles N.E. Toronto, proposed duck breeding site adja- 1 Acre Building lot, half of the lot cleared open space, for lawn and gardens, the balance treed, on year round road. Talk to Al : try, hydro, telephone available, good roads. Reasonable priced. Furth- er details available from Joan Scott. 25 acres -- $4,000. down with terms available. Call * SELL: RENT : SWAP HIRE + BUY : SELL: RENT + SWAR + HIRE * BUY + SELL* RENT + SWAR «+ HIRE + TED CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS BUY + SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE BUY *« SELL: RENT - Auction Sales " SAT., NOV. 15th--Auction Sale of Holstein Cattle, Pigs, Hay, Grain, Straw, Full Line of Implements, the property of MORLEY BRUCE, Lot 24, Con. 11, Reach Township, 5 miles North of Port Perry. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Farm Sold. R. Scott, and G. Wanamaker, Clerks, : ' TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Nov.6-13 Auctioneers treed. || posed subdivision on Lake . SAT., NOV. 15th Giving Up Farming, Auction Sale of Livestock and Imple- ments 30 Holstein and Short. horn Cattle, B275 Int. Tractor with Manure Loader, 1966 220 Case Baler, PTO, 1968 M.F. Manure Spreader, PTO, A-C 66 Combine, PTO, Int. 15 Disc Seed Drill, 1960 Int. 3% Ton Truck, Hay, Grain, Straw, Poultry, Saddle, Horse and Saddle, the property of HARRY TOMS, Lot 17, Con. 3, Emily Twp., 1 mile south of Fowler's Corners on No. 7 Hwy. and 1% miles west. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Ward Holmes and Dick Vaughan, Clerks. ' CARL HICKSON, Nov.6-13 _. Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont.' Phone Lindsay 324-9959 cent.. Good bass fishing," Joan Scott. "AFTER HOURS i MADELINE RODD "985-2819 JOAN SCOTT 985-7014 ALLAN BERTRAND 985-7251 : "HomefinderS Agency" " SAT., NOV. 8th 5 Auction Sale of quantity of Antiques, the property of Mr. T. R. BALLANTINE, 108 Centre St.,, S. Whitby, Ont. Pine Cupboard with small panes, blanket chest with one: drawer, Boston rocker, nurs- ing rocker, child's pine deck. large desk, complete toilet set, picture frames, brass can. _ dlebra, numerous crocks, qu, of iron, tin, dishes & glass. ware. Also aluminum storms and screens, pair of 750:13 snow tires, books, copper chafing: dish, 2 tall lamps (new), many other antiques too numerous' to mention. Terms:--~Cash. No Reserve, Sale at 1 p.m. i CLIFFORD PETHICK, Auctioneer 3 bedroom brick bungalow. lot: centrally located. - Call further details. : INVESTMENT PORT PERRY young maples. New plumbin offer with $5000.00 down. NEW BUNGALOW Try $3000.00 down payment for this clude coloured 4 pc. bath, balcony, large 21 acres zoned R1 with frontage on paved road. Owner says he'll sell with very -reasonable down payment. for further information on this property. " OLDER HOME -. In Prince Albert, in good condition, centrally located, with large dining room, 3 large bedrooms, attached garage. Ask- ing $18,500 with easy terms. 'A lovely one and a half storey olde home on a large well shaded lot with decorated, in excellent condition. This home is a pleasure to show. PORT PERRY AREA Approximately twenty acres of. vacant rolling land on highway. An excellent building site with some bush and duck ponds. Asking $20,500. Call for details. HORSE FARM Extras in- to-day for road. A large home in excellent eondi- tion. - Several farm buildings. Three acres of orchard and two acres of berries 394 a half mile of training track. Ask- ng $62, Call VILLAGE LOTS' . Building lots with 75 foot frontage on } a paved road, close to lake. Buildin LE permits available. Asking $4000, wit ; reasonable down payments. : : FAMILY HOME : Do you need a large family home? Here is the home for you. Five bed- rooms, 3 pc. bath, garage, aluminum siding, large lot. Owner will consider any reasonable offer. and newly Try an "PHONE: 985-3031 -- AFTER HOURS -- MARJORIE TRIPP -- 985.7606 MILTON FISHER -- 9864743 Fifty acres situated on the - Oshawa SALE. REGISTER TUES., NOV. 11--Clearing Auction of Piano and Bench, T.V. 23" (nearly new), Stove, Washer, Refrigerator, Wal. nut dining room suite, chrome kitchen suite, 2 china cabinets, pec. chesterfield - suite nearly new, Platform Rocker, Round coffee table, 8 rugs, BR. suite (nearly new), chest of drawers, anti- . que, 'desk, drop leaf table, odd 'dishes, number lamps; odd chairs, bedding, small tables, oil lamps, 2 upholster. ed chairs, antique, silverware, pictures, wash stands, drecs- ers, Toilet set, butter moulds, crocks, old Canadian glass- ware, Rocker, frames, garden tools, power lawn mower, other small - articles, some antique, etec., the property of DAVID CROSIER at 63 Mar- ket St., Stouffville (south of Post Office). NOTE -- Make this sale a must (contents are good). Property sold. Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m, EST. ~. ATKINSON & WILSON, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers NOTICE SWEETMAN'S TAXI Phone 985-7365 AUCTION SALE 5 'WED., NOV, 19th--Auction # Sale, the property of Mrs. ROY HENDERS, 103 Union Ave, Port Perry, Modern and Antique Furniture, including: 2 round oak dining tables, 3 modern bedroom suites fomplete, large quantity of bedding, curtains, kitchen ware and dishes, rugs, space heater, many antiques, kit- chen cabinet, old clock, paper rack, lamps, chest of drawers, rockers, hand made kitchen chairs, many other very use: ful items.' Terms Cash, ' No Reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Roy "1 Scott, G. Wanamaker, Clerks, TED JA N TED SPENCELEY, Nov.6-13 'Auctioneers [3 Tractors, Combing, Baler, ~~