+ SWAP HIRE * BUY *« SELL: RENT COED CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS SWAR « H| RE + 10 _- PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, N Nov. 6 1969 Cards Of a Announcement Notice g --- FA A A A A A A AA AL LE NN NN NTN NY £ Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) _ ARTICLES FOR®ALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. ~The ¥amily of the Tate Mrs. Charles Gist wish to extend sincere thanks 'to relatives, neighbours and friends for messages of sympathy, acts of kindness ahd flora] trib- utes during the loss of a lov- ing mother, grandmothér and great grandmother. Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutise weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25c. will be added. AA AL A ISSN NYC NNN YSSKNN pital. Also a "thank-you" to the nurses for their kind I wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards and gifts, during my stay in hos. services. Effie McKerihan 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 We wish to thank our Prince Albert friends for the lovely gifts we received be- fore leaving for our new home in Port Perry. Jim, Kay & Roy Norton. AAALAC R CARR VAATVLE RRR RR AES S|assnane BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 Mr. and Mrs, Josh Dobson would like to express their sincere appreciation and A hehe 2 A 2 A NN LN XX IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1. of one inch. 25 per inch with a minimum All Classified Ads must be i A a a 2 5:00 p.m. Tuesday Send cash, stamps or money orders and save ony. PHONE 885-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. aaah SS XN LX NNN AAA A AA AAAS SAS SSS NNSSSNSENSSNNNN in this Office not. later than- thanks to Mina and Dick for the Family Dinner, and to relatives and friends for the lovely gifts, cards and Flow- ers, and all who helped to make our fiftieth wedding anniversary such a iii event. A333 2 RS SE TY RXNNNNNSN fon a - CLARK--In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, Elmer Clark, who Passed away on November 6, Sadly missed along life's way, pir remembered day by a; No bo in our lives to are, But in our hearts, he's ever there. Always remembered by son Earle, daughter-in-law Dorothy, and grandson's Brian and Bruce. CLARK_In loving memory | Im Memoriam " CLARK--In memory of a their thoughtfulness in giv. ing us a, shivaree, and the was very much appreciated. We would like to express |. our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to our Utica riends and neighbours for gift of a vacuum cleaner. It Frank & Linda Fielding dear father Elmer Clark, who- passed, away, Nov. 6th, 1968. We have lost a Dad with a heart of gold. Who was more to us than wealth untold.. Without goodbye he fell asleep, . With only memories for us thanks to the Doctors, Nurses and Staff for their kind care during my stay 'in hos ital here in Port Perry and in and relatives fot'"cards, gifts and visits durin; --Mr, & Mrs. Kenneth Hope are) happy to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Beverley Lucille to Mr. Keith Douglas Durham, son of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Durham, Port Perry, Ont. Wedding to take place November 29th, 19069, at Trinity United Church, Uxbridge. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wool- dridge, Little Britain Ontario, will be pleased to receive their friends and relatives in the Little Britain Church Hall in honour of their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, on Saturday, November 15, 1969, 2 pm. to 4 pm. and 7 p.m, to 9 p.m. No 'Gifts Please. 3--Nov.13 Coming Events JAMBOREE and YOU ARE For Sale : KENMORE Washing Machine in working order, reasonable, : Phone 985-2529. 4 : INVITED THE PORT PERRY CURLING CLUB Invites anyone who is interested to. try our Facilities FREE INSTRUCTION THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY EVENINGS For Information PHONE 985-2167 or 985-2495 . : ] For Sale WESTERN and ONTARIO Stockers. Stock calves, and: Holstein Heifers: © SYery week. Ivan Johnson South Monaghan, et Bafliohore AMATEUR CONTEST Prince Albert United Church presents a' Jamboree with Uncle Benny of CHOO -and Amateur Contest, Nov. 15th, 8:30 p.m. Door prizes. Adults $1.50. Children 75c. 3--Nov.13 STOCK TRUCK, '64 Mercury with 8 x 20' box, loading racks, very good condition. Phone Little Britain 14-R-21. 3--Nov.20 'SKI-DOO0 Sales & Service, 'new 1970 models on display, Jers deal now. Early Bird ecials, no carrying charges oh fall. . Used . machines 'wanted. Lindsay area's BOMBARDIER SKI-DOO déeal- er.. Yes we sell, service and Tr rent SEA-DOO. MIDTOWN, 30 William St. South Lindsay. HEAVY DUTY Stereo Record Player, almost new. Has solid state amplifier, cueing lever, push-button tone con- trols, stereo balance lights, and two large speaker cab- 939-6856. 10-miles South of |inets.. Original price $169.95. | Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2{My price $100.00. Phone miles east. T.F. | 985-2529. CONTENTS. from Model home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & T. loom rug 9 x 12, coffee and V. broad: 65 PULLETS, 7 "ont "old; New Zealand rabbits = for breeding stock; goats; also '60 and '63 Pontiac. Call 54488, 2--Nov.68 'end tables, etc., etc. All items like new. Phone Oshawa] 728-3473. T.F. DENURE TOURS --16 day Florida Tours --Frequent departures RODSTERS -- 4 weeks old, live, Call 986-4470. ATTENTION: -- Snowmobile = -- 'buyers and owners. -It could be to your advantage to see us before you buy. Shop our big lot for a selection of 5. makes, 50 models, a wide --Nov. Dec. Jan.--$110.00 For Information 'FRED DENURE TOURS Box 238, Lindsay (705) 324-9161 HAY and STRAW; also a Shorthorn Cow, due within 2 weeks, Call 986-4470. I would like to express my Oshawa and to all my friends that time. Hugh Espie. to We ol Tost but God has gained The best father the world At Rest contained. Always loved and sadly missed by Edna & Roy Somerville of a dear father and grand- father, Elmer Clark, who pasted away November 6th. "You left us beautiful memories, And sorrow too great to be' told, But to the ones who loved and lost you, * Your memory will never grow old. Sadly missed by son Leonard, daughter-in-law Elsie and grandchildren Lawrence GIBSON -- In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father Lewellyn John who bas away November 8th, Though your smile has gone forever And your hand we cannot. touch. We have so many memories Of one we loved so much. Lovingly remembered Mary & Archie Port Perry on Friday, Oct. 31st, 1969, Edith E. Gibson, of Nestleton, Ont,, wife of the late Jamies R. Edgar (Ted) Gibson of Port Perry and Ethel (Mrs. Geo. Thompson) of Bowmanville, also survived by 5 gran Rested at the Chapel of Me: Dermott - Panabaker, Perry for service on Mon. at Interment St. John'sjact play. 2 p.m. Cemetery, Blackstock. McKEE, Edith Ellen -- At beloved McKee, dear mother of Lorne LEGION DANCE] Saturday, December 6th ~ RAY WALKER AND THE AMBASSADORS Admission $3.00 per. couple. REFRESHMENTS Members and Guest. and -the late Wilfred and Edgar McKee, loving sister of children and 10 great grand children. In her 92nd year. Port SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT CARTWRIGHT HIGH EXERCISES On Friday, November 14th d-|at '8.30 p.m. in Recreation || Centre, Blackstock. Presen- tation of Diplomas, profici- || ency prizes, athletic trophies, valedictory Club selections and a one address, Glee oo .and Neil FAUX, Les--In memory of Cards Of Thanks our dear father Les Faux, 320 passed away Nov. 10th, Deas Seinen, now thy work o'e Thy willing hands wilt toil . no more, A loving father, kind and true, No one on earth we'll find like you. Lovin y remembered by an, Lois & Glenn, agor; e & Isabel, & Howard FAUX--In loving memory of my dear husband, who pa away Nov. 10, 1968. No one kiows how much I miss yi 'No one Sa the bitter ain I have suffered, since I Life hd never been the same. In my heart your memory lingers, Sweelly tender, fond and e. ; There is not a day dear "Les" That I do not think of you. Sadly missed aM lovingly : Brooklin. "The Catholic Women's Lea- gue would like to thank the local merchants - for their donations, which make their bazaar a success. They are Port Perry Florist, Levinson's, Cawkers, LG.A., Red & White, Joseph's the Barber, Conwa Gardens, Causeway Bowling Lanes, Bruton's Drugs, Pentland's, David's Hairdressing, Carload Food Market, Middleton's tery. SCOUT GROUP C a Ka, SUNDA estauran e ms n Scou Roxy Theatre, Hank's, Sat Announcement at 2:15 p.m, er's, Flamingo "Pastries, Tri Construction. The winners of the ticket draw are: 1st--AQuilt: Mr, P., Black- well, Oshawa; 2nd ---T.V. Tables: Mrs. P. Hamilton Port Perry; 3rd--Hamper of Groceries: - Mrs. Cornlissen, I would like to express my appreciation to all my rela. tives and friends for making my 90th Birthday such a happy occasion. 'May Crooks remembered by his wife ' Mabel. GIBSON, 'Lewellyn, John-- In loving "memory of. our dear friend Jack who passed away November 8th, 1967. Russell & Esther We wish to express. our thanks to our Scugog friengs | for the beautiful gifts pre- sented to us for our new home, Lee & Kay Wood | 1 Community. Hospital, Perry on Thursday, Oct. 30, ed wife of the late George A. Raines, dear mother of Hilda helped | (Mrs Guy, John late George Augustus Raines. In 'her 98th year. the Chapel of McDermott: Panabaker, 'Port Perry for service on Sat. at 2 p.m. In. terment Pine Grove Ceme: Prize +| day, December 6 announce the birth son at 3 a.m, Tuesday, Nov. an in Port Perry Hospital, RAINES, Marietta--At the Port 1969, Marietta Palmer, belov: .. Elmer Byers), Violet, Visit St. John's Presbyterian Church Schoolroom, Saturday November 29th, 2:30 p.m. for aprons, knitted' goods, novel- ties 'and home baking. "CHRISTMAS BAZAAR & TEA 4--Nov.27 (Mrs. Lloyd Midgley), Walter |= Francis, and the Rested at CAR RALLY, Sunday, Nov- ember 9th at 10 am. Fee $2.50. Port Perty "High School. NOTICE! A regular meeling of the OMMITTEE Mr. and Mrs. Don Mark, Scarborough, are pleased' to Annouce the forthcoming e ar iege, ail to Mr. Bruce Arm. son of Mr. and Mrs. tron , Scarborough | Lipa Neil BINGO, F Friday, November ] a of their daughter {a Lea Sponsored by the e. Jack- in 87° numbers, Lincs 2 ackpot $7500 in Wedding to e Place Satur- St. Paul's United' Church, Scarborough. Births at! 13th at 8 o'cloc | Hall. Jackpot $150.00 in 55 regular games, BINGO, Thursday, November 'at Legion numbers. Legio ecial $75. in 20 gion 5 fine. 20 share the FLOOR ~ FURNACE, output 50,000 B.T.U.s per hour, suit- able for cottage or small house. Phone 985-2692. 1 Set Truck Racks variety. of trailors, clothing and accessories, Modern ser- vice dept. and Speed Sap. fen 2 makes One Stop S ping at: Whitaker Sates & Service 1136 King St. 723-9241 Vas.9%8 LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER LEFTOV 1 Grey Aluminum ER SALE Door Different Size Trusses (2 or 3 of a kind)- Bags of Kindling Wood Come And See... Today! Responsible female with some bookkeeping experience required for complete set of books to. trial balance. Five day week; hours 9 to 5; medical plan in effect. Reply in writing stating experience, age, salary expected and references to: : Mrs. Joy Woimion Flamingo Pastries Ltd. BOX 88, PORT PERRY FOR NOVEMBER ONLY DISPLAY WIBS SALE Regularly $48.60 -- For $31.60 .. With carrying case $39. 85 ii 'Wiglets Regularly $19.95 -- For $16. 95 . Falls Regularly $59.60 -- For $47.60 - Regularly $74.50 -- For $64.60 "STURMAN Ken & Eleanor (nee Rowan) are happy Thole elghing 7 lbs, 6% oz. A her for Carol Anne and «| wealth, PLEASE NOTE Anyone intérested in buy- ing, selling, Brownie, tides or Ranger gi orm, Foson, 220 contact Mrs, 3 Jvonne Cit G jieon, 228 Shanley or exchanging |: Wash and Wear Wigs $29.95 with carrying case, Richard's Beauty Studio PORT PERRY 985-7991 ; Oshawa : 2 » oO