Pn bow Blackstock News By O. Hill Wednesday several Wo- men's Institute members en- joyed a tour of the Museum in Bowmanville. Tuesday Grade 5 of the Public School with teacher Mrs. K. Dorrell took a hus trip to Midland and toured 'the Indian Village and on Friday Grade 6 with teacher Mrs. C. Corden had a bus trip to Bowmanville and saw the museum there, * Last week-end Mrs. L. Henry spent with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carter, Maple Grove, and on Sunday all enjoyed a Bus trip to Haliburton, Min- den etc. A Colour Tour. © Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb and family, Oakville, spent Sunday with' her mother Mrs. Lewis Henry. Mrs. Hen- ry spent Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Murrell Henry and fmm ' ily, Newcastle, Mrs. J. Wotten spent Tues. day to Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Johnston, Janetyille. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor spent Thanksgiving 'week- . end with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at their country home on Muskoka Lake. = Fine Thanksgiving services were held in both churches Sunday morning with excel. lent -congregations. In:the United the choir sang an Anthem "Sing Praises to the Lord Above". Rev. V. M. Parsons based his sermon on| "A feeling of Gratitude". Were there not ten cleansed?|. Where are the nine? In which group are we? In St. Johns there was a combined service with the congregation 'of the Church. of the Ascension Port Perry. Choirs - from both churches led the singing. Mrs, R. C. "Rose favoured with a solo. Rev. Mansfield and Mr. Law- rence McLaughlin, Lay Read-| er, read the lessons. Rey. R. C. Rose spoke on Thénks- giving. A pot luck luncheon was| | served following the service and -all enjoyed this fellow- ship. O.N.O. Pat Fletcher was hostess to the O.N.O. October meet: ing on the 9th. Opened with the Secretary's report, fol- lowed by the Treasurer's Re- port. There will be a Bowling Party on October 18 in Bow manville at 7.30 for all mem- bers and their husbands. There is now a stove in the arena which we can use when needed. Final plans for the Hus- bands Banquet on November | 22 were discussed. The New INVEST NOW | 8%%h FOR 3 YEARS VICTORIA and GREY . TRUST Guaranteed Investments . Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 Year's eve dance was dis- cussed at length. It was de- cided to have a buffet lunch, Admission $5.00 per couple. .Members present drew for the Christmas Draw. ed a talking session, then Pat and her group served a tasty lunch of sandwiches and .as- sorted donuts. 4-H Homemakeing Club The first meeting of the Blackstock 4-H Homemaking Club was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Wotten on Satur- day, Sept. 27, 1969. The unit 1s called the 3td Meal and is based on the main meal of the day. Nominations were made for officers and the re- -| sults are as follows: "Presi- Next meeting lina Laughlin's, Every0ne 'enjo ar Swain; Secre- tary, Karen Thompson; Trea surer, June Taylor; Press Re- Karen porter, Thompson. | Discussion followed. The girls prepared a recipe of choco: late chip cookies and the re- sult of them .was very good. On Friday, October 3rd "A LADIES FUR HATS LADIES ...PLIRSES $2.98 - $3.98 $4.98 $9.95 me DDN S20 SA ALY BBA . $8.95 $9.95 $10.95 $21.95 $23.95 Record Hop" was held in the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Admission of 50c. was char- ged. The dance began at 8:30 and went till Midnight. The music was provided by records. Near the end of the dance refreshments of punch and chips were served. A large crowd attended and it was enjoyed by all. Mr. Paul Rahm, Clarke In. stitute of Psychiatry, Toronto spent Wednesday and Thurs- day at "home, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Mount- joy and Mr. and Mrs. Tenny- son Samells visited. Mrs, C. Ferguson, Newcastle Wed- A.W. BROCK | staying with Mrs. Allan Bai- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Oct. 16, 1969 -- 3 nesday, when Mrs. Ferguson was hostess for Cadmus U.CW. 'Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Me- Kee joined other guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce, Janetville on Sunday in honour of Mrs. McKee's birthday. geon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Turner, Lori and Janet, Mr; and Mrs, Ernest Swain and family, Brian Mountjoy and Ron Minshall spent the week-end at the Turner Cottage, Coe Hill " (Continued on Page 5) Mr, and Mrs. Keith De- Merchant are away to New Brunswick on a hunting ex- pedition. Their children are ley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls spent the week-end with his parents in Bobcay- La i L3H BER Hava iT 985 - 7373 SYNOJ IHD LADIES COATS "$36. 00 $48.00 » $58. 00 LADIES ESSES LADIES -- 2 piece Crimpknit DRESSES $15.95 LARGE ASSORTMENT , TOYS LADIES ORLON SLIPPERS $3.00 - $4.00 CHILDRENS STRETCH NYLON OUTFITS $6.50 $7.98 CHILDRENS COATS, $12.95 $14.95 $15.95 CHILDRENS = 2 piece Yd SNOW : SUITS $16.95 Playskool Toys $1.70 $2.25 $3.50 $6.00 BOYS STRETCH NYLON 2 PIECE OUTFITS 59. .95 ks CHARGEX Babies -- 4 Piece BULKY ORLON Pram Suits $7. 20 CARDS Coming Nov. 3 (IH ALY Se A Mend ne RAR Ch ¢ NE PRE