« lowing eye surgery in Osh Epsom News Service will be held in Utica United Chureh on Sun- day, Sept. 14th at 11:30 a.m. Sunday School meets at 10 am, ' We are pleased to report that Mrs. Frank Kendall is making satisfactory progress in 'Oshawa General Hospital, following surgery, and that Mr. James E. Mitchell is re- cuperating at his home fol- awa General Hospital, Mrs. Boyer, & Mrs. Evans of Hamilton spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard. Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Harren of Hastings, Mrs. Ruttle of Udora & Mrs. Cleland spent Wednesday evening with the Ballards. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fox of Dalrymple -on--Friday----- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scho- field of Taunton were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. Cecil Harper. Mrs. Chet Geer spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Janes at their - cottage on the Pigeon River. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mitchell were Mrs. N. Rusnell and Mr. Wilbur Rusnell of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Walt. Mitchell of Kinsale. Rev. and Mrs. I. L. Saun- ders visited their daughter Sharon, in Scarboro on Sat- urday. Callers on Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson were Mr. & Mrs. Ed Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Masters, Mr, and | . i Mrs... Bill Goslin, Mr. John -Goslin;-Mr. Jack -Crosier, Mr: and Mrs. Fred Lockett and Mrs. R. W. Thompson." Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown 'land famliy visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown at Lake Simcoe on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. &|A Mrs. Mervyn. MacCannell were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dus- sault of Toronto, Mr. & Mrs. John Jager of Oshawa and Mr. Roger Pickard of Port Perry. The "Explorers" meet at Epsom United Church each Friday after school. Any girls in the community from 9 to 12 years are cordially invited to come to these meetings. Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Kight, R.R. 4] . Port Perry, on Sunday, Sept. '| 8th" were M#,--and-Mrs.-N. J. "I Bracy and family along with Mrs. Jas, McNally & family from Oshawa. i 1H NILE Puic LOTTA : OVELINE 52. B | WELL SET THE STYLE. THAT EXCELS THEM © ALL FOR YOU TO WEA} Ion T IMPORTANT RICHARD'S BEAUTY STUDIO PHONE: 985-7991 f } enand Jewellers Ltd 193 QUEEN STREET -- 985-7641 -- PORT PERRY PA \ (| I h AN o ) oo HEADQUARTERS og LOVELACE 'aw' A 2 COLUMBIA DIAMOND RINGS RN nt ' i a gO WE ALSO HAVE A SELECTION OF GENTS DIAMOND RINGS. 10% Cash discqunt on diamonds or Terms may be arranged at no extra charge. FALL $7.95 - 9. $11.95 MEN'S OXFORDS 3 E WIDTH LEATHER SOLES $19.99 HIGH CUTS INSULATED BOOTS SPECIAL 2 MEN'S and BOY'S Windbreakers g = i Fun WEIGHT 99 MEN'S SLACKS HAUGH - ON IRO FULL CUT $9.95 OLIVE - BROWN CARHARTT 30 to 38 3.99 57.99 MCGREGOR "SOCKS STRETCH $1. 00 I sell "rand names you $6.99 " A.W. BROCK D0 D3 SAN SA LY BDI MAS YN 0) 34 $29.95 - CRAFT COATS MEN'S $35.00 BOY'S 1514.95 - $1 9.95 3) NYLON Uy) N ro COATS CHILDREN $12.95 TOTE $2.95 PILE BAGS $3.75 CORDUROY $3.95 $4.95 $35.95 can trust. EN FAL EO $29.95 - $39.95 $49.95 GIRLS DRESSES § $11.95 & $12.95 LADIES DRESSES: $4.95 -$5.95 - $9.95 NEW 1970 PATTERNS NOW IN STOCK $1.19 a Roll and Up 200 PATTERNS L735 US TES By or 9 ¥ 3 id : i) SHAR Puc A She de Xa DA FEA LRT