ERC Ter 23 Os EE PEASE LRAT 5 SS RESALE et i 4 Reg. Holstein -Milk-Cows and - Albert on County Road 2% . Grade Holsteins, fresh cows, - corn Ld FRI, SEPT. 26th -- Com- plete dispersal of 32 Grade dl Bred Heifers, along with 567 Ibs. #1 Milk Quota and com- plete line of Dairy Equip- ment. Herd is vaccinated, pregnancy tested, bred and serviced by unit sires. A real good producing herd with 11 head due this fall 'and others TODAY'S CHILD in full flow. Dairy 'Equip- ment: 567 1b. #1 Milk Quota, Solar. Bulk Tank, 34 can cap- acity(new condition), 2 Surge Milking Units, IM-F. Milking Unit, '2 Strainers, 2 Milk Pails, DeLaval Double Sink, Surge-6 Unit Pump (1 yr. old, like new). The property of JOHN PORTER (Heron Gate Farms) at the farm, 1 mile South of Whitevale (being 5 miles East of Markham), on Altona Road, County Road #27. Giving up Milk Busi- ness. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale 1:30 p.m. Per- sonal Touch Catering, serv: ing Lunch, KAHN BROS, - Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 3--Sept.11-18-25, SALE REGISTER THURS., SEPT. 25th -- Clearing farm auction of 3 tractors, baler, side rake, fert. drill, P.T.0. mower, power spreader, 3 fr. plow, loader, cultipacker, 20' flexi- ble harrows, J.D. Hy. duty wagon, 34' elevator, pigs, hay, grain, straw, horse cut- ter (like new), also furniture etc;, the. property of HUGH SHILLINGLAW, selling at the farm, located at Lot 35, Con. 1, Uxbridge Township, being (% mile East of Mount miles South of townline) or (7 miles West of Uxbridge) or (3 miles South-East of Mount Albert). Hartman U.C.W. will have a refresh- ment booth, Farm Sold. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale 1.00 p.m. ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2--Sept.11-18 SALE REGISTER - TUES, SEPT, 23rd--Clear- ing farm auction of High springers, bred and. open heifers, also tractor imple- ments, including 3 tractors, combine, M.H. 15R fert. drill, planter, cultipacker, P.T.0. mower, snow blower, P.T.0. sprayer, baler, corn picker, P.T.O. spreader, Ham- mer mill, ete., also bulk cool- er, 35 can, 3 Surge milkers, Milk Quota 507 lbs. Pool #1, Furniture, etc. - Selling at the farm for H. A. BUCKING Located at Lot '24, Con. 7, Pickering Township (being 114 miles north of Brougham on Hwy. #7, turn west 13% miles to -the farm) or (9 miles east of Markham on Hwy. #7). Lease Expired. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale 1 p.m. Refreshment; available, t ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2--Sept.11-18 2--Sept.11-18 | SALE REGISTER SAT., SEPT. 20th -- Clear- ing farm auction of choice Herefords(Cows, calf by side) (Heifers due time of sale), also tractor implements, in- cluding a Ford tractor Model 641, good condition, plow, side rake; P.T.O. mower, spreader, R. T. wagon with rack, Gehl hammer mill, new Arps 3 pt. scraper, Hay, grain, straw, DeLaval Ster!- ing milker cpt., scales, furni- ture, including vacuum clean- er, electric broom, 3 pc. B.R. Suite, quantity odd dishes, china cabinet, writing desk (antique), wash stands, - flat irons, a few antique items; etc., the property of HOW. ARD PLAXTON, selling at the farm located Lot 18, Con. 5, Pickering Twp. (being 1% miles south of Hwy. #7, at Brougham) or (9 miles east of Markham off Hwy. #7). Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. = Refreshments. A. M. Wood, Clerk. ATKINSON and WILSON; Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers Check The Label TorontoTelegram Syndicate Glenn looks quite grown up for three-and-a-half, but actually this little boy is rather immature for his age. He is a handsome lad, as you see, with lovely grey- brown eyes, softly curling light brown hair and skin that takes a beautiful tan. Glenn is usually active, outgoing, exuberant and mischevious, but in contrast can he quiet and uneasy, especially with strangers or when over- tired. He likes to play with his tricycle and wagon and, like most boys, is fond of cars. He loves small animals like kittens. Glenn has his" favorite TV programs -- cartoons and I Love Lucy -- and he enjoys listening to records. His background is Anglo-Saxon and Italian with one Negro grandparent. He needs parents who will he understanding if he takes time to settle in his new home and who will provide love, direction and stimulation. To inquire about adopting Glenn please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto 182. wr Our Printed Forms Mean Business! For letterheads and office forms, look to us. We print quality forms that can in- crease your productivity . . . save you time and money. Free estimates. Your productivity and efficiency can get a big boost when you have well-printed forms and letterheads to meet the needs of your business, Use - . our designs or your We Print own. Ask about our ~ BUSImESS Builders Port Perry Star PHONE 985-7383 [Satie lb bl A RA A AR 3 SSX TY CC ppp HELP WANTED ICE - MAKER For 1969 -70 Season Commencing Oct. 15 CONTACT: Art Panabaker Ail 5 8X NN NX RR peppy On Your Paper Abele rel BL LLL EXER EES SRNR Crp puprpupupny LS HACE WA Lda col vid aainiddd, B..L. Picnic [September 14 The biggest Ontario Céunty Picnic in years is on the s¢hed- ule for this , Sunday, Sept- ember 14. Swiss Chalet Park on Number 7 highway is the scene of activities as Conserv- atives and their friends from Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe are guests of the five Federal and Provincial Riding Assoc- iations in the area. Premier John Robarts '| heads the list of special guests and he will be joined by many other political ~ personalities and well-known sports celeb- rities. Bobby Orr will be on |hand as a guest of former coach Doug Williams. The programme of events includes such traditional family picnic fun as balloons, clowns, races, bands, and such modern touches as a bikini contest. Festivities begin at 1:30 p.m. Sunday and tickets are available at the gate. Picnickers are reminded to bring the family supper. There are covered stands in case of showers, and everyone is welcome. ROXY THEATRE UXBRIDGE 852.6033 Thurs, --Fri.--Sat. September 11-12-13 The bird that put New York into EUPHQRIA and make everyone ask: "What's So Bad About Feeling Good?" 9:00 Paul Newman in the Private turned general in "The Secret War of Harry Frigg" 17:30 Mon.--Tues.--Wed. September 15-16 Venture into the world of a psycho with 4 'Hayley Mills and Hywell Bennett "Twisted Nerve" 8:00 Local Holstein Makes - Fine Record High Point Triune Annette, a purebred Holstein cow in the herd of Smith Bros., Port Perry, Ontario has recently completed a fine record of performance production test. As a four-year-old in 3056 days on twice-a-day milking, Annette produced 21,339 lbs. milk containing 888 Ibs. fat, average test 4.16% butterfat. This record has a Breed Class Average of 191% for milk and 217% for fat. Annette stood sixth in her class throughout the. whole of Canada for milk production. Manchester UCWwW The September -- meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Herb. - Toombs. Fourteen members and two visitors were present. The meeting opened by 'singing "Blessed -| Assurance Jesus is Mine". ° Mrs. Toombs gave a read- _{ing "Thoughts -of the day", followed by prayer. The re- cipe books were a big suc- cess. The bazaar will be held Sept. 24th at the church. The meeting' closed with benediction. The hostess as- sisted by Mrs. T. Stevens ser- ved a- 'delicious aia supper. ARE J HEARING AIDS 211 Sherbrooke Street, Peterboraugh, Ontario Phone 742-9441 cA oAunixL Certified Hearing aid Audiologist ' The World's Largest Manufactufer-Of Hearing Aids Eyeglass Hearing Aids * At the Ear Hearing Aids * In the Ear Hearing Aids $8000 } 30 day, money back guarantee FREE HEARING AID TEST EVERY TUESDAY By appointment in your home or at ' -Bruton's Drug Store PORT PERRY, ONTARIO a. Phone 985-2511 MEMBER, ONTARIO HEARING AID ASSOCIATION I CO-OP dl CORNER FALL FERTILIZER PLOW-DOWN? . - If you were one of those who had difficulty flgetting delivery of fertilizer when you. needed it [Mlilast spring, then yowll be quick to spot one of i the big advantages of fall plow-down. It 'can get one of next spring's time-consuming jobs out of ithe way now. ' yl Only apply nitrogen in the fall for residue decomposition. If more than necessary is added, rg CO-OP TOPI by Don Rixon | Slregardless of its form, you will lose a good deal of nitrogen over winter. Where soil fertility is reasonably high, drill in fertilizer with small grains on land to he seed- fed in the spring. However, if soil test valiies are | fi] ov, plow-down phosphate and potash when you itl work the land this fall. A} For corn land, plow-down is preferable to disking in fertilizer in the spring for the phos- a / Aphorus and potash portion of the corn fertilizer. (4 { With the bulk of the P20s and K20 applied now R'dand plowed down, you can' use a minitaum of starter "fertilizer in the corn planter and side pl dress with nitrogen in the spring. Unbridge 852-3321 NZS United Co-operatives > of Ontario (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Port Perry IE. 8-4120 |