rd an Tra ri Sh wy A Cn at yy HT Le EN iT bot . Ae -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thrsday, June 5, 1969 PORT PERRY UCW Unit 9 of the U.C.W. held their monthly meeting in the church lounge on May 26)h with 18 members and 2 visit: ors present. President Mrs. Joan Lane .welcomed, the la- dies, giving a specidl greet- ing to the visitors, Mrs. Har- per- and Mrs. Betty Munroe, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Alec Rice. _ "The meeting opened -with the reading of the hymn "Oh Master; 'let me walk with Thee".* An article on "In- spiration" was read by Mrs, Gwen Taylor. Modern ver: sions of three favourite Bible Mrs. Stories written by young 'men in detention homes were read by Joan and Gwen, fol- lowed by a hymn & prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ad- opted and 'a report given on the successful dessert lun- eon and court whist held fay -7. Mrs. Margaret ali reported that the bale had been packed. Offers of food and help for catering to the wedding on May 31 were-accepted by so- cial convenor, Mrs. Roy Lane. A committee consisting of Roberta Drew, Mrs. . production. Uxbridge a -CO- by Don Rixon UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO MORE PASTURE PAY-OFF WITH co-op PASTURE RATION CO-OP Pasture Ration supplements the pasture feeding of dairy cows in production. Lush spring pasture provides bulk and prot- fein 'but does not supply sufficient energy (to maintain body weight and maximum It's the extra energy in CO-OP Pasture Ration that enables you to get the most from your pasture and from your herd at . the tinie when production is cheapest and later when pastures are drier. The Co-Op can also use-yeur grain to give you this ration. Discuss this Pasture Program with your local Co-Op. United Co-operatives of Ontario (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Isabell Wilson, Mrs. Lane, and Mrs. Roy Lane are to make plans for a hydro demonstration in September. The Sunday School picnic has been planned for the af- ternoon of June 25th at:Pop- lar 'Park. Offers of help for the five Sundays of June for the chtirch 'nursery were grate- fully 'accepted. . Several ideas were discuss- ed for the booth at the ba- zaar.. Mrs. Mary Brinkman, and Mrs. Miriam Price aré to "follow. through on a few ideas and everyone "agreed to collect a few articles dur- ing the summer months. - A telephone committee was set up: within the unit. Five ladies will now inform the members. of . meetings and other things which, mist be discussed;:: This:. will, hope- fully, ease;the burden an:ane or two members: of the. unit. "The date for the next meet- ing was set for. September 23. No meeting will be held 'in June but all were reminded of the pot luck supper. The meeting: closed with Wes ! | OP TOPICS SL 3 fr in well-chosen words, ad: |; telling her on behalf of all | Unit 9 members, how much plied very graciously and Rice's retirement from the ministry. Betty were guests for lunch at Conway. Gardens. the repeating of the. Mizpah" Benediction. Following the closing, a very special event took place, 'Two. contests were conduct- 'ed and then Mrs, Kay Wal- dressed Mrs. Marjorie' Rice, she has meant to us by her willing help at all meetings and how her friendship to everyone will be missed when she will be leaving us at the end of 'June. Mrs. Roy Lane then pre- sented her with a gift from the members. Mrs. Rice re- asked us to visit them when they move to Toronto and told us of their plans to come back to Port Perry on Rev. Id the Greenbank North .Club .| Office was closed and our Blackstock. Devitt's Hall for Mr, & Mrs. Leslie -Johnston and, family, who have' sold their farm &| moved from their home. Greenbank W.1. The May meeting of the Greenbank Women's Institute was held in Reach Centenn- ial Hall with the president; Mrs. Fred Phoenix in the chair, After the business and reports, Mrs. W. Brown red two readings and then turn- ed the meeting over to t° 4H girls, and their leader: Mrs. Hugh Baird leader. of introduced Darlene Watts & Naricy Wanamaker who dem- onstrated the method of m-k BURKETON NEWS Sunday School and Chufch Service was . held in our Church on Sunday, Next 'Sunday they will be, held at the usual time with Church Service at 12 o'clock. Everyone welcome. Last Saturday our Post mail will be delivered out of : -Several from here attended the Prescott auction sale at Enfield, tended meetings in Enniski!- len concerning the United Church amalgamation. Dam is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, ~ We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. K. Dawe and 'Mrs, S. Grant spent Tuesday with Mrs. R. Davey. A Presentation was held in Several from 'Burketon at]: Sorry to report Mrs. C: Van | 4 Mr. and Mrs. Don Archi-| bald and - family spent the week-end at their cottage at Stroud. ing a lemon chiffon dessert with a graham crumb bas~. Catherine Nicholls comment- ed on their club exhibit "The Milky Way. » Mrs. J. Coupert waite in- and explained the 4-H work: Marian Couperthwaite read a thank you to the membe-s of the Womens Institute for their support and. read a poem "A Farmers Wish." Pamela Ferguson and Deb- bie McGee demonstrated the method of making corn chow der under the supervision of Mrs. M. Lee. Then. the club members put on their club skit entitled, What milk did for Molly, even including the cow. A card with a letter en- closed was read fram a form-|. er member, Mrs. Wm. Smith now living at Isham. Saska': chewan, then the 'meeting closed by singing Institute Grace. A lovely lunch 'was served by the . 4H girls and the group in charge to 20 mem- bers and 22 visitors. There troduced the Greenbank club|~ was -a display of the hooks and articles from-the needle- craft' projects and some of the completed articles of the crewel embroidery from the recent short course. 4-H 'The second regular meet- ing of the Ontario County 4-H Tractor and Engineering Club was held: on Thursday, May 22 at 8:00 p.m. at Port Perry High School. Our president and secretary opened the meeting and then turned it over to Ken Wilson. 'With many protests, the exhibiting and demonstration teams were picked.\ ; Mr. Ralph Gregg took the meeting from here and staged a_very interesting duscussion on "ventilation" and insulat- ion. of the barn. 'Many of us received .an eye opener as to the importance of these.' Don't forget to come to the June safety meeting, held on the 24th, 26th and 26th of the month at: Brooklin, 'Ux- bridge and Brock, District _ High Schoolsrespectively .This méetingstartsat 8: 900 xloek, WES LANE | Plumbing . Heating Electric - - OFFICE 985 - oki PERRY, ONE: 2473 RES. Mrs: Rice and her daughter The Kiwanis Club of Markham. June 5, 6, 7&8 o PAINTIN GS ® SHOW + in Merb a Ly < Cor, Hwys. 7 & 48 ee | Markham, Ont, Proudly Presents Canada Cottages Wanted ® SCULPTURE @® SALE One of the Largest and Best - "Art Shows and Sales "REAL ESTATE LTO -REALIOR . 985-7373 L178 Winner of the $100. Porat sports. Car, pictured here with his mother, Mrs. Pe Manager of the Port Perry Mersco 6c fo $1, 00 Store. lucky ticket was drawn recently during Mers | Ferarri "Sports Car Winner four year. old ter Van Ryswyk and Jim: Bower, $CO's s Renovation Sale. 7 Luke Van Ryswyk/ Mrs. Van Ryswyk's =A ent N BR ) Advertise