Is 4 Continued were started with inadequate < buildings, and unqualified staff. Health clinics with no fully trained personnel. * Committed Christians need- also to-teach scientific farm: "ing, so that the best possible suse can be made of the land, .and stock to give the people enough food to eat and a better standard . of living. Bloody revolution can only be avoided if Christians are concerned enough 'to act, both with financial assistance and with people who can peacefully bring about a, Soc- ial Revolution. Mr. Hutson said that people all over the world want to be where the "Action is", 'If the action is not in the Church they will seek for it elsewhere, Mrs. C. McConnell and Mrs. T. Patterson of Norwood were lunch guests of Mrs. Stan Rahm and called on Mrs. O. Hill in hospital on Tuesday the 20th. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Fer- guson and family of Toronto, spent last week end with the Lloyd Wrights, = Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Brown, Oshawa visited Roy and Bill Fergusons on Wed- nesday evening the 21st. * Mr. and Mrs. George Ruth- erford of Seagrave and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rutherford of Peterborough were guests of Mrs. G. Fowler on Sunday "the 251° Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Smith and --Mr. "Harvey Sanderson att: | ended the funeral in Fenelon] Falls on Wednesday of Mr. G. H. Wilkinson of.Coboconk Mrs. Ira Argue accompan- ~jed by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde is spending a few ays in Rochester. "Mrs; 'Wm:-Mahaffy attend: £7 ed a shower at Mrs. Ted Werrys in Enniskillen -for Mrs. Gregg Hewson, nee Marilyn Perigoe. £4) His many friends will be glad to know Mr. Earl Dorr-|: ells eye surgery is satifact- ory. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Fer- .guson of Toronto visited Mrs. C. Hill Thursday even- ing. : ~Mrs. -L. Thompson spent the week end with her broth- | Cobbledicks, Leamington. Mrs. H. Graham and Miss Verena, Toronto and Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Graham were Sunday . guests of the Ross Duffs. A good number from. here attended anniversary service| | at Nestleton on Sunday mor- ning. Next Sunday is Cadmus anniversary, 50-10 service in Blackstock United either of these dates. Messrs. Stuart Doreell and Allan . Beacock 'spent' this .. ed to help in these areasand| past. week at Charlton putt- ing in the erop on their farm there. od on 8 or . Mrs, M. P. Philp, of West -Hill spent the week end and Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Cotter of "Don Mills were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Smith. and Oliver. BLACKSTOCK NEWS Sincere sympathy is ex- tended Mrs. Ivan Proutt and 'family and sister Miss Ruth Proutt and other relatives jn the death of Mr. Proutt, : "Glad to report Mrs. Oscar Graham, Mrs.' Neil Bailey & Mrs. C. Hill all home from hospitals. Mr.. Jim Carnaghan has received word that he passed his first year at Western College, London. - Mr, and Mrs; Bruce Mount: joy and Mrs, Wayne McShane attended graduation exereis- es in Waterloo Friday when '| Ray Mountjoy was one of the graduates. Mr. and Mrs, Mountjoy spent the evening with Dr. and Mrs. McShane in Bramp- Top Tet Mr, and Mrs. a Wotters of Holland are spending three months with their son John 'and Mrs. Wolters and family. «Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- cher of Bowmanville visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer, also Mr. 2nd Mrs. PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, June 5, 1969 -- 5 Tennyson Samells on Satur- day. * Grades ' and 10 of the Cartwright High School vis- ited the farm of Mr. Jack Owen near Bxagrave Friday Mr, Owen is a teacher of: Biology at O'Neill Collegiate and -has animals of -all kinds on -his- farm. In -the-after- noon this bus load went. to Oshawa: and 'saw Romeo 'and Juliet which they are study- ing in"school. © Grades 11, 12 and 13 char- | tered a bus and toured. Wat erloo college. Ron Martyn who has just finished his first year there was hanpy to- be their guide for thg tour, Later they went to Stratford to the Shakesperian Festival and saw Hamlet. "(Continued on Page 17) -SELLING. L SEAL ESTATE LTO REALTOR 985 - 7373 uh FRIENDLY "PHILOSOPHER sus | Ptolemy & Grieve "B. A. Service Station 52 Water St. Port Perry' " PHONE: 985-3182 EFFECTIVE Wednesday, Thursday 7 ZZ Rb BLA 30 oz Btls COKE, SPRITE, FANTA PLUS DEPOSIT vor 4 : 8 3¢ FEATURES ROAST y LEAN TENDERS ~ SHORT RIB ROAST - 70 1 "TENDERS 'CHUCK STEAKS ». 89: "MAPLE LEAF i STYLE SAUSAGE me. 50: MAPLE LEAF SLICED COOKED HAM | 59: AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE w= 29: PEA or VEGETABLE 28 oz, Tin ~ Habitant Soup 4 $1.00 10. 15, 6 OOD Sr APPLE SAUCE 247 : Y ROYAL YORK DOG | PEAN UT BUTTER we 43¢ Tomato Ketchup - 2; 149 2 1h oz. Pkt. Shiki N BAKE 25 TWINKLE BROWNIE, WHITE, ¢roc. 14 oz. Pkg. CAKE MIX 4:51.00 SCOTT TWIN PACK {Paper Towels 2is1 00 oh, ~ Order or Over. "NEW STORE HOURS 8:30 -- 6:00 Mon. Tues. & Sat. 8:30 -- 9:00 Wed, Thurs. & Fri. Winner Of Last Week's DRAW Free delivery phone 986-2492 MRS. A JONES Free Draw with every $6.00 : 3s 7% oz, Tin PINK SALMON 2% " SHIRRIFFS REG. 69c | POTATO CHIPS CLEARANCE BOXED PLANTS PLANTS 39: 'NOW. Be ONLY