16 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 22, 1969 Local Men Curlers Presented Trophies (. he winners of the Dr. Bathie Tropny are left to right, Murray Lee, George Davidson, Rob Howsam and Glen VanCamp - skip. iH Pictured from left to right, Stan Aldred, Roy Cordon, Neil Bailey, Bill Cornish - skip. from left to ip, Bob McCoy. «The winners of the Brooklin Concrete Trophy presented by Bob Mc right, Jack Fisher, Jack Chapman, George McPhaden, Don Carnegie - Ly : : Pictured from left to right, John Rodway, George McPhaden, Roy Turner, Walter Sonley - - skip. Winners of the Club trophy from left to right, Murray Lee, Oscar. Beare « skip, Jim Marlow, Roy Cordon. . Joel Aldred Diefenbaker On Wednesday, May: 14th, a. testimonial reception and i dinner for the Right Honour- able John George: Diefenbaks er P.C., QC., M.P. was held in the Parliament Building, Ottawa. . One of the_-three sponsors was Joel Aldred who acted as Master of Cer- emonies Over - 700 people from all across Canada att: ended the recéption in the Confederation Room. Over «500 were accomodated at dinner. Most of 'the' Cabinet and representatives from all parties were in attendance. Recorded greetings were played: on tape from the Right Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Prime Min- ister of Canada and Senator Paul Martin, House Leader "in the Senate. Co - Sponsors Testimonial A letter ffom the Right Honourable Lestep B. Pear son was read by Mr. Aldred. In_ attendance', from . the Port Perry area with: Mr, and -Mrs. Joel Aldred were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dow on from Scugog. - ~ On behalf of all presert Mr. Diefenbaker was presert ed with a colour television set, installed. in his home during the course of the din- ner, and a - beautifully in- scribed fine leather brief case containing a large, but undisclosed sum of money. This testimonial reception and dinner is believed to be the first ever held in the nation's capital for a prime minister whether in office, in retirement or still active in politics. LICENCE PLATES FOR HISTORIC VEHICLES Effecftive™ immediately li- cence ' plates will: be issued in Ontario in respect of his: toric motor vehicles" for an annual fee of $10. Historic vehicles are at least thirty stantially unchanged or un- modified' from- the .original manufacturer's product. Com- mercial motor vehicles do not qualify. Histeric motor vehicles can only be operated on a high- way - for the purposes of ex- hibition, tours or similar functions organized by pro- perly constituted automobile clubs, or for the purpose of parades, repair, testing or demonstration or sale. The plates are marked to and to indicate limited high- N. Cafik Offers Assistance For School Trips To Ottawa Mr. Cafik, M.P,, indicated today that it would be high- ~ly advisable for principals of schools, "or. teachers, arrang- ing trips to visit the House of Commons ,to make detail- "ed arrangements with his secretary in Ottawa. Mr. Cafil - also indicated that as much advance notice should be given as possible inorder to avoid disphpcint: ments. Many tours end up in Ot- tawa with the teachers. be- lieving that they are going to visit the House of Commons at a time when it is not even open. To avoid this kind of occurrence Mr, Cafik sug- gests that. you contact him directly at the House .of Com- : mons, Ottawa, ielephone 992- 2984. The same applies to adi --viduals inthe Riding who would like to be given a tour of the House of Commons - and to meet their Member of 'Ontario, Parliament. =~ Mr. Cafik feels that it is extremely. import. ant that those who come to Ottawa be given every oppor- tunity to see their Govern- ment in operation. He said, "if you're coming down, give me a chance to help--that's par: of my job". - COHO.SALMON CAUGHT IN TORONTO * The first known coho sal- mon caught by rod and reel in the Toronto area was taken by species was taken at the mouth of the Humber with a worm being used as bait. : This gives some evidence that 'in a little over a week's period, some if not all the coho smolt that were planted ,|at Bolton and Palgrave are making their way to 'Lake By the way, the coho that was caught was still alive and was released back in the 'an angler on Monday, April 7, 1969..The introduced | way use. They are issued only at the Queen's Park of- fice of the Ontario Depart- ment of Transport in Toronto and are similar' to" standard plates: (white lettering on blue background) with a red stripe on- each side carrying the words "Historic Vehicle" in white letters. ihe LOTTA, LOVELINESS SAYS RICHARD' 5 STUDIO meaty PHON 85- 7991 ~3 Sr Humber to continue its trek. Pictured from left to right, Jim Davidson, , John Grieves, Don Haddon, Roy Turner - ip, TUNE UPS. $5.95 rus parts '8 CYLINDER co $T.9D ps PARTS PRINCE ALBERT AUTO SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS and TRUCKS SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY CLEAN AS LOW AS WHEEL BEARINGS $2, 25 6 CYLINDER and REPACK years old .and must be sub-' identify the "class of vehicle 2) OTHERS MAY IMITA ve =1"OUR STYLES WE OURSEL VES..... LL} x