Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Apr 1969, p. 8

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ots AVE SF INCH RT TR ANS I CHF SAAS EVRA TEL Lathes Fee Lay ¥ 3 r] EARN AEA we EVA AOA ie AR EAE GY SRY MAM SEEREREEG hy Fn WE MY de 3 O -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, April 24, 1969 / & en i or C it iz @ N) Ss Vaithaster The meeting at the Hall on |pital, and will be on display ad ; i sign ed.,. April 9th was well at- |at Masonic Hall in May when 3 t iss npg tended ith Wed. is enter-|Hospital & surrounding dist- Rl 0 was ; ) : : : i Utica United Church on Sun- Hassiek ni cushion Pn Mr. and Mrs. Jack John-|days last week. Seu: E. Healy presided. We particulars. Lucky winners NY day, April 27th, at 11:30 a.m.| their friends and neighbours | ston of Oshawa called on| Mr. and Mrs. Norman May, ¢ pleased to hear many |at Euchre, April 12th as fol. Yh A Representative of The|of Manchester and Utica, at | Mrs. Cecil Harper on 'Wed-| Rexdale, visited Mr, and Mrs. me ns ill are recovering. |lows: Ladies High, Mrs. J. : 2 Gideon Socicly will be thela party for them in Utica nesday. . L..B. Roberts on Saturday, hii Sandison, one of our |Carroz, 2nd Mrs. Coyle, 3rd A Ny guest speaker. Hall on Saturday evening.| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller| Under the auspices of the Idest Tibor is cull: con | Mrs. Goodman: Gent's high 3 5 Sunday School meets at 10| The Airds will be moving to | of Oshawa visited - Mr.. and | U.C.W. a cook book is being o od in hospiial Mrs*M. Moase (as man); 2nd : a.m. Port Perry in. the near fut-| Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe on Sun-|compiled. Collections -. for ye phi ii made 10 | Mr. F. Goodman, 3rd Mrs, E. My Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aird|ure. We shall miss them |day. Mrs. Sutcliffe is spend-| advertising have been com- bus trip to Hamilton in the | Byam (as man), Dates for od and family were the recipi-|from our community. ing this week with Mr. and|pleted, and the ladies are|? p po A Pot Luck |meetings at Hall, Second & "Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aird of | Mrs. Brockman, asked to bring their favorite lise FAs held at the [Fourth Wednesday ot sviry Waterloo spent the week-end | Sunday visitors with Mrs |recipes to the regular May rp Tuesday,-May 6th at |month with his parents. Violet Skerratt were Mr. and meeting at = Mrs, Lorne 6.30 p.m. All piers please ENBANK 4-H Miss Laurie Storie enter-| Mrs, Ken Skerratt, Mr. and|Thompson's, Port Perry, ks Bb fterwheds eaclal GRE , tained ten of her friends at| Mrs. Fred Olsen and family| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brock- | ¢: rey orig. |. The first meeting of Green. her birthday party on Satur-| and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mar-{man and baby Lyle of Ajax, | €Yening, wit i Px A bank Pea Pickers was held tyn. ge were Saturday dinner guests 2 5 oe hy e Aor iH 19 3 is Lass ; . : eeting opened w e BUY. -- SELL Wiel Mus wr with} Mrs. and Mrs. W- 4 Mu Next Euchre at the Hall, pledge. The election of the "| Frank Kendall recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, | Saturday, oil som 830 officers was held. a Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ken-|Prince Albert, visited Mr, & | P-™ Last Euc re was a g al President--Janice Stone L BERT dall were god parents for|Mrs. Theo. Stevens one even success. 21 tab were p y Vice-Pres.--Debbie McGee savwaee wiser | ponna Nadine, daughter. of [ing recently. SJ ot. "Yserl prices re Pre Press Reporter-- j Mr, and Mrs, Foster Roland| Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tayleg | sented to. lucky d others Debbie Lee 985 - 7373 at her Christening in Port|and Brenda called on Mrs; Scugog members an 4g 2Why, when and 'how to Perry United Church on|Crosier on Sunday... ~~. [are on group for a a Blan a garden was discussed. NT R 1 N C 3 A L B E R T Sunday. Later they were| There was a splendid at-| May: Watch = 1c 3 a Also the beautification a-. ; ' dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. |tendance at the Western | P¢ soon on sale ra 4 to round home by using flow- Grant Innis. "_|style luncheon and entertain. | uilt. Club Sonate qu H ers. Meeting closed with. NTO SERVICE "Congratulations to Mr.|ment at the church last Wea | be raffled In-aid of new HosJ 4.51 moto, - ~~ ort Larry Kehdall who was re- nesday evening. The untir- ; cently presented with the|ing efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Dial 985-7365 PORT PERRY Gillwell Wood Badge and|Herb Toombs are much ap- (fj ° 257 Scugog Rd. : Repairs to all makes of Cars Beads, the highest award as|preciated. The numbers by : » Scout Leader, by Mr. Bill|the quartette were thorough- a --|and Trucks. || Webber, Provincial Field Ex-|ly enjoyed. Door receipts o AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS ecutive of Toronto. were $126.00. 3 3 £ CUSTOM WELDING Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mit.| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobson gg ~~ aad ; CUSTOM ENGINE chell of Kinsale, Mrs. Char-|were dinner guests with Mr. yf -- a CONVERSIONS & HIGH les Williams and baby, and{and Mrs. Gordon Megee, . : PERFORMANCE BUILDING £105 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray, Ohare 9 Sunny Stools 2K Wayne and Wendy were Sun- r. an rs. Wm. Master- "TRUCKS A SPECIALTY" vr Wisitons OF My. End Set son anal iliren of SY, Cathe PHONEX SERVICES James E. Mitchell. erines 'were recent. guests of CHARLES WAYNE ; | a Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vernon|Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Lamb. { i ANDREWS 985 -3105 NORTON called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack At a special service here Business & Professional Telephone { Crosier on Sunday. on Sunday evening the choir ®| Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd White,| was assisted by Mr. Grant Answering' Service +B } . ¢ Diane and David were sup-| Beacock with his guitar, Rev. WwW = S L A N I= ber guests of Mr. and Mrs |Mr. Teskey showed a beauti- Il DIVISION OF CHARLES BRIGNALL SERVICES ; ; | Dennis Thompson on Sun-| ful film, "Springtime in B.C." . Fr . day. -- \ | Mrs. Oda Thompson and J | Mrs. Scott Thomson of Ux- eo [] 2| bridge . called on Mr. and n 9 Plumbing - Heating o| Mrs. Howard Comer on Sun- : ; | day. p n_° Mrs, Chet Geer spent Sun- - Electric - §| day afternoon with Mr. and : | Mrs. Don Geer in Port Perry. j| - Mrs. William Dunn and po ORT I John have returned from a © [ visit to relatives in Holland. |" ' ERRY, ONT. 1 The L.OL. of Port Perry bi ! i is. holding its last dance of . OFFICE : 985 » 2473 RES. 2 the season in Utica Hall on 2a @1| Saturday night, .April 26th. y There will be a 50-50 draw pn | at har as well as the usual lucky ry draw. | attended the banquet and dance for the Port Perry Minor. Hockey League coach-| fo date with a wives in the Legion Hall, ofl 8 ; /|Port Perry, on Saturday : ; : : Thi : ? evening. : Given an: inch of a glowing cigar- or oF injured; and property worth more The Wilburs were dinner | I ette or burning matchstick dropped than '$160 million is destroyed by guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave carelessly, fire will take a square fire. Morton of Bay Ridgés on| § mile {and more) of forest. Given fe When you have u child or reach 21 Sunday. a few cubic inches of old, oil and By i of these criteria, the cost or move to a new address , SET. rags in a corner, fire will take a of. fire-causing carelessness is vl or when you are newly married... n "whole acre of factory. great. But the most terrible toll To keep your OMSIP protection and to 0 SF : : : is in young lives. A third of those payment-notify within 30 days: BEAUTY CRITICS ) || Given an inchor so . . . of frayed "who die by fire are children. I NNOW.IN THEIR extension cord, or curtains too close Some of these children die because 1 Health Inbar se Ri 0 WE, ARTS, OUR DESIGNS| io: raver ar 2: tiebiace s screen they are left alone, some die be - 2195 Yonge Street, egistratio Boar A RE ORIGINA LA ho narrow. . fire will ta e your , . cause they play with matches. There - a ome and the lives which are in it. are other reasons too -- but virtually all. "the deaths are preventable. Year after year, fire takes an average Children die in fires" through the | of 600 lives in Canada. Five times ./lgnorance or the carelessness of if as many' Canadians are disfigured ° their parents or other adults, 4 If we are to help gL : no 4 we need to know. Don't give fire an inch - you've got far too much to lose! "KR Ad 4 i RICHARD'S C a 3 BEAUTY STUDIO JAG IIS) 0) SHAN NCE q PERATORS INSU RANCH ASSOCIATION (0) 2 e200 8 3 14 1 | # L PHONE: 985-7991 CO OPER

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