| | | Here 1s what wé found on checking over last week's sick list. Mrs. Henningsen and Mrs. MacFarlane each show some slight improve- ment but of course are still hospitalized. Mr. Wright had expected to return home last' week- end but suffered a set-back so remains in Oshawa hospi- tal. Brad Hurst is at home, going . strong and back to school this week. One of our little girls Hea- ther Lynn Hallett had a ton- sil operation at the end of 'the week. All OK. The pancake supper on Pancake Tues. was quite suc- cessful. There were lots of pancakes etc. and lots of fun later but no one lost any sleep by attending. The pro- gram was entirely informal: a sing-song, a reading by Mrs. Barr, 2 duets by Debbie Maschke and Leo Stora, a trio by the tall singers and contests. There were 2 lucky chairs the occupants of which were "allowed" to sing a duet with chairman B. Wana- maker, Heywood Short was sitting in one of the chairs, but he was shy. The other lucky person was Karen Carr 7, who preferred to sing alone. Yes, Rev: E. and Mrs. Mc- Neil were picked up at Mal- ton and brought home on Tuesday as expected. "Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lake and family of Toronto were with Mrs. Moon and Clifford on Sunday. Mr. Dane Coxworth has gone to Lexington Kentucky for a 3 weeks course in IBM operation. On Thurs. evening Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark of Tor- onto visited . grocer Wana- maker and his wife. And what were the Wana-|- makers doing this Sunday? Why having a family gath- ering at-home with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wanamaker and family of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wanamker, and Bill Wanamaker and comp- Seagrave News any all present. Bill Keen was sick on Sun- day but if he had been in his usual place, attendance at church and S. S. would have been exactly 'the same --179. Special guests at the worship service were the Seagrave Brownies & Guides with their counsellors--Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Bruce. This also was the week the loyal members of the Young Worshippers Lea- gue--20 of them -- received their pins for 1968. We no- ticed that there were 5 Barrs, 5 Shorts, 3 Nobbs, 2 Nicholls, 2 Bruces and one each from the Watts, Abraliam and Monohan families. The ser- vice was long but we had it all even all the verses of all the hymns. At S. S. Gordon Short gave a reading for the "teen" class. It was Bonnie Short's birthday so she shelled out her pennies. The rest was routine but the adult class went into overtime. again, arguing their discussion questions. INVEST NOW 7%4% for Terms 2,3 & 4 yrs. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments Interest is payable £9 half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306- [ALUN IC tl Th NY 4- H AGRICULTURAL CLUBS PORT PERR PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Feb. 27,1969 - 3 A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT SY NO) 9 0) SEVEN LEFT AT 19.95 4-H La CLUBS WILL BE ORGANIZED IN ONTARIO COUNTY DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH Interested boys and girls between the ages of 12 as of January 1, 1969, and not 21 before December 31, 1969, should contact the Ontario Department of Agric- ulture and Food, Uxbridge, for further information. WES LANE § Plumbing - Heating Electric - PORT PERRY, ONT. OFFICE 985- 2473 RES. Pan N g =) -- BR fate / SWEATERS = Turtleneck, cardigan and pullover styles SPORT SHIRTS Long sleeve' $6.00 Line For $3.95 $8.00 Line For $4.95 re 4 I sell brand names you can trust. RUBBER BOOTS Men's $4.95 Boys $3.95 MEN'S" PANTS OLIVE GREEN TWELVE LEFT AT $9.95 MEN'S -- LADIES - BOYS WINTER COATS Wir 1/2 PRICE (A PAPERS ASTED ® put ROOM LOTS WINTER BOOTS MEN'S & WOMENS Reg. $14.95 NOW --- s] 0.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL 25% of BOYS SLACKS REGULAR -- $8.00 - $4.95 - REGULAR -- $6.00 - A -------- Snr A raid sa os PRAT TR PUNE NG ey Pn WY, Pn ey Vk