BONE OE LN SPY » ASO EES % ROC ALES RNY LAN SAT toe WT Lh PALE A AES Xie i ------------ condition: 3 ) ¥ RR Ken | RE - with terms. : sell- at $9,800 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Jan. 30, 1969 Real Estate Fred Cook Real Estate Lod. Realtor Four bedroom, two storey frame home, family size kit- chen. living room, dining room, hardwood floors, oil lieat, double garage, 132 ft. river frontage situated on paved road, close to shopping and Post Office, only $5,000. down. ---------------- Little Britain Area 100, acres clay loam, 5 bed- room, 1% storey.frame home, all conveniences, bank barn 60° x 45, implement shed, double garage, situated on paved road, asking $35,000 "100 acres clay loam, three bedroom frame home, all conveniences ,two barns, 60 x 40 and 50 x 35, large farm pond, full price $32,500. with terms. Two Acres Two bedroom frame bun- galow, oil heat, three piece bath, modern kitchen, asking $10,000 with terms. 100 acres four bedroom, two storey brick home, all conveniences, bank barn, 90 x 50, machine shed, asking $36,000. with terms, Call MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 852-6001 294-4645 Real Estate "Queen St., Port Perry 985-7386 On Lake Scugog Bedroom frame cottage. 3 Large lot on waterfront. Fur- niture aluminum boat and motor included in price of y Country Home Four bedroom 1% storey home, all conveniences, dou- ble garage, 3 acres good garden soil, some trees, cor- ner property. Highway front- age. Priced at $25,000. Terms. Income Home Large corner lot, brick home, 3 or 4 apartments. Excellent -Prime-- Location. Priced at $36,500. Terms. ~~ Port Perry ' Spacious ' six room brick bungalow, good location. House not quite completed. Vendor anxius to sell. _ Port Perry Older, 4 bedroom 1% storey frame home, very well dec- orated. Garage. Good lange lot, many Shires, priced to Dairy Farm 500 acre Dairy farm, out- Auction Sales AUCTION SALE DATES MAR. 8--Carl Meyers, Zephyr MAR. 10--Jack Crowther, Zephyr MAR, 15 Jack Alleyne, Queensville MAR. 18--John Barnes, Wilfrid MAR. 19--Norm Lotton, Blackwater MAR. 29--Major- Mac Cor- quodale, Blackwater APRIL 5--Harold Jewell, Sunderland APRIL 9--Earl Cook, Blackwater APRIL 10--Hugh Cory, Oakwood APRIL 12--Ray Doble, Cederbrae APRIL 19--Stanley Jewell, Sunderland APRIL 24--Harold Van Camp Sutton '| APRIL 26--Lorne Smallwood, Beaverton MAY 19--Ross Thompson, Uxbridge REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 Prince Albert News On Sunday our guest preacher the Rev. D.H. Wood- house occupied the pulpit. We assume our own minister Rev. A. Rice will be with us next Sunday. Offering gath- ered by Mr. W. Roy Hope and Mr. E. Jewell. Congratulations are in order to our Reeve Mr. E. Oyler who was elected Warden of Ontario County at the recent inaugural session, Wedding bells are ringing in several homes in our midst. It is learned that a lady of our village of a few years ago Mrs, John "Frances" Jack- son of Fairview Lodge passed away at the remarkable age of 104. _ Several folk from our area have and are attending the colourful and magnificent Ice Follies, Toronto. Mrs. Rene Smith, Mrs. Merle Murphy and Alan were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickinson and Judy, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet- man, Scugog Island. The above relatives also called .on the grandmother Mrs. R. Jackson's house. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heayn, and family have joined holi- day guests with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayn, Port Perry..and -also_attended the gathering at her parents Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock had their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt, Oshawa as evening dinner company on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lake and Brenda, Oakwood were with her father Mr. W.E. Martyn on Sunday. His grandson tonsilectomy in Lindsay hosp- ital. standing buildings. Modern dairy equipment and 1921 Ibs. milk contract included. Two sets of buildings, stone home, also brick house, mo- dern conveniences. $320.00. Terms. Highway Farm Going concern, 147 acres, all workable. 70 head Holstein 1,035 1b. milk contract. Good equipment. Modern 8 room home. Good barns, 2 silos. $155,000. Terms. PHONE 985-7386 After hours call: Howard Forder--655-3853 Ken Middleton--985-7548 George Beaton--985-2987 SELLING L © REALESTATE LTO -R1ALTOR GET HIPY/ READ THE WANT ADS 985-7373 'Township, suggested Ralph Lake has undergone a|;" Richard Colwell Flected Potato Growers Pres. The Ontario County Potato Growers met in the Depart- ment of Agriculture & Food Board Room, Uxbridge, for their annual meeting on Tuesday, January 21st, Mr. Richard - Colwell re- ported on the annual Fruit & Vegetable Growers' Confer- ence held in Toronto, Janu- ary 13 - 15, -Excellent infor- mation was presented on the production and marketing of potatoes. At the present time, the seed potato growers in Ontario are not producing sufficient seed for their own use; there is need for more good growers of seed pota- toes in the Province. Potato growers in Ontario should strive to produce a better graded product in more at- tractive packages, and with a better continuity of supply. Most of the Ontario grown potatoes are marketed in the fall of the year. It was also felt that there should be better liaison between Prov- inces in standardizing the. size and kind of packages for the marketing of vegetables. The election of officers & directors for 1969 resulted as follows: Honorary President--Milburn Meek, Sandford President--Richard Colwell, Claremont #1 Vice-Pres.--Albert Hockley, Claremont #1 Sec'y-Treas.--Gordon ~ Rynard, Zephyr Directors-- Murray Crone, Mount Albert #3; Tom Seeley, Uxbridge #2; Bill Lockie, Zephyr; Walter Kerry, d Port Perry #1; Ross Harrison, Mount Albert; Nick Koot, Beaverton #1; George Wiesner, Peffer- law #1; Hans Schmidt, Zephyr #1; Ivan Norton, Goodwood #1; Frank Hendy, Claremont #1; Bert Lockie, Zephyr. Mr. Richard Colwell was elected as delegate for Ont- ario County to the Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Associa- tion, with Murray Crone, as alternate delegate. Special Committees Appointed By Cty. Authorization has been given by Ontario County Council to its county matters committee to review council's special committee structure in an attempt to reduce their personnel. The move came ona motion by Deputy Reeve Robert -Attersley,-- Whitby; following the announcement by Warden Edward Oyler of the personnel of eight special council committees. He objected to the fact that 14 members had been named to the agriculture and reforestation committee, say- ing the mileage and per diem payments to such a large group was 'ridiculous'. He himself was on three commit- ties. Reeve John Dancey, Brock there might be more standing com- mittees as there was much onus on the chairman regard- ing-the - calling of -meetings. Warden Oyler defended his position, saying he had made every effort to be fair and see | that all council members were on at least one special com- mittee. ; The personnel of the spec- ial committees are: Agriculture and Reforesta- tion: Reeve James Murphy, Reeve Abner Powell, Reeve Robert Timbers, Reeve Harvey Westcott, Deputy Reeve James Walton, Deputy Reeve Robert Nesbitt, Reeve Delson Shire, Deputy Reeve Lucille Gray, Deputy Reeve Norman Lyons, Deputy Reeve Grace Love, Deputy Reeve John Doble, Reeve Alvin Redshaw, Reeve LGordon Hanna and Reeve John Dancey, chairman. Entertainment and Special Events: Reeve Robert Tim- bers, chairman; Deputy Reeve 'Bruce Beare, Reeve Robert lespie, Reeve John Howden, Deputy Reeve Mrs. Evelyn Speiran, Reeve Ross A. Muri - son, Reeve Abner Powell, Reeve Alvin Redshaw and Deputy Reeve Douglas Mar- low. Emergency Measures: Dep- uty Reeve A.R. Chatten, chair- man; Deputy Reeve Bruce Beare and Deputy Reeve Don- ald Hall, Labour Relations: Reeve John Williams chairman; Reeve John Howden, Deputy Reeve Wesley Stitt, Reeve Cecil Fralick, Deputy Reeve A.R. Chatten, Deputy Reeve Robert Attersley and Reeve Henry S. Polak, ' Children's Aid Society: 'Deputy ~Reeve Mrs. Evelyn Speiran, chairman; Deputy Reeve Mrs. Mary Reid and Reeve H.S. Polak. ARDA: Deputy Reeve' James Walton, chairman; Reeve John Dancey and Reeve The Hospital Auxiliary be- gan the New Year at the home of the president, Mrs. M. B. Dymond, with 19 ladies in attendance. A word of welcome was expressed by the president. Mrs. G. Bell reported that 25 patients had been visited at Christmas time by Mrs. G. MacDonald and herself. Mrs, D. Crozier, treasurer gave a detailed report about the Christmas doll draw and the proceeds was $503.00. Cards of thanks were read from Mrs. Lorna Dure on be- half of her sister Mrs. Mac- Farlane and from Mrs, Bob Robertson, Burketon Station. The Auxiliary hopes to make a further payment to the Hospital Board in the near future. $5,000.00 re- mains to be paid on pledge of $20,000.00 to the building fund. Money making projects were discussed. Plans for the Spring Fair will be start- ed next month and support Ladies Hospital Auxiliary is essential, The following donationsx are acknowledged: Unit 7 Port Perry UC.W.-- Gifts for Gift Shop Shirley W.I. $11.00 and Gifts Rebekah Lodge-- Gifts for Gift Shop Madeline Cawker -- $2.00 Scugog Grace U.C.W.--$20.00 Rebekah Lodge -- $10.00 Scugog Head U.C.W--$15.00 Blue Ray Chapter -- $5.00 Legion Auxiliary -- $15.00 Senior Citizens -- $10.00 Seagrave U.C.W. -- $10.00 Honeydale W.I. -- $10.00 Caesarea U.C.W. -- $10.00 Prospect UC.W. -- $5.00 Prince Albert U.C.W.--$25.00 Blackstock O.N.O. -- $5.00 Blackstock W.I. -- $5.00 Shirley W.I. -- $10.00 Catholic Women's League --$10.00 Nestleton Presbyterian Ladies Aid -- $5.00 Manchester U.C.W.--$10.00 Blackstock L.O.B.A. -- $5.00 7 " Blackstock A.C.W. -- $5.00 The Annual Vestry Meet- ing of the Church of the Ascension, was held in the Parish Hall on Monday Even- ing, January 27, 1969. The reports from the Rector, Wardens and Organizations were most gratifying. Mrs. J. Allen resigned as Vestry Clerk, after having served in that office for over thirty years. Her successor is Miss Constance Snowdon. The following officers were elected to serve for 1969: Rector's Warden - Mr. Stan- ley Glass. 'People 's Warden - Mr. Hans Kraupa. "Lay delegate to Synod - Mr. Elect 1969 Officers At Vestry Meeting" Stanley Glass. Alternate Delegate - Mr. Walter Sonley. Envelope Secretary - Mrs. D. Murray, Parochial Tribunal - Mr, C.& A. Glass - Mr. H. Buckland, _ Sidesmen - Mr. W.S. Brad - ford, Mr. H. Santer, Mr. A. Allen, Mr. D. Murray, Mr. Ww. Sonley. Advisory Board - Mr. S. Glass, Mr. H. Krupa, Mr." Wy, Sonley, Mrs. A. Garvey, Mrs. -- |'F. Christie, Mrs: R:S:"Mans- field, Mr. E. Oyler, Mr." K. Bateman, Mr. D. Murray. Parish Council - Mr:* S. Glass, Mr. H. Kraupa, Mr. D. Murray, Mr. W. Sonley. 4 James Murphy. Association = of Ontario. Counties: Reeve W.H. Gould. Warden's Advisory Commit- tee: Warden Edward Oyler, chairman; Reeve John How- den, Reeve Robert Kenny, Deputy Reeve Robert Atters- ley, Reeve Gordon Hanna, Reeve W.H. Gould, Reeve H.S: Polak, Reeve John Williams and - Deputy Reeve "AR: Chatten. Honoured _At Showers Prior to her wedding, Karen Kennedy was guest of honou at several miscel- laneous showers. On December 6th a pleas- ant evening was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Earl Geer, when she assisted by. her daughter. and Mrs. Aylmer Ploughman, entertained fam- ily and friends of the bride at a miscellaneous shower. The following evening the Misses Janet, Jeanne and Sandra Tristram assisted by Misses Wendy Harris and Judy Wallace entertained school friends at a miscellan- eous shower in Karen's hon- our, On December 13 an enjoy- able time was spent at the home of Mrs. Rae Webster, when she, assisted by her daughters Barbara and Bren- da entertained once again at a miscellaneous shower, friends of the bride and her mother, ----The- election--of members of its standing committee for Wednesday last week in Ontario ~ County- Council. The personnel of the various standing committees, the chairman being the first named, are: ROADS and BRIDGES -- Reeve John Howden, East Whitby; Reeve Alvin Redshaw, Uxbridge Township; Reeve R.A. Murison,- Pickering -Vil- lage; Reeve Delson Shire, Can- nington and Deputy Reeve Mrs. Evelyn Speiran, Mara Township. COUNTY MATTERS -- Reeve Gordon Hanna, Whitby; Reeve W.H. Gould, Uxbridge Town; Deputy Reeve A.R. Chatten, Pickering Township; Reeve Robert Kenny, Port Perry; Deputy Reeve Douglas Marlow, East Whitby Town- |ship; Deputy Reeve Norman Lyons, Scott Township; Reeve James J. Murphy, Mara Town- ship and Reeve Abner Powell, Rama Township. FINANCE and ASSESSMENT Deputy Reeve Robert Atter- sley, Whitby; Deputy Reeve R.L. Nesbitt, Uxbridge Town- ship; Reeve John Williams, Pickering Township; Deputy Reeve Bruce F. Beare, Port Perry; Reeve Robert Timbers Scott Township; Reeve Cecil Fralick, Scugog "l'ownship and Deputy Reeve John- Doble, Brock Township. the coming --year was held Ontario County Elects Standing Committees -|- HEALTH -- Deputy Reeve Wesley W. Stitt, Rama Township;-.. Reeve Douglas I. Hall, Ux- bridge Town; Deputy Reeve Mrs. Mary Reid, Ajax; Deputy Reeve Mrs. L. Gray, Reach - Township and Deputy Reeve John Walton, Thorah Town- ship. HOMES FOR THE AGED -- Reeve Henry -S. Polak, Ajax; Reeve John Dancey, Brock Township; _ Reeve William Gillespie, Beaverton; Reeve Harvey Westcott, Thorah Township and Deputy Reeve Mrs. = Grace Love, Scugog : Township. To Seek Appeal Pickering Township will carry its appeal against its 1968 equalized county asses- sment to the Supreme Gout of Ontario. The township appealed its assessment last year. The hear- ing was held before His Honor, Judge Alex C. Hall in Decq ember. His Honor dismissed the appeal. Judge Hall held the mug: icipality had not been wrong- fully assessed and that proper assessing methods had been used by thé county assessment department. On Your Paper Deputy -- 8 'R ¥% oY : he? ART LL eT wr EAT Rr aT LP ET TR USN TA a | Cu