" Four infants were baptized at the morning Church Ser- vice last Sunday. They. were Douglas Ray, son of Mr, and *Mrs. Ralph Dusty; Christoph: er Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. . Ross Cookman; Dale Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce + . Leask; Debbra Ann daughter e¢0f Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Don- neral. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Da- vidson of Brooklin 'visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Real en- ® tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman recently. We are sorry to report that | Honeydale > W. i. Although the weather was not very inviting nineteen members, 3 visitors were pre- ent for a very pleasant meet- ing. Treasurer's 'and Secretary's reports accepted as read. Of special note in Convenors re- ports was Mrs. T. Bell, re- minding about Hospital Auxi- liary and a donation to the bake sale, Sat., Jan. 14th. . Mrs. May William gave a good report from the district. South Ont, District annual will take place at Whitby ih May. The Institute is asked to provide three articles for sale and three donations of o baking. Twelve dollars was voted to the boy sponsored at the Orillia Retarded Home. Mrs. Shunk will be asked to look after same. The two day course for *leaders of the 4-H Home. "making 'girls, will take place at Trinity Church Uxbridge, Ont. Monday and Tuesday, Jan, 20, 21. This unit is called the Milkyway. Instead of a Christmas ex- *change, each member is to have ready for Jan. 2nd meet- ing an article for sale in the Tuck Shop of New Hospital. __ Our sincere appreciation to Mrs. H. Phoenix of Green- o bank Institute for a resume --of the short course on veget- ables with a flair. It added more interest in cooking, but how does one get the men folk to eat vegetahles. Mrs. S. Naples and Mrs. F. » Whitfield are preparing an Institute Float for the Santa Claus parade. BRIAN'S *SUPERTEST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK " LUBRICATION EXPERT WHEEL BALANCING PHONE 985 - 2243 REFRESHMENT BOOTH TRAILWAY BUS STOP (Emergency Groceries) 'Greenbarnik EA LET ARS REET J) } eh ve LIS CER TAA ALE A ESA , fe $ Sg he Ld AAA) rN RI FA Th SP 4 180 TAY AlN SAG TT Miss Hattie Whalen is is a pa- tient in Oshawa Hospital, =~ Michael - Heron of Wick holidaying with his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Ian- son last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Southern, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Bayliss, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Taylor attended the Port Perry Community Hos- pital Christmas party held in News Blackstock Hall. ; 'The Women's Instituté an. nual Christmas Party will be held in Centennial Hall on HA. EZ Johnson "OPTOMETRIST 229 MARY STREET 985-2383 Dec. 18th, Each member to bring their husband or a friend.- Mr. Bernard Gashler from Red Deer, Alta, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Beaton over the week-end. Mr. Gashler is convalescing from surgery at the Shouldice Clinic in Toronto and is re- turning home this week. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur 'Stev- 'ens of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Armour PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Dec. 12, 1968..-- 5 McMillan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, 'Murray Gib- son and boys of Port Perry visiting with Mrs. Robt. Leask on Sunday. v Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baird attended the church service at Pinedale Sunday after- noon. Their grandson Brent Cecil Snoddon was baptised. At the euchre in the hall last Friday night the ladies prizes went to Mrs, Ed Bain| and Mrs. Fred Phoenix, The men's prizes went to Wm. Carnegie and Frank Lee and the door prize to Mrs, Evelyn Tait, The next euchre is to be on Dec. 20th. FARMS "WANTED 985-7373 Wir FRESH 'SHOULDER SHANKLESS PICNICS 53 FRESH LEAN PORK BUTTS LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS FRESH SIDE SPARE RIBS WIENERS MAPLE LEAF or SWIFT PREMIUM Ib. Pkg. 49: Ib. 63 b. 7 3¢ n. OO CLARKS FANCY Oulstanding Food Vales TOMATO JUICE 2 19 OZ. TIN 33 NATURES BEST WHOLE KERNEL CHOICE CORN ~~ 24-31 STANT COFFEE 273 _ALCAN FOIL WRAP w 2s wma 71: CLARKS FANCY TOMATO JUIGE 25 48+~0Z. TINS 7 3 LYONS DISCOUNT TEA BAGS 69c Special 100's 63 DEL MONTE CHOICE PEACHES sticed or matves 19 OZ. TIN 35 BETTY CROCKER WHITE or CHOC. CAKE MIXES " Save 10c 39° MAPLE LEAF or BROOKFIELD Sausage Meat » 41 COKE, SPRITE & FANTA ; Pop 6 for 99¢ plus deposit WESTON Cheese - ettes 33 FRESHMEEAN * Ground Beef .%;. . 49¢ $4.50 HOMEMADE S| SAUSAGE 3 »- 1.00 Order Your Holiday Hams And Poultry Now For Best Selection BREAD HILLCREST or BUTTERMATE 4ROSS & MARG'S 4:99: HILLCREST MARGERINE 2 ror B1° SEACLIFF 2 WHITE POTATO ron 43° MIRACLE WHIP 45° Salad Dressing 16 oz. MILLIONAIRE SARDINES is JO BRAVO 29° TOMATO SAUCE 4 Ib. PAIL HONEY ameer or wire 35 . ICE--Block & Cube FREE DRAW with Every $5.00 Order or Over on $5.00 Worth of Groceries. FREE DELIVERY THE IF ORDERS_RECEIVED PHONE 985-2492 SAME DAY BY 11 AM. STORE HOURS Mon. - Wed. - Fri. 8:30 am. - 9:00 p.m. Tues. 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Thurs. & Sat. 8:30 am. - 6:00 p.m.