a Me Ew Boyden Sweet Clipper Shorthorn female, Royal Winter Fair, 2nd, reserve grand champion for Boyden Farms, Unionville, Ont. From right: Paul Webb, Mrs: J. Elliott; Judge Jas. Biggar; Ontario Lassie Queen, Jane Ruth; Alternate, Lynn Edwards; Dunc. McTavish, of Carlan Farms, Port Perry, ne w owners of the champion. The sale of yearbook sub- scriptions began on Monday, Dec. 9th, by this year's editor Elizabeth Nodwell Grade 12. "The week of Dec. 9-14 is i) Church Services "CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Minlster SUNDAY, DEC. 15th-- ADVENT III 9:45 a.m.--Lessons& Carols. Dedication of Window ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, DEC. 15th-- ADVENT OI 11:15 a.m.--Lessons & Carols PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec. Rice, B.A. Minister SUNDAY, DEC. 15th-- PORT PERRY 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School HILLTOP HERALD "Candid Camera" week and all students are encouraged to bring their cameras to take pictures to be entered in the yearbook and the candid camera contest. A prize of $5,00 will be award. 'ed to the student who wins this contest and $1.00 prizes to the runners-up. On Friday, Dec. 6th, the Port High basketball teams hosted Uxbridge. All three 'teams played good games and the scores were as follows: Sr. Girls: Port 20, Uxbridge 27; Jr. Girls: Port Perry 26, Uxbridge 11; Bantam Boys: Port Perry 54, Uxbridge 20. Jim Zute was top scorer with a total of 16 points. Both the Christmas Assem- bly and Dance will be held on Friday, 13th. Doors will be open at 8:15 for the dance and all students are welcome to attend. singing the Ode, the Collect 'men's Institute at the:Com- Blacksto 'The December meeting of Blackstock Women's Institute took place in the Township Hall Dec. 4th at 8.15 p.m. with the president Mrs. H. Bailey in the chair. After was read in unison. Minutes were read and appoved. The correspondence consisted of a letter from the Golden Plow Lodge and Thank You notes from some of the grade 9 and 10 students who had received prizes from the Wao- mencement. - The Treasurer's ck W.IL demonstrated their skirts with Leanne Dorrell giving the commentary, Mrs. Short- ridge thanked the girls for coming and Mrs. R. Larmer thanked the W.L. for the books provided for the girls. Mrs. W. Hopps supplied Christmas music and all join- ed in the singing of the Carols. The singing of God Save the Queen brought the meeting to a close. The group served a dainty lunch and a social time was enjoy- ed. Attendance 21 members and one visitor. § report was given by Mrs. Percy Van Camp. Roll call was answered by a gift for the Children's Aid. Check The Label On Your Paper Port ny poe: News Minutes of a Regular Meet- ing of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Municipal Office on Tuesday, December 3rd. Boxing Day, December 26, 1968 was proclaimed a legal holiday. in' the Village of Port Perry. The following remunera- tions were paid for election services: Deputy Returning Officers ............ $20.00 Poll Clerks ................ $15.00 Polling Booths ........ $20.00 The following Statement of Accounts was authorized for payment:-- Gen. Dept. ...... $101,365.67 Street Maint. .. 330.36. Prop. & Parks 53.49 'Relief Dept. .... 305.00 Truck & Tractor Dept. .......... 247.93 Water. Dept. .... 1,093:33 $103,395.78 Council received two tend- SRF "On September 17, 1968, our Mr, J. Clarke made a rou- tine inspection to the water- works serving the Village of Port Perry. A report on the® operation of the water works has 'been appended to this letter." A review of the operation of this water works indicates that conditions are generally satisfactory, although the number of bacterial samples being collected has not been adequate. [ 3 The enclosed report makes one recommendation regard- ing improvement in the bac- erial sampling programme. We trust that steps will be taken to ensure that an ade- quate number of bacterial samples are collected." On motion meeting adjour- ned. The next regular meet- ing to be held Dec. 18, 1968. ers for fuel oil from Reesor Fuel and Lumber and Ray Birkett and the following Re- solution was passed. "That the tender for fuel oil & stove oil of Ray Birkett at the contract price be ac- cepted for a period of two years commencing on the 15 Dec., 1968. The members of the Port Perry Fire Department were covered to.the $7,000. maxi- mum through the Workmen's Compensation Board. The permits were issued: Mrs. Adams Lot 20 & 26 Ella St., staircase & ceilings & Sweet- following building GETHIPY °° READ THE VAT; ADS man Motors Lot 94 Water St.| Chrysler Sign. Letter from O.W.R.C. dated November 22, 1968 Re: Vill-|- age of Port Perry Water Supply. Mrs. H. Shortridge had charge of the programme. Mrs. S. Van Camp gave the reply to the Motto "It is more Blessed to give than Receive. =~ Mrs. Ralph Larmer, one of the leaders in 4-H work told of their work and 8 of her 17 girls who had finished the course "Working with Wool" for children 6 yrs. & up 11.00 a.m.--5 yrs. and under 11.00 a.m.--Church Service PRINCE ALBERT 1.00 p.m.--Sunday School 2.00 p.m.--Church Service ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, DEC. 15th-- 10.00 a.m.--Worship Service 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School BAPTIST CHURCH PORT PERRY PASTOR A. HERN (Queen and Rosa Sts.) SUNDAY, DEC. 15th-- 9:50 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE 'Rev. George. Teskey SUNDAY, DEC. 15th-- White Gift Sunday . 10.00 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.15 a.m. --MANCHESTER 12.30 p.m --PROSPECT a PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. |. MacLean 10 am.-- Family Bible Hour 11 a.m.--Morning. Worship 7 p.m.--Evang. Service. ASHBURN. NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. Basset, of Sanctuary, Sask.; were visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw during the week. } Mrs. Mabel Taylor, of Guelph;- spent- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gard- ner. Mrs. Russell Batten, Mrs. Alfred Fisher and daughter Miss Margaret Fisher motor- ed to Flint, Michigan for the week-end. Mrs. M. Sparks"/left on Monday to spend the winter months with her daughter and family at Guelph, The Christmas Tree and Concert will be held in the Sunday School Hall on Mon- day evening, Dec. 23rd at 8 o'clock. Not many folk turned out to the Euchre party at the Centre on Friday, Dec. 6th-- so cee you in the New Year. Anyone wishing to pur- ahase an Xmas Tree--contact a member of the Community Centre: Mrs. John Hopkins, Mrs. Frank Gardner, Mr. Grant Parrott, Mr. Lambert Kroes or Mr. Frank Thomp- son. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of the president Mrs. F. Daw on Wed., Dec. 4th at 8:15 p.m. The secretary and treasur- er-gave reports of -the activi- ties and money received dur- ing the year. Mrs. M. Agar read a most interesting Christmas story. Rev. W. Black presided for the installation of officers. President -- Mrs. Edgar Heron; Vice-President--Mrs. Douglas Ashton; Secretary-- Mrs. Lindsay Death; Treas- urer--Mrs. H. Ashton; Pian- ist -- Mrs. N. J. Anderson; Supply Sec'y--Mrs. W. Gard- ner; Glad Tidings Sec'y -- Mrs. F. Lynde; Home Help- ers Sec"y--Mrs. H. Schnabel; Friendship and Service Sec'y --Mrs. H. Doble; Explorer leader--Mrs. G.: Emm; C.G. LT. leader--Mrs. Grant Par- rott, | FABERGE Perfumes, Colognes and Gift Sets $1.50 to $14.50 BRUT for Men Toiletries and Gift Sets $1.00 to $14.50 LONDON Brand Billfolds ' $2.50 to $10.00 See our display of Dresser. Sets, Cameras Hair Dryers and other Gift Merchandise. DU BARRY 4 and SEVEN WINDS Gift Cosmetic Items - $1.50 to $10.00 "BACHELOR Mens Gift Sets $1.00 to $4.50 Hn ---------- GIFT CHOCOLATES NEILSON'S 1b. $1.50 to $2.25 21h. 3.00 & 3.25 BLACK MAGIC $2.25 & $5.00 WHITMAN'S SAMPLER . $2.25 FRESH PACK $1.10 & $2.69 LAWRENCE'S | MART CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS GUIDE Colognes, Bath Powders and Gift Sets $1.00 to $6.50 oLD SPICE Toiletries for Men i $1.00 to $14.00 Gift Boxes of STATIONERY 79c to $3.00 COUTTS CHRISTMAS CARDYY in boxes (I BUY --- SELL REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR LAWRENCE PHARMACY Dial 985-2231 -- Port Perry ip 985-7373 | | | 3 | ! {