Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Nov 1968, p. 1

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mae, 3 " Harry Phoenix, Greenbank, « member of the Ont. County District High School Board since 1964 will be a candi- date for the nomination of one representative for Reach Township, Brock Township and the Village of Canning- ton to serve as member of the Ontario County Division Board. ; Mr. Phoenix has :shown a great deal of interest in municipal affairs and has been a member of Port Perry Community Memorial Hospi- tal since 1959, and its chair. man since 1962. "He served several years on Reach Township in the capa- city of councillor and deputy- reeve, and as such automati- cally became a member of Ontario County Council. During the last 10 months, Mr. Phoenix has been vice chairman of the Ontario County Interim Board, assist- ing in the study of the edu- cational system for the pur- + pose of making recommenda. tions to the new board. * * * A- second resident of Greenbank, Mr. Reg. Foster also intends to accept nom. ination for the one position representing. Reach & Brock "Townships and the Village of Cannington to serve. on the new Board. Mr. Foster has been a mem- ber of Ontario County Dist- # riet High School Board for . Two Greenbank Residents 'Seek Seat On School Bd. eight years, the last year as chairman. Nomination will take place in the Township Hall, Man- chester, Monday, Nov. 18th between 8 and 9 p.m. Richard Ballard, past presi- dent of "r place" a 'local teenage group, met with rep- resentatives of Central Seven Association for the Mentally Retarded and the Hospital Building Fund in the Star office Friday last week. The occasion was the presentation of, two generous donations from "r-place'-for-the-two organizations in the amount of $250. each. In 'the top picture Storey Beare receives a cheque on behalf of the Hospital Building Fund from Richard Ballard, while hospital administrator {B. H..-Bohan is looking on: Wm. Bradford, public school principal, in the bottom picture receives the cheque i | on behalf of the Central Seven Association for the Mentally Retarded. The monies donated are the major portion of proceeds from dances held on three Fridays every month during the past year. No Amrests Yet The theft of $5,100. and Chinese jewellery worth $2,300. reported last week is still under investigation by the Whitby Detachment of O.P.P.,, however, so far no arrests have been made. New Tank Trucks Needed In Reach, Scugog Twps. Port Perry Council at the last meeting received a letter from the local Fire Department requesting the council to forward a letter to Reach Township inform- ing the council that a new tank truck is needed to ser- vice the area. Collect $210. For UNICEF The 14 members of the Port Perry and Prince Albert United . Church - Canadian Girls in Training who recent- ly walked from Port Perry to - Blackstock in aid of UNICEF collected $210. from their sponsors. The distance was over 14 miles, and not a single girl dropped out during the walk. "Well done, girls! This brings the total collections this year to well over $600. for this area, The letter further states, the present truck is no long- er safe to drive, is beyond repair and the tank is leak- ing. If and when Reach pur- chase a new truck, members of the Fire Department would appreciate being con- tacted, so they may aid in choosing the proper tanker and equipment. The letter also, suggests that a similar request be sent to Scugog Township, since a new tank truck is also badly needed for the service in that municipality. Port Perry Council agreed to forward these requests to the two townships, and also suggested that all parties concerned meet at a later date. There were 4,611 new cases of tuberculosis reported in Canada in 1967. There were also 826 relapses. Both figures were higher than in 1966. | position of reeve v Volume 104 PORT PERRY, ONT. THURSDAY, NOV., 14th, 1968 Nunes 6 Will Accept Nomination For Reeve J. J. Gibson, It is shaping up to at least a two-way battle for the in Port Perry at this year's election. The present reeve J. J. Gibson told the Star Tuesday, he was definitely accepting nomination on Thursday, Nov. 21st. Mr. Gibson has held this position well over a decade. A second candidate is Robert Kenny, who also told the Star he would accept no- mination for the position of reeve. Mr. Kenny has been a member of council for many years. The present deputy-reeve, Bruce Beare, was undecided, 'but indicated he would prob- ably seek a second term as deputy-reeve. Councillor Phil Orde, said he was definitely going to accept nomination but he was not too sure which posi- tion he would seek. The third councillor, Irv- ing Boyd has moved to Ajax, and will not be eligible for election to council. This means a vacant seat, and ad- ditional nominations will be required to fill this position. Nomination meeting will be held in the Court Room of the Municipal Building, Thursday, Nov. 21, between| 7.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. Hearing Open To Residents According to Mr. John F. Raines, clerk-treasurer, the hearing called by Ontario Municipal Board in regard to the proposed sewage works programme is open to the general public. The meeting will be held in the Court Room of the Municipal Building on Tues- day, Nov. 26th at 10 a.m: Representation will be pre- sent for the Municipal Board, Ontario Water Resources Commission and Canadian Mitchell Associates. Any interested person may attend the hearing to speak in support of, or against the proposal. R. Kenny In <4 The Contest Mrs.R.Heayn 99 Years Oi The Star joins relatives & friends of Mrs. Robert Heayn and extends congratulations on the occasion of her 99th birthday. In spite of her age, Mrs. Heayn enjoys good health, and now and then still at. tempts the art of knitting. She was born near Sea- grave on November 10. 1869, and attended school there. She marriéd Mr. Robert Heayn, Prince Albert, Sept. 2, 1890, who predeaced her in 1940, and of seven child- ren born to them, two are still alive, Cecil and Norm Heayn, both residents of Port Perry. Sunday, Mrs. Heayn was Fonoured at the home of her son Norm on Queen Street where members of the family and a few friends gathered to observe the occasion. Hospital Report Week Ending November 9th Admissions 19 Operations 10 Emergency Treatments .... 27 Births Deaths ........................ Discharges ... Remaining Visiting Hours -- 2 to 8 p.m. Maternity Hours 3 to 8 p.m. Legionaires Honour Comrades Fallen In Two World Wars The annual Remembrance Day Dinner of Branch 419, Royal Canadian Legion which was held in the Legion Hall, Port Perry on Saturday ev- ening, November 9th, with the smallest attendance wit- nessed locally. About fifty of the local veterans were on hand for this annual dinner, a disap- pointing attendance, especi- ally for the officers who worked so had to make this dinner a success, and al<o to the ladies auxiliary who had prepared 'dinner for a much larger gathering. John Maw, Zone. Comman- der of Zone "F1" acted as chairman and introduced tiie head table guests. He called upon Bill Newman M.P.P. for Ontario South to lead in a toast to the Queen. Rev. R. C. Rose, Branch Padre said Grace. Among the guests at the| head table were Deputy Dist- rict Commander Eric Hoog and his wife; Bill Newman, M.P.P. for Ontario South; Rev. R. C. Rose, Branch Padre; Reeve J. J. Gibson; Herbert Buckland; Past Pre- sident Ed. Mulholland and his wife; the guest speaker, and local branch officers. Chairman John Maw thank- ed Fred Fraser of Peel Hard- ware for his Remebrance display in his store window and Norm Middleton for the loan of the firearms for this display. Reeve J. J. Gibson thanked the Legion for the invitation to be precent at this dinner. He said he was disappointed to see so many empty chairs. Bill Newman, M.P.P. brought greetings from the Province and from the Prime (Continued on Page 13) re KAS % <

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