-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 26th, 1968 poe & Forest Minister Announces Deer Season The Honourable Rene Bru- nelle, Minister of Lands and Forests, has announced the) - 1968 deer seasons jn Ontario. Most seasons are similar to those in 1967, The major exceptions are Manitoulin Is- land, where the season has been opened two weeks later than other areas, and the eastern part of the Fort Frances - Rany River Dist- rict where the season has been extended to coincide with most of the rest of north-western Ontario. November 4 to November 16, 1968 All of northeastern Ont- _ ario including the Territorial Districts of Cochrane, Algo- ma (including St. Joseph's Island where no dogs are al- lowed), Timiskaming, Sud- bury and Nipissing, Manitou- lin except the islands), Parry Sound and Muskoka UXBRIDGE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPT. 26-27-28 "WHO'S MINDING THE MINT?" Starring -- Jim Hutton, Milton Berle, Walter Brennen -- ALSO -- .. "ROAD TO NASHVILLE" 60 Country Music Stars -- Johnny Cash, P. Wagoner (except) Townships of Wood and Medora); Counties of Renfrew, Haliburton and Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox- Addington, Hastings and Peterborough north of High- ways 7 and 43; Townships of Sommerville and Longford and those parts of the Town- ships of Dalton, Laxton and Digby lying north of the Monk Road in Victoria County; and the Townships of Rama and Mara in Ontario County. (Shotguns only are permitted in the Townships of Inisfil, Duroro and Smith in Peterborough County). This area includes the main eastern deer range (ex- cept Manitoulin Island) where two-week deer seasons have been in effect in recent years. November 4 to November 9, 1968 This area Bruce Peninsula, includes the Peterbor- ROXY THEATRE 852-6033 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30, Oct. 1-2 "PORTURE GARDEN" Starring -- Jack Palance, Burgess Meridith -- ALSO -- " IN COLD BLOOD" -----Starring -- Robert Blake, Scott Wilson Recommended as Adult Entertainment. 7:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. re 0AQ 0 | (e214 SialeRiglcXelelgalsIg=1alo you've got a quart of the purest at your store. Al last the purest, most convenient. and economical 3 quart _ mk package ever avadable to Canadian housewives. The new 100% hygienic poly-bag concept from Ideal Dairy and DuPont of Canada Keeps mk fresh longer. Ehminafes washing storing. and returning jugs - It's disposable So easy 10 use, s0 healthy for your famdy. Get aquanted with this new packaging concept Ask for and enjoy Pitcher Pak. 10 your door. of IDEAL DAIRY PRODUCTS LTD.. OSHAWA, ONTARIO NOW AVAILABLE IN PORT PERRY | Lacrosse League, ough County south of No. 7 Highway (shotguns only in Townships of Asphodel, North Monaghan and Otona- bee), the parts of Frontenac, Hastings, and Lennox-Adding- ton lying between Highways 7 and 401, Lanark County south of Highways 7 and 43, Leeds & Grenville Counties, and Carleton County west of the 'Rideau River, . ARCHERY SEASONS. The following archery have been established prior to re- gular gun seasons to allow archers wearing camouflage clothing to stalk deer safely. October 21 to November 2, 1968 : The islands of the Terri- torial District of Manitoulin (except Cockburn and Philip Edward Islands); the G. How- ard Ferguson Forest Tree Nursery in the Township of Oxford, Grenville County, and the Township of St. Edmunds in Bruce County. - No dogs are allowéd dur- ing any of the above archery seasons. November 4 to November 9, 1968 The parts of the Counties of Hastings, Lennox-Adding- ton and Frontenac lying south 'of Highway 401 but excluding the islands in Lake Ontario. Deer seasons for southern agricultural areas will be re- commended at a later date when all field reports have been received. : 1968 PHEASANT SEASONS October 16 to November 2, 1968 } The Counties of Peel and York, except the Townships of Georgina and North Gwil- limbury; the Townships of Adjala, Tecumseth, and West Gwillimbury inthe County of Simcoe; & the Townships of East Whitby, Pickering, Scott, Uxbridge and Whitby in the County of Ontario. Bag Limit--three birds per day, not more than one of which shall be a hen. Arena Board Continued to have Mrs. Carl Luke oper- ate the canteen and assist with the cleaning ona 30 week basis only. 'By avoiding the expense of paying wages during summer months" when there is no artificial ice the Board be- lieve that substantial savings in the overall operation can be made. It was proposed that spe- cial rentals, such as the home show and the auto show, held during the off-season period between May and October, |can be handled by hiring casual help. The apportionment of ice time rentals to the many or- - | ganizations requesting time 'was_completed by the Board and the new season ice sche- dule will now be drawn up. Requests for off season rentals from the Cresswick the Port Perry Automobile Dealers' Association and Radio Station CF.G.M. were dealt with. Mr. Milton (Bud) Heard was appointed property con- venor, Mr. Carl Luke was appointed program convenor, and Mr. Blake Gunter was by the board.' Arrangements with Vickery Electric, Whitby, for the re. placement of the main switch control for, the ice- plant, are td be completed by chairman Vin Walker. 'at Durham College is 5,100 Gail Snoddon, Blackwater In Holstein Heifer Contest On Wednesday, September 18th, the East Central Ont- ario 4-H Calf Club Champion- ship Show was held at the Lindsay . Central Exhibition. This competition is open to the counties of Northumber- land, Peterborough, Durham, Ontario, Victoria and Hali- burton, and the District of Muskoka, Ontario County had 22 com- champion went to Ronald Nobbs, Little Britain, #3, and Marion Couperthwaite, Uxbridge, #3 respectively. Earl Phoenix, Greenbank, of the Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club, was declared -Champion 4-H dairy show- man. - He won the Crest Hardware Trophy plus a $15. cash prize. Gail Snoddon, "Blackwater, #1, also placed in the first prize group of showmen, A senior Hereford heifer, shown by Karen Andersen, Beaverton, #1, placed second in a large class. Miss Judy Strachan, Udney #1, and Wayne McGillivray, Orillia, #5, each received $5. from Mr. Grant Benson, Hon- orary President of Lindsay Central Exhibition; for their respective placings of 6th & 7th in the Beef Showmanship Class. : The awards were all made at a banquet following the showing. This banquet was sponsored by the Canada De. partment of Agriculture. petitors in this competition. In a class of thirty Senior Holstein heifers Ontario County took six of the fir<t seven placings. These exhi- bitors, in order of standing, were: 1st--@Gail Snoddon, Blackwater, #1 2nd--Paul Haddon, Blackwater, #1 3rd--Robert Smith Port Perry, #2 4th--Susan Miller, Sunderland, #1 6th--Murray Stone, Blackwater, #2 7th--Earl Phoenix, Greenbank. These six competitors then went on to win the first two placings in the group of 3 section. Susan . Miller, Gail Snoddon and Paul Hadden were the champion group. For their efforts, they re- ceived the Lindsay Cleaners' Trophy. The reserve cham- pion-group went to Robert Smith, Murray Stone, and Earl Phoenix. ~In the Junior Dairy Heifer Section, which consists of Jerseys, Guernseys, Ayrshires the champion and reserve, 430 Students At Durham College Enrolment at Durham Col- lege of Applied Arts and Te- chnology has stabilized with 430 students now attending classes. Herbert Kirkonnell, regis- trar, said the figure, an in- crease of 10. from the first day of classes, represented a number of late starters. Col- lege authorities have now abandoned hopes of reaching the target of 500 students for the fall term. Mr. Kirkonnell said next year's target would be de- cided upon in the next id months. The long range objective students by the year 1975. CONTRACT AWARDED Tripp Construction Limited Port Perry, has been award- ed a $60,000 contract by Pet- erborough city council for sewers and roads in the Valleyview = Drive area of Parkhill Road, Peterborough. appointed finance convenor : ing |. -- Christmas Travel.... Call Us! Triad Travel HAgeney 8 Brock St. Uxbridge --~Napanee, Holstein - Friesian Team Visits Ontario Cty. Farm Roybrook Holsteins; owned by F. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin were signally honoured on Friday, Sept. 20th, by a visit of some 70 delegates and their wives: to the Second World Conference of (Hol- stein) Friesian Associations in Harrisburg, Pa. These people represented some 17 'countries and were in Can- ada Sept. 20 and 21st prior to attending the Conference. Other visits made in the area were to Romandale Farms Ltd., Unionville, Oak Ridges Farms Ltd., Oakridges and Central Ontario Cattle Breed- ing Associations, Maple. In the evening the Ontario Gov- ernment tendered a dinner in honour of the delegates at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto. Canadian delegates to the Conference were: the following officers of the Hol- stein Friesian Association of Canada: Harold McCaul of President; Hardy Shore, Glamon, Past Presi- George Clemons, Brantford. Official guide for the tour in East-Central Ontario was Fieldman, G. E. Nelson, Port Perry. The second day of the tour in Canada included visits to Opache Farm, Brampton, Spring Farms, Streetsville, Dunlea Farm, Jerseyville, prior to a sight seeing tour of Niagara Falls from whence the group left for the Conference site on Sunday, Sept. 22. The Con- ference proper was held on Monday and Tuesday of this week in Harrisburg at which papers were presented by the various leading member Countries on topics of mutual' interest to all (Holstein) Frie- sian Societies throughout the World..and United States and-- Canadian Associations - were co-hosts of this Confer- ence, the first in North Am- erica. The first World Con- ference was held in; the Ne- therlands, the country of the origin of the Friesian breed in 1964. dent and Secretary-Manager I -- Sr LI a Sa > pr Natl supplemented. 852.6073 CO-OP TOPICS by Don Rixon UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LET CO-OP. FEED ADD NEW LIFE TO FALL PASTURE * Fall pasture does not possess the high food value of Spring pasture. There- fore, to maintein an optimum level of milk production this forage must be YBy switching your herd to the CO-OP ( Winter Feeding Program mow you will provide all the additional nut- r'ents needed to prevent a Fall milk production slump, - This year, add new life to your fall | pasture, supplement it with CO-OP 16% Dairy Ration . . . backed by CO-OP Feed Research. United Co-operatives of Ontario oa ZX) 4a developed and UXBRIDGE U.C.O. BRANCH) Port Perry IE. 8-4130 Q