NERA E25 Ee" ig LARA rien SOA AN EY HE Ca Rh ARR IATIOM AR ERASER Mess oku deradeani , PEN IAMDRE SAW SF ATL) DEPT 3 i acre 5 3 nr PONE ER ERR OAS time for nominations, ete. & to provide for Biennial Elec- tions. Resolution was passed to per hr. to $2.25 per hr. By-law 1275 --Re Licen; cing of Trailer Camps. ByLaw 1276--Re Licencing 20 - ne PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 26, 1968; From the County of Ont ario re the election of mem- bers for Ontario County School Division -- 1 member $1,254.26; Gen. -- $2,584.90. County Levy--$10,000.00, To- tal--$13,839.16. The following By - Laws| 'ROUND THE has fifty are enrolled in the two- year program. COMMERCIAL SITES L REAL ESTATE LTO REALTOR 985-7373 'Scugog Council News All members of the Scugog Council were present at the meetings held on Sept. 3rd and 9th. Mr. A. C. Crowell of Pine - Point came before council re| the opening of Con. 12E. Road to his property SE, cor. lot 10, Con. 12, also the matter of establishing a "Marina" at this location. Letters were received from the County Health Unit re lots 6 - 12 inclusive. Plan M.-76, filling of lots approved From the Dept. of Mun. Affairs: First instalment of / Residential, Property tax : grant -- $14,500.00. | THIS WE for (Port Perry, Scugog and East Whitby). of Trailers not in a Trailer retain $200.00 to R. and H, C. Paylist approved: Roads-- were passed: By-Law 1274--To increase Rd. Supt. Salary from $1.90 Camp, By-Law 1277--To fix the Rd. Fralick held -re Subdivision ¢ CRISCO | Shortening 39¢ FEATURE!--Mother Jackson's--Bonus Pack JIFFY PIE CRUST. ma 39¢ REG. $1.89 VALUE! -- Chase & Sanborn 30c OFF PACK 10-0z. jar INSTANT COFFEE $1.39 EK ONLY! | "Countryside" ENGLISH DINNERWARE Unlimited Quantities ll this S ecial ahd Supreme SWEET GREEN PEAS 2-lb. bag 53¢ t 4 MILD CURED -- SWEET PICKLED -- Well Trimmed -- Tender FREEZER FILLER SPECIALLY SELECTED -- VALUE CHECK'D -- BRANDED BLADE ROAST YOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM AND PRICE -- LEAN -- TENDER SHORT RIB ROASTS IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAVES OR BURGER GROUND BEEF CHUCK Ib. 69: "C" CRYOVAC HALF BURNS COTTAGE ROLLS Ih. 65: Swift's Brookfield Skinless Sausage + 5 2 4) 8 Ibs. for $7.99 4 Ibs. for $2.99 JUICY RIB STEAKS SPECIALS!BONELESS STEWING BEEF " RED OR BLUE BRAND Ib. 55¢| Ib. 59: ONE WITH EVERY #3 PURCHASE 4 NO LIMITS . NO COUPONS DESSERT DISHES ' # (New) Milk in a Bag 2% GUERNSEY GOLD .. HOMO . 3 gts. ' 69c. TI LL LLL LLL LL IIIT YY DOWSON'S Thursday Nite-6 p.m.-9 p.m. SPECIAL White Sugar 5:38 02 ne 8 ats the. GRACDIPIPERS FREE PARKING. | THURS. & FRI. Night Till 9p.m. Mrs. Marie Monahan of Seagrave, Ont. and Mrs. May Swash of Port Perry, Ont. Buy-of-the-Week attended the Ladies Auxili- Vinegar or ary 33rd convention of the| 3 Regular - Royal Canadian Legion, held MAD HATTER 3 at the Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 16th to POTATO 19th as delegates from| -- , branch 419, Port Perry, Ont. CHIPS Mrs. Glenn Moase has re- --t HER cently returned from a § 69¢ Value week vacation in Holland. 11-0z. Foll Bag she visited with her sister in - Den Haag, a brother in the : south of Holland and rela- 3 ¢--4 tives who live near the sea. Mrs. Moase ahd her brother Stock up & Save! also had a sight seeing tour i Sl by car through Belgium. | prop gyyt -- Save 45c! -- FRESH PACK 1l-oz bils. | BEST BUY! -- Save Biel. TY 14-0. tins Boy Scout paper drive last ] 6 Save 18c! Saturday again was very HEINZ. Tomato KETCHUP 5 for s] YORK BRAND BEANS w WITH PORK for s1 ROYALE well worth while when more| BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! -- STRAWBERRY or BEST BUY! -- Save 29c! -- HOUSEHOLD than 14 tons of paper was| RASPBERRY with pectin 24-0z, jars [FANCY QUALITY _. 48-0z. tins T oO WwW E L S collected. 2 . I; . 3 i | . y or $ rus 1, u| WAGSTAFFE JAMS 2us] Libby's. Tomato Juice 3es1| uu ua Penatang attending a Board ' Ye : ; ! tp 2 { or $1 of Review esting START Flavour Crystals 5s] |SCOTTISSUE Bathoom Tissue 8 wis] Dr. M. B. ond -- } Dym Save 32¢! -- Plain 8-0z. pkgs. Save 1l¢! -- Pieces and Stems . Save 23c!--Ready-to-Serve 10-0z. pkgs. To Formally Open|| PEEK FREAN ¢ Leaver Brand oh QUAKER 3 School Of Nursing 4: 1 h +3 OATMEA 1 { 0 0 The Hon, Matthew Dymond B | SC U ITS R Mus rooms. T o : R Minister of Health for Ont- i 10-0z. tins : Regular Ee n' Spice : new ey the ! i Feature! Pint Bricks | SAVE fc! -- - Ontario's Golden Halves 10 tins Vadis School of Nursing on SUNSPUN ICE CREAM 4 for $1 cu LY ERHOUSE P EACHE S 2 for 69c. Wednesday, October 2nd,| Save 17c! -- Red & Wh 3-0z. pkgs. E 10c! -0Z. 8 1968 at 8.00 p.m. JELLY POWDERS 10 for $1 IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 89c¢ . The building, though sim-| Feature! -- Sliced 24.02. loaves | mee------------------------ i es Cotems | Rod White. BREAD 3 TOF 65¢ | WEALYH AND BERUYY FERRE] fom bi domi, end provides dese. | Rog, Dic Voter ASLolt poe 1, RENE pkg. STAINLESS STEEL BLADES 2 pkgs. $1 © SUNSHINE FRESH. room, library and lounge Za. AJAX 2 Laundry Detergent 1% | Reg .0z. size FRUIT & VEGETABLES 1 STties, 8 oll 48 Offlyss ne Yor. HOICE DOG FO os" ke GILLETTE F FOAMY MENTHOL 79% | . "administrative space: e g. $1.39! -- 5.0z. size : judicious use of wood and T GP Ck ol OLR or Hom 9¢ RIGHT GUARD Deodorant 99¢ luc Gi ONTARIOGROWN. #1 : !-- minine Napkins P friendly atmosphere. fo the PRESTIGE Furniture Wax 69c MODES -- 126 0 2 pgs. 89¢ Blue Grapes 4b 99 sey students currently en- PUSS 'N' BOOTS » 5 for 89¢ Be hi -- 0 Ta Towels 2 pkgs. $1 ALL PURPOSE #1 rolled. : -- y oo. } Special 59¢! -- Giant Quo Vadis is unique among | SAVE 11¢! -- CREAM OF MUSHROOM-- CLEEM TOOTH PASTE 2 tubes $1 Yellow Onions 3-Ib. bag 29¢ k schools of nursing in that it | CHICKEN NOODLE 10-0z. tins Special 79¢! -- 6-0z. size is wn gpeesy oe HEINZ SOU PS 6 for $1 SCOPE MOUTHWASH 59¢ MILD, SWEET #1 BE eparation of the adult stu- between the ages of thirty & old South ORANGE JUICE, 12-02. 2 tins 77¢